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Forward Ho! (D13 EM)

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 10:48 pm
by Ch’chit T’kkiri
At first light Brave-Warrior-of-Black-Moonset walked the short distance towards the Nezumi camp. He came out in the open, not trying to surprise any of them or concern them in their beleaguered state. As he approached he looked for who was in charge... to see what could be done to help them.

Re: Forward Ho! (D13 EM)

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 11:55 pm
by Canary
The rats are wary, guarded... And exhausted. A good portion of them are laid out under a large tent that served as an infirmary, the cloth worn from assaults just from the environment. Eventually he finds a Nezumi smaller than him, with sleek, dark brown fur and sharp, black eyes. He seems wary, but not unwelcoming.

"I'm surprised to see one of our own coming from the human camp."

Re: Forward Ho! (D13 EM)

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 11:59 pm
by Ch’chit T’kkiri
I made a reasoned decision to approach you before they deploy their... diplomats to see what aid they can lend... Mrt’ Ch’chit T’kkiri from North-North Mountain. I’ve led this party across our lands towards the crater. They are on a mission to rescue one of their compatriots from the hole... And I am leading a mission which may very well close the crater for good if we are successful...

He paused, “You wouldn’t happen to have Shamans here in this camp? It is possible that they would have heard of my coming...

Re: Forward Ho! (D13 EM)

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2020 2:03 am
by Canary
"Ithith Clever-Clever Eyes. I've been in charge of this outpost for the last year. It's been hard going. We're not going anywhere, but..." He nodded to the injured rats. "It's been hard going holding the line, as you can see."

He paused, then nodded. "Yes... We have a couple. The Shamans suddenly got scared two nights ago. Talking about one of Those-Whose-Power-Shines-Brighter-Than-a-Thousand-Torches-and-Whose-Name-Stands-As-a-Great-Wall-Against-Tomorrow speaking to them in their dreams, and the Crater. That have something to do with you, then?"

Re: Forward Ho! (D13 EM)

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2020 3:00 am
by Ch’chit T’kkiri
"I have developed a clever plan which may free us from the oppression of these beasts forever more. I shall need their help though... There is a being who fell from the sky on the day that Heaven-fell. His name is protected with the power of the sky-kingdom... and that power can be used to close the crater. We will require the Name magic our shamans possess, however... so I would wish to speak with them if I can."

Re: Forward Ho! (D13 EM)

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2020 3:11 am
by Canary
"Yes, of course," he agreed with a sharp nod, leading him to another tent, keeping an eye on the sky all the time. "You never know when the rain's going to come here. You have to be careful."

The tent itself contains ritual implements and two Nezumi, one a silvery grey and the other pure coal black. They look up when T'kkiri enters. "Oh, thank goodness."

Re: Forward Ho! (D13 EM)

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2020 3:13 am
by Ch’chit T’kkiri
"Greetings. Mrt' Ch'chit T'kkiri of North-north Mountain. I believe you have been notified of my coming?" He asked.

Re: Forward Ho! (D13 EM)

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2020 6:54 am
by Canary
"Yes! Those-Whose-Power-Shines-Brighter-Than-a-Thousand-Torches-and-Whose-Name-Stands-As-a-Great-Wall-Against-Tomorrow spoke of your coming. A'tck normally doesn't speak to anyone but shamans. These are truly exceptional circumstances," The black-furred bringer-of-life concluded. "I am Kir St'tchrik. This is Kir Matt."

Re: Forward Ho! (D13 EM)

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2020 9:15 am
by Ch’chit T’kkiri
That was A’tck? He gave me my Name... Was the Shaman for the Chief-of-Chiefs... This is a most auspicious occasion.

Re: Forward Ho! (D13 EM)

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2020 9:28 am
by Canary
The other Nezumi nodded. "It is. I truly believe that this plan can work. He showed us the ritual we need to perform to close the pit. To change the name of the being that fell and whose power created the Crater."

"I'm nervous. We will need the help of the hairless ones for it. We can channel the Sunlit Realm using his name, but the sorcerors of their kind need to help shape it to close the pit at the bottom of the Crater."

Re: Forward Ho! (D13 EM)

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2020 9:32 am
by Ch’chit T’kkiri
He nodded, “I believe most of them are starting to agree with my plan... What do I need to tell them they should do? Perhaps I can take you to speak with their leaders?

Re: Forward Ho! (D13 EM)

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2020 9:43 am
by Canary
They nodded. "I think that would be ideal.," said the black-furred one. "I have a memory stick with the story of a traveling merchant. It may help better speak their language so they will understand what needs to be done."

The other spoke up. "Essentially, we will need to infuse all five elements in the location with the light of the Sunlit Realm, and one human will manipulate each infused element to seal the breach between our land at the land of corruption."

Re: Forward Ho! (D13 EM)

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2020 10:19 pm
by Ch’chit T’kkiri
He nodded, “I’m not an expert on the specifics but I’m sure you can assist them in understanding. Their comprehension of complex issues is spotty at times... but hopefully we can find accord with them in short order.

Re: Forward Ho! (D13 EM)

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 5:10 am
by Canary
"I hope so," the black-furred one agreed. "Hopefully, we'll meet them this evening to discuss the specifics."

"How has the trip been so far? Are you holding up okay?"

Re: Forward Ho! (D13 EM)

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 6:29 am
by Ch’chit T’kkiri
I am well. Frustrated but well. I have perhaps found our people new friends... And I have procured a special object... which allows me to communicate with any one of our kind even at great distance.

Re: Forward Ho! (D13 EM)

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 2:56 am
by Canary
One of the shamans looks impressed. "Is that so? In times like these, both are extremely useful. Your Niche will expend greatly when you return to your home."

Re: Forward Ho! (D13 EM)

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 4:39 am
by Ch’chit T’kkiri
It is my place in life now that I must remain focused on. To accomplish what I have devised... Would bless all our people for generations.