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In the shadow of the Mountain (D16, EN, closed)

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 10:57 pm
by Ongaku no Ryoko
In the darkness of the camp, Ryoko waited. She'd had to hold Matsu back from joining the line of battle... quite literally.

The girl had been so adamant that she was going to go fight that Ryoko had been forced to put her in a headlock, holding her down until she could convince her that her father had wanted her to stay safe... and that the camp needed protection as well. They all had a part to play, and so Matsu, perhaps grudgingly, had joined Ryoko in waiting at the camp, watching for any monsters that slipped past.

The sounds of battle, of the chaos about the pit.... it was impossible to avoid creeping worries - to imagine the worst possible outcomes.

Ryoko sat, knees hugged against her chest, gazing out over the blasted landscape, waiting. Finally... there was silence.

She heard nothing save the pounding of her heart, and then they began to return.

It was done... and they had been victorious.

Ryoko ought to jump up and run to them, but her legs had gone numb, she didn't seem to have the strength to stand... this was, somehow, impossibly, the most terrifying moment. They had won.

Was he coming back? Was he among the returning victorious?

Re: In the shadow of the Mountain (D16, EN, closed)

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 11:37 pm
by Noriaki no Yamadono
He was tired. Even as the spirits of the Earth had likely reinvigorated his strength, possibly added years to his life, he was tired. The Mountain Lord was dragging his tetsubo as he walked, slowly. Breathing heavily as he moved back through the camp. His body ached. He wanted, no needed, a bath. And most of all, he felt like he could sleep one thousand years.

His head lifted as he moved, and he saw her. That new spark of light in his life. Grinning, his pace picked up, moving as quickly as he could to her.

"Ryoko." He smiled at her, towering over her form, looking to her gaze.

Re: In the shadow of the Mountain (D16, EN, closed)

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2020 12:00 am
by Ongaku no Ryoko
Ryoko saw him, and seemed frozen for the longest time, but then came to her feet.

Seeming to come undone, all at once, she felt the fear leaching away, and she simply rushed forward, hugging him, resting her face against his chest, her horns coming up a few inches short of his chin.

Still, for a small woman, she had a fierce grip as she squeezed against him, clinging fiercely, and saying, softly, "You made it... oh thank the great maker... you made it."

It seemed she didn't intend to let go. In a very small voice, she added, "I wasn't scared for anything... except that you wouldn't be with them when they came back..."

Re: In the shadow of the Mountain (D16, EN, closed)

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2020 12:22 am
by Noriaki no Yamadono
He chuckled, one arm wrapped around her tightly. "Then you had nothing to fear. I had someone to come back to." His other arm came up, his hand brushed through her hair.

"It was thoughts of family that helped me keep that shield together. Matsu. You.. and... what our future could be." He nodded, speaking softly.

Re: In the shadow of the Mountain (D16, EN, closed)

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2020 12:25 am
by Ongaku no Ryoko
She blushed, but did not look away.

"I'm glad that I could... be a beacon. I felt so helpless, I'm glad you made it. Matsu will be so glad to see you. I had to hold her back from rushing into battle. She's fierce, and no mistake."

Ryoko chuckled weakly, and gave him another squeeze. "It feels unreal... would you like to sit? You must be exhausted!"

Re: In the shadow of the Mountain (D16, EN, closed)

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2020 3:54 am
by Noriaki no Yamadono
"I'm surprised she didn't just drag you with her to the melee." He laughed heartily, trying not to lean upon the smaller woman too much. He sighed, nodding with relief. "I would be lying if I said I didn't want to lie down. I don't know if I ever want to feel that much channeled energy through me ever again." He pulled his hand away from her hair, clenching into a weak fist before letting his arm relax to his side.

"Let's sit. After all this, we deserve it. After we return home... I want to just travel the lands, take it all in. With you."

Re: In the shadow of the Mountain (D16, EN, closed)

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2020 6:53 am
by Ongaku no Ryoko
"I've got a strong grip.... I can keep up with her for now."

Ryoko laughed. "Doubt I will for long though..."

Pulling away just far enough to walk, she guided him in to the tent, so he could sit and rest. Once he had sat, she slid down next to him, leaning against his side and adding, "She's going to be mighty, just like her father. We'll have to borrow a wagon from the ogre caravan, just so you don't bump your head when we travel." The idea made her giggle a little, as relief replaced anxiety, leaving her a little light-headed. "I hope you won't find life with the tribe boring - we tend to have a more relaxed pace."