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Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:28 am
by Nozomi
Nanzi wrote:
Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:17 am
Nanzi bowed with respect to Shinjo and his allies but nothing for the charlatan and departed.

Phi watched him go quietly, impassively from where she stood next to Matsu. "I will submit myself to your wisdom. You know where I belong," she said firmly, looking at Shinsei then. "But I will not judge a man for misgivings. We have all fallen short of the mark. None of us who will do this thing are perfect. That one... will serve as he must."

She didn't like Nanzi. She respected his courage, courage she didn't have, and his boldness, but she didn't like him or the world he was in, but as she tried to smooth things over with her words, it was obvious she didn't think now was the time to get into it. Hopefully others would agree.

(OOC: 46 Awareness-Etiquette w/ Void to help smooth things over *AHEM* forgot. Disturbing countenance. Everyone's too nice to her.)

Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:30 am
by Reo
Reo steps up to Shinsei, mostly out of curiosity, but looks back to Reiko.

"I would be happy to join you wise man, if you'll take me, but I believe Madam Reiko has first claim on me."

Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:34 am
by Ch’chit T’kkiri
Black Moonset stepped forward and said nothing more than "I go."

Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:35 am
by Ninube
"Interesting. Judge me as you will." Ninube felt disappointed. She doubted she would be judge worthy.

Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:39 am
by Togashi Nadare
Nadare watched the whole exchange between the assorted players with a detached calm. A small smirk appeared as he stared at the crow before he eventually spoke.

"I will call upon the Earth spirits for you, so my place is clear. Still, if you wish to practice your technique please go ahead."

He stood and joined the others but kept his gaze on the bird.

Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:49 am
by Shinjo Miuna
Miuna stepped up. She was no real fighter, of course. But she would take advantage of the chance to see the man Phi loved, up close, and to know what he saw within her soul.

Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:50 am
by Kyosei of the Isawa
"Are all of the shugenja needed for the ceremony and warding, or should some go down as well?"

With this Kyosei steps forward.

Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:57 am
by Shinjo Koyama
Koyama looked at Shinjo. Whatever was in the gaze, it was brief and marriage-coded. He stepped forward.

Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:58 am
by Kanna
Kanna stepped forward. "I'll go, if I'm seen as worthy enough."

Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:00 am
by Shinsei
Seppun Dawei wrote:
Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:14 am
Dawei steps forward.

"I submit myself to the evaluation of the Wise."
Shinsei took Nanzi's exit in stride, and gave a thankful look to Phi for her words as he made his way to those offering themselves for the dangerous journey.

He approached Dawei, and gazed deeply into the man's eyes. There was a hint, perhaps only in the imagination, of light flashing in Shinsei's eyes, at least as far as Dawei could see.

Devotion. Love. Loss, and love again. A careful hand that created art so pure it created connections beyond the physical. A gift, given without expectation...

Shinsei stepped back from the gaze, his voice soft.

"Seppun Dawei, your soul is pure indeed. Your keen eyes and keen heart will be needed to track the link between Reiko and her beloved. You will be the guide for those who would follow you into the pit."

[Feel free to toss in what you think Dawei saw in Shinsei in the response post]

Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:03 am
by Seppun Dawei
In the brief and fleeting flash of light, Dawei sees a sturdy structure, students in practice under a blue-clad master, and his own hands, older, working the wood.

He bows to the Little Teacher and steps to the side.

Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:09 am
by Miyako
Miyako stepped forward after hearing all of this and finding her place in line. "Judge as you might..." she said to the Little Teacher when it is her turn, and she stood there and awaited, curious to know what he might say about her. She could not recall their meeting but perhaps in passing over the course of this whole trip, but she had heard much about his wisdom and insight.

Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:16 am
by Shinsei
Taochusu wrote:
Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:14 am
Taochusu moves to stand in line, "Hey there Karasu, Shinsei."
Another flash, another vision.

Strength. Solidarity. A life spent in wandering. Loss. Isolation. A forest extending endlessly, quiet and empty.

Shinsei stood back and shook his head. "You are strong Taochusu, but you have lived a long time without anything to tie you strongly to another place or person. I fear Jigoku would use that against you."

Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:25 am
by Jin
"I know where my place shall be... but I had been pondering such an art as which you speak so I hope you will begrudge me a moment to see what it looks like from the other side once you are done with the rest."

Jin awaits his eventual turn under Shinsei's gaze.

Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:30 am
by Taochusu
"Seems a strange thing to disqualify for, seeing as it used folks ties against them in the swamp," he says with a shrug. "A bit backwards from what it's already done from what I've seen. But if that's the way it is I'll just defend folks that are staying behind."

Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:30 am
by Wu
Wu notes a few final things concerning hubris before silently getting up in line.

I am not as strong as others here but I will not shy away from what must be done

Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:31 am
by Inga
Inga shrugged. "I am ready to die... so I will go where I am most needed." She shrugged again. "My life is yours... for what it is worth." Maybe she is brave, maybe she is just stupid, who knows.

Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:44 am
by Shinsei
Ko wrote:
Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:17 am

Ko steps forward with a wordless salute Shore People style, palm to heart and head held high.
Water, flowing strongly. Rushing, surging, shifting. Ripples dance upon the surface, only to go still, reflecting the light of a full moon. The stillness deepens, as does the darkness...

Shinsei frowned, and shook his head. "Your destiny is not in this place, which can so easily turn the slightest flaw to madness."

Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 4:57 am
by Shinsei
Noriaki no Yamadono wrote:
Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:18 am
The mountain of a man steps forward, his arms folded across his chest. He takes a glance to Matsu, and raises a hand, signalling for her to stay.

He knows she would lead headfirst into the very gates of hell.
Thunder rumbles from within a raging storm, and lightning strikes down against a massive mountain, tearing up gouges of earth and stone. And yet the mountain is unmoved, unshakeable. The storm is nothing to it.

"Yamadono. Your strength and devotion to protection of family, to those who need you as their unwavering shield, makes you ideal for this journey. Your fellows will need you to stand against the strength of Jigoku."

Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 5:09 am
by Ongaku no Ryoko
Ryoko did not cease her music, allowing the gentle sound of her instrument to underline all the events taking place, artful pauses permitting the quiet of voice to speak, yet their words were woven into the tapestry of her song. At last the demand was given for those present to step forward...

She moved to the line, but her art did not stop - those in charge of this expedition could decide for themselves how best to make use of her, for now, she continued to play the song of clear speaking, the ritual undercurrent of oath-making and business arrangements for her tribe. Her role was to support those important enough to make the decisions, to underscore their words, not distract from them.