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[EM 11] - Blasted Monks! (Seeking Shinjo or Hantei)

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 1:57 pm
by Nozomi
There was a shout from inside of the camp and Phi stormed towards the tents of the kami at the crack of dawn, possibly trailed by a crow. A piece of paper was crushed in one hand, and she was a veritable thunderhead. She had jade out clearly visible, and when she told the attendant to get the attention of whichever one she could, preferably Shinjo, she looked fit to skin someone alive.

"Blasted idiot superman thinks he can do everything...," she muttered harshly.

Re: [EM 11] - Blasted Monks! (Seeking Shinjo or Hantei)

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:08 pm
by Shinjo
Shinjo hurried out of the tent, informed that Phi was there and looked like she was out for blood. "What's going on?" This wasn't the moment for pleasantries or preamble, clearly.

Re: [EM 11] - Blasted Monks! (Seeking Shinjo or Hantei)

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:11 pm
by Nozomi
She thrust her arm up so the jade was visible. "Jade first. Jade first. You're right to set the rule. We check. Check me first," she growled out, managing a short, quick bow. Assuming the 'pleasantries were done, she came in close and hissed. "It's... It's that ... that idiot's... he said only someone I trust, and he trusts you. We need to speak in private."

She was clutching the note that the crow had given her hard enough the print was smudged. She'd had to take a couple tries reading it.

Re: [EM 11] - Blasted Monks! (Seeking Shinjo or Hantei)

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:14 pm
by Shinjo
"Of course," she made sure to see that Phi's bare skin touched the jade before leading her inside the tent, speaking in a low voice once they arrived. "I see Karasu is with you... May I assume that Shinsei is 'that idiot', then?"

Re: [EM 11] - Blasted Monks! (Seeking Shinjo or Hantei)

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:18 pm
by Nozomi
"Light blinded, superhuman, all knowing, overly confident...," she was shaking with rage but she kept her voice down. She quivered and closed her eyes and breathed. In. Out. The breathing exercises he'd been teaching her. She wanted to wring his neck right now. Another breath, and she had to be professional. She was a scout, and this was a scout's business.

"He's gone. He left me a note with Karasu. Said there's some danger approaching us, something he thinks he can stop all by himself. And I don't doubt his power, but the last thing we can have is people gallavanting off to play hero, not this close to... to... I gave that man Jade. I thought he was going to be more sensible than this!" Breathe. Breathe. "I... I think he knows what it is, whatever it is."

Re: [EM 11] - Blasted Monks! (Seeking Shinjo or Hantei)

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:25 pm
by Shinjo
Shinjo listened to her, paused for a beat, then pressed her face into her hands. "... Idiot is probably the most apt description you've used for him this morning," she said with a groan. "Did he give any indication of which direction he was going?" Her eyes roved to the crow and pinned the creature with her gaze. "Do you know?"

Re: [EM 11] - Blasted Monks! (Seeking Shinjo or Hantei)

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:28 pm
by Crow
The crow flitted from one side of the tent to the other, as if he were anxious, but then walked backwards, spun around several times, and hopped about with a distinct rhythm.

When he was finished, he turned and pointed to the west, and stayed that way.

Re: [EM 11] - Blasted Monks! (Seeking Shinjo or Hantei)

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:32 pm
by Nozomi
She thrust the note at Shinjo so that she had it in her possession. She'd said enough that there was little point hiding it. Admittedly, there were implications there, but she didn't care. She was worried and frightened what this might mean.

I have discovered something dangerous approaching the expedition. I know not for certain, but its existence may be my fault, so I have left to try and dispatch it quickly.

Please forgive my insolence. I knew if I approached you directly, you would have come with me. I doubt I could have refused.

Tell only those you trust with your life. If I do not succeed...proceed as you must. I will return when I am able.

She looked at Karasu and swallowed. So. West. "Thank you," she muttered to the bird. "I don't promise not to drum him senseless if I get the chance to do it..." She had to control her breathing. "The damned fool was keeping me back to protect me... I know it's dangerous, but if you give me leave, I will track him down and beat him over his had with my tonfa and drag him back."

Re: [EM 11] - Blasted Monks! (Seeking Shinjo or Hantei)

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:36 pm
by Shinjo
Shinjo worked her jaw. "No. Not yet. Wait a few hours. I have one thing to do, but after that, I can go with you. If I carry you in ki-rin form, we should be able to outpace him easily enough. If he turned from his path at all, we can search from there."

She looked at the Crow. "You will be joining us."

Re: [EM 11] - Blasted Monks! (Seeking Shinjo or Hantei)

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:38 pm
by Crow
Karasu tapped the ground twice then took up a position on Phi's shoulder.

Re: [EM 11] - Blasted Monks! (Seeking Shinjo or Hantei)

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:41 pm
by Nozomi
"I...," had not been expecting Shinjo herself to come. Phi swallowed and nodded once. No, if they were going together, she could keep pace that way. It was not going to be as important that she leave immediately. She closed her eyes and breathed again. "Yes. I will be ready, whenever you are prepared to go. I assume your brother will remain to keep the camp safe and in order. We'll both go bring that fool back."

A swallow. "I... won't stray far from camp unless you need some time." The ruins called to her, but Shinsei was more important. "I will try to meditate... I need to calm down. Thank you, Shinjo."

Re: [EM 11] - Blasted Monks! (Seeking Shinjo or Hantei)

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:47 pm
by Shinjo
The tall woman smiled gently at her. There was worry in her eyes, but despite that, she put steady, reassuring hands on Phi's shoulders. "We will get him back safely."

She let go and nodded to her. "Go do what you wish to do. We have a few hours. I can find you quickly when I need to."

Re: [EM 11] - Blasted Monks! (Seeking Shinjo or Hantei)

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:54 pm
by Nozomi
"I will leave you for the moment," she said, bowing. "And... please give your husband my apologies for stealing you away on this. Shinsei owes both of us an apology and an explanation." And if she was guessing, probably a fight. She made a note to have her arrows ready. The woman had said ...


wait, had she said Ki-Rin form? Seriously? "I will meet you soon, Shinjo." And with that bow, she would exit to clear her thoughts.