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(D7, LE) Q&Q

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 1:05 am
by Bayushi Umeno
All her daily tasks done (if one could consider much around her a task), Umeno made her way to where she was told the wise guy's tent was. There was little ceremony to it, approaching and clearing her throat. "Hey Shinsei, y' in there?"

She plopped down, legs folding, hand on a knee as she waited.

Re: (D7, LE) Q&Q

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 1:16 am
by Shinsei
"I am," came the quick reply, "but I can certainly be out there instead, which I'm assuming is the point." The hooded man popped his head out first, casting a curious gaze towards Umeno. "You know, if you were eating dinner as you sat there you might remind me of someone."

Re: (D7, LE) Q&Q

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 1:25 am
by Bayushi Umeno
"Too late for dinner." Umeno waved off the comment like it was nothing, then paused. "...Unless you're offerin'. Won't say no to some food."

The Scorpion blinked a bit, then scowled, more at herself than anything else. "That's not the point though! You're a wise guy, yeah? Know a bunch of stuff?" She looked at him with a look of frowning consternation.

Re: (D7, LE) Q&Q

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 1:51 am
by Shinsei
"I could offer some food, but I'm afraid Karasu has eaten all the plums, peaches, and most of the fish now too."

Stepping fully out of the tent, Shinsei took a seat across from Umeno. "I... have never specifically been called a wise guy before, but it is in keeping with other statements that have been made."

Re: (D7, LE) Q&Q

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 1:54 am
by Bayushi Umeno
"Well, are you?" A blunt, simple question.

Re: (D7, LE) Q&Q

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 2:01 am
by Shinsei
"Sure." A blunt, simple answer. "I am certain you, like many others, are seeking something. What answers do you seek?"

Re: (D7, LE) Q&Q

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 2:25 am
by Bayushi Umeno
Umeno's brow furrowed. "Am I? Eh, I suppose if I could ask questions just like that, I'd have a few. Stuff like where are we going, or who's there, or how did they capture a Kami. Not that I imagine you know all that. Still... I don't like going into things without knowing everything I can about it, and so far, I know just about as much as I did before we started out... which is next to nothing."

Her arms folded under her chest as she looked at Shinsei seriously.

Re: (D7, LE) Q&Q

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 2:41 am
by Shinsei
"A very practical frame of mind to have." Shinsei folded his arms as well, then closed his eyes. "We're going into Jigoku, which is filled with any number of creatures mankind hasn't often encountered, if at all, plus one Kami. He wasn't captured so much as landed catastrophically in enemy territory and, even with his considerable power trying to escspe alone would be a fool's errand." One eye popped open to regard her. "So there's that much, at least."

Re: (D7, LE) Q&Q

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 2:51 am
by Bayushi Umeno
That same thoughtful frown remained. "Jigoku... that's the name of the land south of here? Huh... well, I mean, I've not encountered rat men or ogres before this trip, so it's all the same to me."

A pause. "...Though I don't get why escaping would be that bad for the Kami guy.. Fu Leng, right. I mean, if he's there and safe, why do we have to go rescue him? If he's there and in danger, it's not foolish to try to escape. If he's in danger and can't escape, then that means whatever creatures are there are powerful enough to make even a Kami doubt their ability to fight and win. What makes his siblings... or you, since I hear you're giving them advice... think that we can save him where he can't save himself?"

Re: (D7, LE) Q&Q

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 3:11 am
by Shinsei
"Where we go merely has a hole ripped into Jigoku. Were we to enter the realm itself, we would be fools and corpses all. Jigoku seeks to corrupt the fallen one, and it takes all of his will to hold the influence at bay. We, in a very broad sense, can provide a bridge, and bring to bear the spirits that protect us from outside this rift to where he now rests. There are no such spirits for him to call upon where he is now, we must extend their reach to him. Does that make more sense? Your questions are sensible, so I wish to answer them succinctly."

Re: (D7, LE) Q&Q

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 3:37 am
by Bayushi Umeno
"A realm?" So she didn't know anything about the spirit realms. Many didn't. "So, spirits and stuff... not great."

Umeno hesitated before going on. "Then why am I here? If this is all talking to spirits and being spiritual bridges, why are there so many here with blades and hammers like I have? I couldn't tell you a damned thing about spirits, and I know well enough my hammer won't squash ghosts."

Re: (D7, LE) Q&Q

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 3:43 am
by Shinsei
"From what I've learned in my observation of the gods and certain spirits, once they step truly into our realm a hammer crushes wherever body they inhabit as surely as it would any average mortal. And what we face the most in bodily threats will fall, if not easily, as surely beneath your weapons as any other foe."

Re: (D7, LE) Q&Q

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 3:47 am
by Bayushi Umeno
There was a long, thoughtful silence, Umeno's face scrunched up in deep thought. Finally she looked a bit skeptically at Shinsei. "...You're certain about that? To be honest, I came here because no one's told me a damned thing this whole trip about any of this. I appreciate some operate on blind faith, but just being called to go help the Kami without being told anything is annoyingly inconvenient. Were there any plans to tell all us normal people this stuff, or is it all on a need to know basis only?"

Re: (D7, LE) Q&Q

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 3:52 am
by Shinsei
"I was, as it happens, on my way back from the lands wet seek to enter when the expedition was preparing to leave. I imagine the sense of urgency increased while I was away. But I am certain, many of these things can be broken with mundane weapons, with enough determination. It is the cost, I think, for crossing into our realm."

Re: (D7, LE) Q&Q

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 4:04 am
by Bayushi Umeno
"I don't doubt you," Umeno said simply. "Like I said, I'm hardly wise, and if people call you that, I'll listen. I understand a sense of urgency too, if it's really a race against time and all that. Still... maybe you could make it a point to let everyone know exactly what it is we're getting into? Or, at the least, convince someone else to? I'm a rude, forward woman that'll just come out and ask without any manners, but I imagine there are plenty more that are too polite to raise a fuss. The more we all know, the more likely we'll all be to survive this, and I at least don't plan on dying on this trip."

Re: (D7, LE) Q&Q

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 4:08 am
by Shinsei
Shinsei sighed. "I made it a point to announce to the spiritual guides among the expedition the dangers we face. I did not find it necessary to suggest the information be disseminated to the others." He shook his head and fixed Umeno with a wry look. "Perhaps I should take that as a lesson and act more like you rude women I keep running into."

Re: (D7, LE) Q&Q

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 4:31 am
by Bayushi Umeno
She raised an eyebrow. "Keep running into? That's no good. I don't care if I am, but I thought the others were all suppose to be etiquette and manners."

"So... there are others that know most of this already. At least it's not just you and the Kami. Still, that means I'll have t' find one of those people and make them give a speech or something." Umeno rubbed her chin a bit. "Anything you know that'll help with the journey and fighting t' come? I'll take every advantage I can get. Used to scouting first, and you're my scout for this now."

Re: (D7, LE) Q&Q

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 4:37 am
by Shinsei
"Oh, only the one so far, calls herself Phi, even wears a veil over her face most of the time. She's more gruff than rude though."

Shinsei was thoughtful for a moment. "Nothing else comes to mind. Wear jade, hit things, maybe hit things with jade if you can manage it. Otherwise we're pretty much caught up."

Re: (D7, LE) Q&Q

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 7:57 am
by Bayushi Umeno
Ah, that explains that.

There was immediate concern on her face again. "Jade?"

Re: (D7, LE) Q&Q

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 8:01 am
by Shinsei
"Jade helps. Something in its purity resists the will of Jigoku, though it isn't a guarantee, just a tool that can help ease the burdens we face."