Character Descriptions

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Character Descriptions

Post by Canary » Fri May 08, 2020 6:43 pm

A list of characters going on the excursion to rescue Fu Leng.

Imperial Families
x. Jiyo Sora
x. Jiyo Ayumu

Bat Clan
x. Ryoshun Mai

Crab Clan
x. Anjing Xia
x. Yoshitsune Nori

Crane Clan
x. Doji Kakuro
x. Doji Kaze
x. Nanzi

Dragon Clan
x. Wu
x. Togashi Saruko
x. Togashi Nadare

Ki-Rin Clan
x. Jin
x. Shinjo Koyama

Lion Clan
x. Makime Mineko

Scorpion Clan
x. Bayushi Umeno

Spider Clan
x. Noriaki no Yamadono
x. Kanna
x. Reiko
x. Ninube

Stag Clan
x. Seppun Dawei
x. Hantei Kinsen
x. Seppun Takako

Unaligned Tribes
x. Taochusu
x. Phi
x. Shoji Haka
x. Ongaku no Ryoko
x. Seidou Satone
x. Reo
x. Kyosei of the Isawa
x. Yogo
x. Ko
x. Seidou Haruyo
x. Hanzou
x. Koun

x. Ik'tch'krit
x. Ch'jak'matt
x. Set'tch'ich'tch'tch
x. Ch'chit T'kkiri
GM + Bird + Glorious Plumage + Experienced

"Is the dark side stronger?"
"No, no, no. Quicker. Easier. More seductive."

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Anjing Xia
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Anjing Xia » Sat May 16, 2020 4:49 pm


Name: Anjing Xia
Clan: Crab
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Height: 5'7"
Build: Tall, lanky
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Features of Interest:
Black tattoo across forehead
Occupation: Warrior, chronicler, pained intellectual
Marital status: Married to the job.

Xia is a thinker in a clan of doers. Most of her family are unconcerned with anything beyond the basics, an altogether sensible trait given the harsh lives most have lived.

But there's not much point in just surviving, something Xia has awkwardly reminded her kin of time and time again (she is not particularly popular at family gatherings). She's always wanted to know more than bare essentials and is one of the few members of her tribe permitted to display a tattoo of learning due to her mastery of letters. If only anyone around her would ever read them......

She even annoys her aunt, Anjing, leader of the Anjing family, famed pounder and current mother to four precocious demigods who are displaying worrying feats of super strength for toddlers.

Still, just because she's annoying doesn't mean she's wrong. So Anjing requested Hida send her niece on the great expedition to the south. For the knowledge starved Xia it is a precious opportunity both to learn, to meet new beings (and then kill them) and to earn her family's respect. Maybe she'll even manage one of those three.


- If you've fought non-humans she's happy to swap a story or two, or three, long do you have time for?

- Do you consider yourself an intellectual? Can you read? Xia is starved for your attention.

- Xia has pen-pals out there, she assures her family they're real. Maybe you're one of them?

- Need someone to fight by your side? Xia is a trained warrior and can pound the best of them.

- Are you non-human? Xia is marginally less likely to try and beat you with a club on sight than most Seidou. Marginally. She'll be watching you closely though.
Crab • Seidou • Niece of the Daimyo • Surprisingly Literate • A Little Awkward
• Here To Help • Front Line Combatant • Recorder Of History
Reputation: Respectable• Status: Lowly • Glory: 3.0

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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Taochusu » Sat May 16, 2020 5:53 pm

Clan: None
Tribe/Family: None
Occupation: Survivalist/hunter/warrior
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Hair: Black shaved with matching stubble
Eyes: Brown
Height: 6'5"
Build: Chubby Buff
Marital status: Unmarried

Taochusu is a wanderer of no renown. You wouldn't believe he was of no renown if you spoke to him. His stories are generally larger than life and really difficult to believe. But the way the massive man carries his giant hammer... well, they may not all be impossible? Still, it's difficult to imagine that he isn't embellishing when he tells of how he killed a snake man that stood twice as tall as he is, or that he smashed two bears with a single swing of his dai tsuchi. His interactions with different tribes have been limited throughout his life but he seems to be okay, which lends some credence to his ability to defend himself. At the end of the day though, he seems personable enough, even if he lacks decorum much of the time.
Wanderer • Large
Reputation: 3.3 • Status: 0.0 • Glory: 1.0

Carries: light armor, dai tsuchi, guqin, yumi & arrows, small knife, hatchet, jade finger

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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Jin » Sat May 16, 2020 6:07 pm

Name: Jin
Clan: Ki-Rin
Gender: Male
Age: Thirties?
Height: 5'11
Build: Sturdy
Occupation: Jin Family Daimyo, Healer, Cartographer
Marital Status: Single
Hair: Black
Eye: Dark Brown

The first thing one is likely to notice of the man called Jin is his missing left eye though his equally absent right hand is likely spotted soon after. His age is hard to distinguish as he has the rough hewn, weathered look of one who spends much time out in the elements. While his appearance might suggest a gruff or hardened demeanor it couldn't be any further from the truth. Those who take the time to speak with him will find a friendly, often softly spoken, individual more concerned with the well being of others than any hardship he may need to face.

Those with knowledge of the spirits may recognize the lattice work of scars across his arms, primarily on and around the stump where his right hand should be, that mark him as one with the gift of blood to control them. The especially perceptive might notice the little smudges of charcoal that dot his clothes and flesh at most times that suggest he may also be a writer or artist of some sort.

Those who have met Jin before will find little has changed in the man's outward appearance save that his clothing is of higher quality. The time since the tournament of the Kami, and the duties granted to him, have helped him become less isolated and withdrawn. That being said it is hard to completely erase past trauma and hardship and he is still the farthest thing from a social giant.

If you were involved with the logistics of the expedition Jin spent time mapping Seidou lands to find the best path through 'civilized' territory for those marching.

If you are a seeking to join one of the Kami Jin is accepting new recruits, and students, who fit his worldview. Sorcerers especially but he understands others can have their role to play even in a largely spiritual family.

If you have knowledge of monsters, spirits, and other such creatures Jin would be very happy to hear about it. If you fight against them he may be in touch in the future.

Looking to learn medicine, calligraphy, or horsemanship? Jin is a source of some rare knowledge in this era.
Last edited by Jin on Mon May 18, 2020 6:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Ki-Rin • Jin Family Daimyo • Experienced • Shugenja • Healer • Martyr • Cartographer • Missing Eye • Missing Hand • Jade
Status: 7 • Glory: 6 • Reputation: What Is Expected

Carries: Ashigaru armor, robes, tanto, medicine kit, bundle of scrolls and maps, finger of jade.


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Doji Kakuro
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Doji Kakuro » Sat May 16, 2020 9:52 pm

  • Name: Doji Kakuro
  • Gender: Male
  • Faction: Crane Clan
  • Age: 24
  • Height: 1.70 m| 5' 7''
  • Occupation: Courtier/Carpenter/Constructor/ Former Wanderer?
  • Marital Status: Close Companion to Kami Doji?
  • Hair: Black
  • Eye Color: Light Brown

This young man was born in an unimpressive small tribe in the southern territories near the Earthquake Fish Bay. His original tribe was wiped out by another one and he, for a time, was reduced to a slave, working for his captors in the fields or in the bay in order to collect food. As he grew up, his captors, noticed the value of the young boy's intelligence and they elevated him as a secondary class member of this tribe. He was taught the secrets of carpentry and he also learned about heavens and the gods. He rapidly became a popular person inside this tribe, even if he was still not considered a full member of it.

But that changed during his 17th winter, when suddenly, and for reasons he does not like to share, he was expelled from this tribe. Forced out, he had to wander through the dangerous and wild territories. He learned how to defend and look out for himself, while also grabbing lot of information and knowledge from the tribes and villages that accepted him for time to time. In one tribe he learned how to work bronze for example. He in exchange for food and security he shared what he knew about carpentry and other crafts, improving the lives of the villages where he passed by. He became more religious as he visited different tribes and met with different types of peoples. Each time, he saw the value and problems of the people of Ningendo and slowly he began to create his ideas as how to end this era of suffering, greed and violence.

It was during this journey that he learned about some gods, or men and women of great power, that apparently came from the skies and fell in the north. These beings were said to had started many changes in the area were they landed. Curious about them, he began his journey north in order to meet and see with his own eyes if those rumors were true.

[Dawn 1]

Kakuro swore allegiance to the Kami, noticing that they were here to improve the livehood of the people in this era of violence. He became particularly interested in Shiba, Hida and especially Doji. He joined Doji's nascent Crane clan. Shiba had a deep impact on Kakuro's view of kami Doji after he shared with him a story regarding his sister. From Hida, Kakuro learned about strength and keeping moving forward no matter the odds and the obstacles.

Kakuro wishes for the creation of an formal institution for the advancement of the ningen race under the auspices of the kami and he has been working in convincing them in spreading the word and knowledge to the people, and awarding them because of merits and not blood would the best course of action. He also has been working in the Temple of the Heavenly New Dawn in the base of Seppun Hill. He is also the inventor of a new art, puppet theater. An idea he got from watching and learning from one small tribe that used puppets in a religious ceremony. He presented this art to Doji and she approved it.

Now a member of the Doji family and Crane clan, Kakuro has volunteered to bring back the ninth kami to their brothers and sisters...

Kakuro is of normal height and appearance. He is always wearing a set of ragged clothes, damaged from his long journey and from his work and also wears a straw hat. He carries a pipe, which he uses rather frequently, to smoke the leaves and flowers of the hemp plant. His voice is somewhat alluring.

Kakuro full avatar:
*Crane Clan *Wanderer *Architect *Blessed *Ascetic *Companion *Puppeteer
Status: 1.0|Honor: 3.5|Glory: 2.0|Infamy: 0.0
Carries: Bronze sword, light armor, pipe, cannabis, ragged clothing, straw hat
Mon: Crane, Doji


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Seppun Dawei
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Seppun Dawei » Sat May 16, 2020 10:49 pm

Seppun Dawei
Unmarried Male O-Iemoto of the Seppun Hunters (he's told the last, anyway)
Age: Somewhere in his later 20s. Not really sure. Not sure it matters.
Height: Average
Build: Wiry and rangy
Hair: Shaven
Eyes: Brown and narrowed
Features: Deeply tanned and with many, many small scars from brush, rocks, teeth, claws, splinters and chunks of wood, his own knife slipping at odd moments, and the like

As was true some years ago, Dawei is generally nondescript, though he shows more signs of weathering, and he moves with more authority than he did before. Evidently, living under the rule of the Lord Hantei, as a member of the Stag Clan, has given him time and insight to develop new means of hunting and keeping safe the lands around Seppun Hill and Golden Sun Bay. It has also given him time to refine his preferred art of woodcarving; the Emperor and the Lord Hantei both have sets of carvings done by his hand in their homes.

Dawei knows how to move through rough terrain better than many and how to do so quietly better than most. Of course he is helping recover the Lord Hantei's brother.
Seppun Dawei
Stag Clan * Bushi * Quiet * O-Iemoto * Experienced
Status 2.0, Glory 2.0, Reputation 4.5
In village: wears sturdy clothes; carries bronze sword, knife, often a piece of wood he's carving, finger of jade (2 as of LM15)
Out of village: wears ashigaru armor; carries bronze sword, yumi, quiver of arrows, traveling pack, finger of jade (2 as of LM15)
"Speaking" * Thinking
Description from Dawn 1 * Current Description
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Nozomi » Sat May 16, 2020 10:55 pm

Name: Phi
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Height: 5'4”
Build: Athletic
Hair: Black
Eyes: Red
Complexion: Pale
Marital Status: Single

Appearance: A picture!
Phi is an intense ball of energy, always looking like she is at the edge of activity. A veritable thunderhead on the horizon, when she speaks her voice has a faintly gravelly quality to it that catches the attention almost as much as her eyes do, sounding like a wolf growling. Her eyes are blood-red and brooding, staring almost fiercely above the thin veil of black linen she wears over the lower half of her face. Usually she covers her head with the dark linen cloak that she prefers to wear, keeping the sun out of her eyes. She is commonly either sitting and crouching at the ready or standing bolt-upright, eyes scanning for trouble with an almost paranoid edge. She's built like someone who's spent her whole life in the wilds, all muscle and tendon with very little softness to her skin or calloused hands. Some might consider her pretty, but most would find the smoldering embers of her eyes and the constant feeling of being on edge off-putting and disturbing.

Phi is, at best, an acquired taste. She isn't a people person, and she hasn't been known among the Hikaru as a particularly social person, even by their standards. She knows 'how' to behave and to avoid offense normally, but she simply doesn't care to bother with that. Instead, she broods, calculates, plans and prepares. The first time she meets a person, it is obvious that she's sizing them up, gauging them as a potential threat just in case. Her humor is a bit like the gallows, dark and grave and she always seems to be looking for something in the distance that she's never quite found, even when she's right there in front of you. She isn't a mean person, per se, but she's also not a nice one or a good one. She's just the sort of person that you need when you're in the dark, hunting your prey.

Phi, as of Day 13, no longer wears the veil that she arrived. Her hood is taken down when not in direct sunlight and she appears to be smiling more often, regardless of the unpleasant and horrific nightmares that she is experiencing at this time. Though she can still be seen around the camp in the evenings kneeling before the statue of Bayushi, it is not nearly as common of an occurrence. She is as prone to be close and into a person's face as she ever was, but the closed off body language that she once employed is less prominent.

---Are you Hikaru or former Hikaru? She'll gravitate towards you with greater familiarity and be more open. She may even have some history with your character, being a younger member of the tribe's found family. If you're former Hikaru, expect her to jokingly call you a Lowlander. she just came down from the mountains after all.
---Stealthy type or Scorpion Clan member? She's also probably going to gravitate towards similar skillsets. Talk shop. Make plans, ask questions.
---Does your character have questions about the kami, knowledge of the kami, or do they speak about them openly? Phi may linger near, and she has questions. A lot of questions. If your character as met the kami (or wed one or heck, there's two here now.), she may be very ... curious.
---Like music? she's passing fair with a small clay Xun Flute that she carries around.
Last edited by Nozomi on Fri Jun 05, 2020 9:10 am, edited 2 times in total.
Disciple of Shinsei * Experienced Phi * Disturbing Countenance * Former Rappa
Status - 1.0, Reputation - "What is Expected," Glory - 2.0
Wears/Carries: Ashigaru Armor, Sturdy Clothing, Xun (Flute), Tonfa x2, Yumi w/ Arrows, Jade Bracelet
Profile * Theme Song * It's pronounced "Fee" * (The safe word is "Sea Cucumber")

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Yoshitsune Nori
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Yoshitsune Nori » Sun May 17, 2020 12:03 am

Yoshitsune Nori’s story:

Once a simple fisherman, Nori was grilling some fish along the seashore one day when he encountered a mysterious hermit from no known tribe. Nori shared his dinner with the hermit, thus befriending him. After a few shared meals in this way, the hermit began to share some of his own knowledge in return. Whether the hermit was some kind of hedge wizard or a nature spirit was never quite clear; but either way, he taught Nori the art of magic. Nori took to these lessons quickly, and soon became the hermit’s full time apprentice. While studying magic, Nori continued to gather food and cook for his master, and tried to prepare meals in ever more inventive ways.

Finally the lessons were over, and Nori’s teacher told him to go out into the world to learn things that can only be learned by doing. After emerging from the hermit’s cave, Nori found a place in the nascent Yoshitsune family, where he helped escort merchant caravans. Over the years, Nori helped provide Yoshitsune’s warriors with magical support in several skirmishes with bandits. It’s a comfortable life, especially once he joined the new Clan led by Hida; but Nori still remembers a debt to his old master.

  • Nori has been escorting merchant caravans among the Seidou and Kuwagaya. He might have met anyone from those tribes.
  • Nori likes cooking and food in general. He is interested in trying new spices or flavors.
  • Nori is always willing to share a drink.
  • Nori knows a little about patching up wounds. Not a lot, but more people live than die afterwards. Usually.
Crab Clan • Shugenja • Fire • Caravan Guard • Cook • Medicine Man
Status 1.0 • Glory 2.0 • Reputation: As Expected
carries: scroll satchel, cook pot, yarrow sticks, tetsubo, flute

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Noriaki no Yamadono
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Noriaki no Yamadono » Sun May 17, 2020 1:33 am

  • Name: Yamadono
  • Gender: Male
  • Clan: Spider
  • Age: 45
  • Height: 7'6"
  • Occupation: Reformed Bandit and Raider/Bushi
  • Marital Status: Widower, seeking
  • Hair: Black, streaked with gray, balding save for around his crown, which he grows long and loose.
  • Eye Color: Black and Yellow
  • Build: Broad Shouldered and Well-Defined Muscle
Yamadono is a rough looking man, eyes tinged with experience and loss. Intimidating in stature and presence, he cuts an imposing figure of great height. He easily reminds people of stories of giants or ogres, perhaps even being the inspiration for some, due to his actions as a youth. Age is weathering the hard man. Laugh lines at his eyes and lips, yet distinguishing his handsome feathres

  • He enjoys playing the Flute, and seems to always carry it with him.
  • Yamadono is a doting father to the young girl that seems to always be around him, Matsu. However she has her mother's fierce independence and fire, and her father's temper. He worries that he alone cannot give her the guidance, or even life knowledge, she needs
  • Blessed by Earth and Bishamon, he is a man capable of resilient strength.
  • Driven by loss, he strives to be a better man than he used to be.
  • He, and his daughter, have been actively working with the Spider, as hunters and warriors, preparing for the mission ahead.
  • Yamadono is actively seeking a new wife, moreso to be a mother figure for Matsu, as she grows into a capable and fierce young woman. Love for him isn't necessary, but care and love for his daughter is
Spider Clan | Bushi | Large AF | Blessed by Bishamon and Earth
Reputation: Scary | Glory 2.0 | Status: 1.0
Carries: Bronze Tetsubo | Fur lined hat and cloak | Bronze Sword | Travelling Pack | Shakuhachi
Accompanied by: Matsu

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Hantei Kinsen
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Hantei Kinsen » Sun May 17, 2020 4:33 am

Name: Hantei Kinsen
Faction: Stag Clan
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Height: 5'10"
Build: Strong-Athletic
Occupation: Champion's Wife
Marital Status: Married
Hair: Bright-Golden (previously copperish)
Eyes: Golden (previously gray)


The woman named as golden lines got her name from the color of her sun bathed hair. Her skins shows she's endured some harsh winters in her youth. She's really tall and quite beautiful. Long and sturdy legs. Firm torso and endowing silhouette. Nimble and and strong arms. Nails often painted in red. She dresses properly for the new culture the Kami brought to the land, and seems to fits in around more civilized areas, if not for her fierce amazon-like frame and ancestry.

Many tell the tales of how the Beast Bride killed the Noriaki Chieftain in ritual combat and freed the tribe from their barbarious ways to join the enlightenment of the Kami. Blessed by both Bishamon and Benten, Kinsen dared to request Hantei into marriage. Considering her deeds and motivations, he accepted. Her once gray eyes turned into bright gold, as the brightness of Tengoku from his touch lit up Kinsen's soul.

Since then, Kinsen has been a dutiful and dilligent wife. She has followed Hantei as he started to organize the Stag Clan, and brought him the great happiness of fatherhood: their small young boy, Genji. Upon hearing the plead to join forces with the Spider Clan in the behest of the Emperor to find the Lost Brother –– knowing all too well Hantei would volunteer –– Kinsen rushed up ahead to take his place, trying to encourage her husband to stay and protect the Stag Clan so he could build his brother's Empire.

Little did she know Hantei wouldn't allow her to go alone.

Artist: @shiino (no source found) Avatar artist: unknown


- Are you a Stag Clan samurai? Let's get together and plan out how to make a great Empire for our Kami to be proud of.
- Do you want to become a samurai? Kinsen is open to talk about the ideals of Hantei, Akodo, and his many siblings.
- Are you "different" from other people? Her golden eyes and bright hair surely doesn't look all that normal.
- Do you enjoy fine clothes? Kinsen is very interested in knowing more about different tribal fashions.
Stag Clan • Waifu • Bushi • Fierce • Blessed • Rawr • Ouch • Jade Nails • Golden Eyes • Noriaki Beast
DescriptionTheme • Reputation: What is Expected • Status: 4.0 • Glory: 9.0 • Infamy: 1.0

Wears: Black Silk Choker, Jade Pendant (Hantei's Gift).
Outdoor Gear: Battle-Ready Kimono (Designed by Jiyo Ayumu), Small Knife, Bronze Sword, Bow & Arrows, Light Armor.
Indoor Gear: Fabulous White-Golden Kimono (Doji's Gift).
TN to be recognized is 0

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Jiyo Sora
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Jiyo Sora » Sun May 17, 2020 6:01 am

Jiyo Sora

Factions: Imperial Families
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Height: 5'8"
Build: Muscular and wiry.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Right eye is an inhuman orange color. Left eye is a normal brown.
Occupation: Ordinarily, companion and bodyguard to Shiba's children, as well as sometime emissary to real pains in the rear and forming the nucleus of the eventual Willow Sect. Currently falling back on his old gig of warrior, hunter, raider, social liability.
Marital status: Unwed, what a surprise.

Sora was born marked by the touch of the spirits, and in any sane or rational set of circumstances would probably have taken up magic. His parents, however, had different ideas, and their odd, marked son became another warrior for the Hikaru.

He was quite good at it, and his skill at arms marked his only significant contribution to his tribe's well-being.

As the Hikaru are an asocial bunch, and Sora was a weird one even among their number, he remains unpolished in social contexts, although the trust and acceptance he has found within the Imperial Families (and the Emperor's children in particular) has mellowed him somewhat. Keenly conscious of the Hikaru's reputation, he tries to make sure that he doesn't do anything to blot the esteem of the Imperial Families in general and the Jiyo family in particular.

Formerly a man constrained by his circumstances and desperately thrashing against the bars of his cage to find some higher calling, Sora is much more fulfilled these days, since he no longer has to contemplate murdering people for trespassing on Hikaru lands or simply because they had things the tribe wanted- the only people he has killed in the last five years were either relentlessly hostile foes who came after the burgeoning Empire, or, most satisfyingly, fools who thought to strike at the Emperor by going after his children.

His oracular eye still gives him the odd difficulty, of course, and he remains keenly interested in the Spirit Realms,

But that's not why he's here, exactly.

The Imperial Consort and Sora are not alike in many ways, but both of them have oracular gifts which argue against Shiba's taking a personal hand in the rescue of Fu Leng due to the dangers involved- so Sora volunteered to go, as a member of the Imperial Household, as a friend of Reiko (who taught him how to read and write, which he regards as one of the greatest gifts anyone could be given), as a loyal vassal of Emperor Shiba... and also as a man who sees in Fu Leng's plight proof of his beliefs that the Kami need humans just as much, if not more, than the humans needed the Kami. And besides, if he dies, it is not the tragedy that the loss of Shiba or Jiyo would be.

Know anything about the spirit realms? Please. Tell the scary man with the orange eye what you know.

Want to learn how to read and write? Sora is only too happy to teach.

Did he beat up or kill some of your relatives? He's sorry if it happened in the old days, but if it happened in the last five years, screw you, they had it coming.

Are you related to or recruited by some of his prior contacts? If so, you either have a buddy or someone who regards you as possible trouble.

Have doubts about the Kami, and fear possible tyranny? Sora knows a thing or two about that. Even has membership in a fan club about that sort of thing!

Want to join the Imperial Families? Sora knows a few people.

Supporting Staff
A young scribe brought along to help keep track of the expedition's stores, Kinyôbi swore herself to serve Sora after being rescued from bog hags by the three Hikaru-born members of the expedition. Originally from the Tribe of Isawa, Kinyôbi is a relative rarity, in that she wants to be aprt of the Empire, but hasn't sworn fealty to a particular clan... until now.
Last edited by Jiyo Sora on Sun May 31, 2020 3:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
ImperialAssassin and Babysitter • Experienced • Bushi • Evil Eye • (The Worst) Sage (in Rokugan) Team Hikaru • Disturbing Countenance • Willow • Blessed by Fukurokujin

Wears: Either a very simple kimono in Imperial colors or light armor strapped on over Hikaru garb and facepaint.
Carries: An array of weaponry, some traveling rations, a couple of lightweight trade goods, and some dried flower petals.

As of Late Night, Day 7, has a servant- a young woman named Kinyôbi

Status: 4.0 Glory: 4.0 Reputation: 1.5

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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Kanna » Sun May 17, 2020 6:11 am


Factions: Spider
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Height: 5'6"
Build: Muscular and wiry.
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Occupation: Bodyguard to Reiko
Marital status: Unmarried.

Little is known about Kanna outside of the Tribe of Isawa. Those who met her in the tribe know her as a somewhat quiet woman who has served in minor guard details or scouting parties. She is very tough, a bit crass when she speaks, but fiercely loyal to her own... especially Reiko.

Description: A bit taller than most women, Kanna has a constantly watchful and wary expression. She wears practical clothing and wears a bronze sword loosely at her belt. Her long brown hair is kept up in a rough knot. Often, she can be seen with a piece of straw or grass stuck in her mouth.
Spider Clan | Reiko's Shadow | Wary | Warrior
Carries: Tetsubo, Bronze Sword, Practical Clothing, Bottle of Wine, Bottle of Beer

Status: 1 | Glory: 2 | Reputation: no fucks given

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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Reiko » Sun May 17, 2020 6:31 am

Name: Reiko
Gender: Female
Clan: Spider
Age: 24
Height 5’6
Build Lithe
Occupation: Prophet, Priest, Champion of the Spider Clan
Marital Status: Engaged to Fu Leng
Hair colour: Brown
Eye colour: Brown (sometimes looks red)

Reiko has been destined for greatness since a very young age, when she first began to have visions of the future. Then only a young girl of the Isawa, her tribe quickly looked to her for guidance. She was most known for foreseeing the fall of the Stars.

Since meeting with the Kami, and bringing the message of Fu Leng to them, her life has become a whirlwind. Now the leader of a clan, and engaged to Fu Leng, she hasn't taken to recruitment at the same level as the other clan and family founders. Her life is dedicated to one thing; her Husband to be. Sharing his name, his story, his life around the empire. Giving strength to her words. All leading to this time, where the empire joins together to rescue him.


Reiko is an average sized girl with long brown hair. Her eyes, while naturally brown, sometimes have a red look to them (some say it’s almost blood red). She’s a talented shugenja, and a Prophet of renown. Despite now having to speak on behalf of the new and quiet small Spider, Reiko much prefers to study. She has dabbled with a few arts and crafts, mainly taking to cooking, but her poor eyesight hampers her abilities somewhat.

She is now rarely seen without her protector and friend Kanna, despite her protests about not needing to be protected.

  • Anyone who has visited the Isawa would have heard of Reiko and her prophecies despite the Isawa's best attempts to conceal them
  • Anyone of the Isawa would certainly know her!
  • Reiko has visited every single clan and tribe since becoming the champion of the Spider, sharing the words of Fu Leng
Spider Clan * Temporary Clan Champion * Reiko family Daimyo * Former Isawa Tribe * Shugenja * Prophet * Bride of Fu Leng * Fire * Bad (blood?) Eyesight * Well Educated * Experienced * Kami Speak * profile
Status: 7.0 | Reputation: As expected | Glory: 9.0
Equipment: Diviner sticks, Yari and Ashigaru armour(when allowed), Walking Stick (bo), Jade, writing tools

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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Wu » Sun May 17, 2020 6:53 am

Name: Wu
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Height: 5'7"
Build: fit
Occupation: Seeker and Daimyo
Marital Status: Single
Eyes: brown
Hair: Long and black

Five years ago:

Fit but slender, Wu makes his best effort to always be clean and shaven. While he has a tendency to reflexively frown, that is not due to any negative emotion but rather that he often loses himself in tought.

Born and raised in the tribe of Isawa, he never seemed to fit in with his peers or with what people expected of him, creating this sense of unease.

This feeling was lifted when he simply decide to leave and join a band of wandering warriors. His family shunned him for this but he gained a sense of freedom he never had experienced before.

Certainly life was not easy on the road, especially for those who would seek to help those in need with their weapons rather then take what they could, but he was happy to roam the lands and learn about the different people, customs and beliefs.

His band gained a good reputation over time but soon he found himself uneasy again. It was less then with what he felt with his family and this time he could understand where it came from : he did not consider himself as virtuous as the other warriors and began to wonder if there was not something deeper to understand or to fight for.

With that in mind he bid farewell to his friends for a time and went to Seppun Hill to see if those who fell from the sky could tell him more.

After the tournament:

ive years has passed since the tournament and the moment Togashi-no-Kami accepted him as a student. At that moment he had suspected he would have to help establish some form of structure, a school or monastery perhaps, but not a family or a clan.

Not that Togashi gave any instruction, or direct ones at least, but Wu sensed he had to.

The reason was simple : all other Kami were busy recruiting and expending their followers and land in a myriad of ways and reasons unique to each of them. The people of the land are given a choice but what is offered might not be what they need or want. There will always be those who seek to walk their own paths on their own time.

These people should also be respected and given consideration.

Thus Wu's philosophy for the expansion the Clan of the Dragon was thus : It is our duty to help and we will give guidance when asked but we will not force our ways upon you. With that in mind Wu, his students and those who desired to walk the road of enlightment went out and helped the people of the land for as far as they could reach them. They would defend villages from bandits, share philosophy and wisdom, help toil the fields, write and deliver letters to estranged family members, rebuild after a catastrophe or any other task that they saw was required without asking for payment. The message would be clear : the Clan of the Dragon and the family of Wu will not impose itself over you, your path is your own and we respect it.

A different message from the active recruitment drives and conquests from the other Kami and one that would be heard.

All the while he began writing
Dragon Clan - Daimyo of the Wu - Black sheep of the Isawa tribe - Bushi - Spearman - Sage - Enlightened - Experienced
Status: 7 Reputation: 4.5 Glory: 6
Equipment : In town: Ryu-yari, sturdy clothing. Outside : bronze and leather armor, Ryu-yari, Nage-Yari, Yumi

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Doji Kaze
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Doji Kaze » Sun May 17, 2020 7:04 am

Name: Doji Kaze
Clan: Crane
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Height: 5'5"
Build: Sturdy
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Occupation: Scout; the Lady's bodyguard
Marital status: Single

Doji Kaze was an outcast, surviving as an animal in the woods after being rejected by his tribe. He was discovered by Lady Doji during her wanderings, and was shown a new world of ideas, of literature, of words, and he fell in love with all of it. Since then, he has been her constant shadow, determined to protect her words from all threats, large and small. The skills that helped him survive have allowed him to be useful to her, but they are no longer first in his heart. Instead, he has been learning her ways. But, at her request, he has left his studies and returned to his old habits, taking up his spear and bow, the better to help her brother as he helped her.
* Crane Clan * ex-Chinsei * Very, Very Quiet * Reformed Wild Man of the Woods * In Love With Words *
Status: 1.0 Glory: 2.0 Reputation: 4.5

Equipment: Yari, Nage-yari, Yumi, Ashiguru armor, some rope, a jade pendant, and a shovel.

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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Nanzi » Sun May 17, 2020 7:06 am


Tribe: Goguryeoji
Clan: Crane
Family: Nanzi
Gender: Male
Age: 29 to 30 summers
Height: 6'1"
Build: Muscular Dad Body
Occupation: Daimyo and War Leader
Marital Status: Doji's Husband
Eyes: Light Green
Hair: Dark black dreads


How to describe Nanzi? Tall but not so tall that the mountains will be jealous. Handsome Nanzi is, with a smile that lights the world. Strong like bear, fast like tiger, Nanzi is many things. Nanzi has tribe, but they are so far away you may never see them. Nanzi has the blood of fire in his veins, and he will burn brightly. Nanzi is beautiful, he is Crane and like his wife is stunning and always dressed to impress.


They say that Nanzi was taller once, but the Mountain Gods grew jealous and made him smaller. They say Nanzi was a prince once, but his older sister grew jealous and cast him out. Nanzi has seen the other side of the sea, where the giants live that carry the sun while it rests. Nanzi has killed ten thousand things in the world, be it man or animal. Nanzi has lain with the Queen of the Forest, for three nights of ecstasy. On the fourth he left, before she asked him to be her king.

Nanzi found the gods that walk as men do.

Nanzi is now consort and husband to Lady Doji, and he is deeply in love with her. Nanzi has fathered two daughters, one an heir to Doji and another an heir to Nanzi. Nanzi has begun to refine the Iaijutsu forms, so that mortal men can emulate the Emperor in all his resplendent glory. Nanzi was there at every wedding of the Kami, except Hantei, that Doji put together of course, including the Emperor. Nanzi is a friend to his newfound extended family and the Crane are glad to serve the Throne in any way they can. Nanzi is not idle, he is where he needs to be and for now he is here to fulfill the oath he gave to the Spider champion.

  • Everyone needs a friend, Nanzi will be your friend.
  • Nanzi is a model Crane, whatever that means.
  • You need things done, Nanzi can do many things.
  • As perhaps the highest voice of the Crane, he speaks for them and would speak with any that seek to better the Empire.
Supporting Staff

Nanzi Jongwun
Jongwun.jpg (9.16 KiB) Viewed 7895 times
Hailing from the tribe of Kakita, Jongwun is a prodigy of the sword and is the best student of the duel Nanzi has come across. He has personally seen to her training and is molding her to be a future leader in the family and clan and looks forward to seeing her progress to her full potential. Nanzi had hoped to leave her to defend his wife, but she was quite headstrong that she wished to see this task through.

He is pleased to have her sword.

Doji Jigutsuji
Jigutsiji.jpg (12.19 KiB) Viewed 7895 times
Loyal and efficient are the best words for Jigutsiji. He is a man of words and paperwork and is an excellent scribe, hailing from Nanzi's tribe he has made himself quite indispensable in the household of Doji. He is here to chronicle the events for the Clan and make sure everything is recorded properly.

Handsome and pleasant, he is well liked and is found usually in and around the tents of the Nanzi daimyo.
Last edited by Nanzi on Sun May 17, 2020 10:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Family Daimyo | Sexy DILF | Dark Skin | Doji's Husband | Prodigy | Divine Tongue | Oni Daddy
Status: 7.0 | Glory: 9.0 | Infamy: 0 | Reputation: Untrustworthy | Description | Theme
Possessions: Doji's Favor (Sword), Sword, Luxurious Clothes, Light Armor, Doji's Fan, Jade Finger Necklace
Supporting Staff: Doji Jigutsuji, Nanzi Jongwun, Raven on shoulder

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Togashi Saruko
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Togashi Saruko » Sun May 17, 2020 7:54 am

Togashi Saruko

Clan: Dragon Clan
Former Tribe: Ayakashi
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Height: 5'4"
Build: Delicate yet limber
Hair: Midnight-black, very long
Eyes: Doe-brown
Occupation: Daimyo, student of Togashi, storyteller, artisan
Marital status: Wife of the Kami Togashi, mother


Saruko falls kind of averagely when it comes to height, but what draws the eye is her beautiful features, delicate skin that seems touched by a heavenly glow, and a dancer's grace when she moves. Her long black hair is as dark as the moonless night sky, and her eyes are warm and friendly, with a glint of mischief in them. On her right forearm a red lotus blossom is tattooed on her skin, its quality beyond what anyone has seen and its color shimmering and vibrant.

The woman once known as Shirayuki was considered an oddball by many, including members of her own tribe. Just as likely to be lost in contemplation as she is to throw herself into a boisterous dance, she lives life with all she got and thinks deeply about the world and everything in it. She is no priestess, but is said to be abe to walk in the realms beyond this one, and she is no fighter but she does not shy away from a confrontation. She is no scholar, and yet possesses boundless curiosity and inquisitiveness about a great many topics.

Among her greatest passions seems to be storytelling, but in the past years she has also given more time and thought to the arts that the Kami are slowly introducing to the land - which she seems to have a natural aptitude for. She will gladly share a story or join in music or dancing, and is also likely to talk about these new and wonderful things like paintings and arranging flowers and gardening, and much much more.

After the Kami's Tournament at Seppun Hill, the young woman has been a regular sight at Togashi's side, always listening and watching... and frequently asking questions. Even if she's not exactly well-educated or book-smart, Togashi Saruko does seem to be attentive and thoughtful to what the tattooed Kami speaks of.

The two of them wed in a solemn and private ceremony with only a few attending as guests and witnesses, and Shirayuki then took the name Togashi Saruko, marking the beginning of her new life. The Lord and Lady of the Dragon Clan are often seen together, but they are both very private about their marriage... except the times Saruko's quite open and outgoing personality does something that elicits a rare smile from her husband.

After her pregnancy, Saruko spent much time away from others, recovering and focusing herself with the new insights that came with motherhood, which gave her ample time to practice learning to read and write herself (and writing poor letters to her friends). But when she finally stepped out of her shelter once more, it was with newfound clarity and understanding, as well as a beautiful tattoo of a red lotus blossom on her right forearm.

  • A close friend of the Kami? It is likely that Saruko knows of you or you know of her! She is especially fond of Shiba for marrying her kin Yuzuru, and of Lady Doji for all the interesting arts she talks about.
  • A follower of Togashi? Saruko is quite friendly and tries to speak with almost everyone who decides to seek out the Dragon.
  • I'm a Daimyo! You might have heard that Saruko is an artisan teaching a philosophy that teaches enlightenment along with art. Maybe that's of interest to you?
  • Are you a friend of the Imperial family? Very close friends and kin of Saruko joined Shiba's side as the first Emperor, and she'd love to meet a friend of a friend.
  • Interested in the spirit realms? Saruko knows...
Last edited by Togashi Saruko on Tue May 19, 2020 10:17 am, edited 2 times in total.
Dragon • Ayakashi • Saru Daimyo • Wife of the Dragon • Storyteller • Artisan • Blessed by the Heavens • Monkey Soul • Spirit Walker • Heavenly Voice • Friend of Shinsei • Tattooed • Enlightened • Experienced Shirayuki
Reputation: Cunning (3.5) • Status: 7.0 • Glory: 9.0

Theme 2Profile
Has: Padded armor, jian, bo, dancing fan, flowing robes, jade, shiny necklace, sea-shell bracelet, flute (dizi), hand-drum, painting supplies

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Bayushi Umeno
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Bayushi Umeno » Sun May 17, 2020 7:57 am

Name: Bayushi Umeno
Clan: Scorpion
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Height: 5'4"
Build: Muscled, Fit
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Occupation: Warrior
Marital Status: Single

As a former Kuwagaya, Umeno was a loner with few friends and a off putting attitude. She supported herself off her parent's fishing, as well as fighting when the tribe was under attack. Few knew her well, and even fewer called her friend. She always seemed to be most at peace in the midst of battle, and listless at most other times.

While most of the Kuwagaya joined the honorable Lion or Crane, Umeno had stayed behind with those who remained. It was a chance run in with the Kami Bayushi that changed her fate. Surprisingly to those that knew her, Umeno left to follow him quite suddenly, and has sworn fealty ever since.

Umeno is about average height, with a warrior's build, well Muscled and tough, though with a certain feminine beauty she maintains. She is quiet most of the time and self absorbed, seeming to come to life when blades are drawn.
Scorpion Clan | Bushi | Former Kawagaya | Stand-Oafish | Blessed
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 1.0 | Reputation: What is Expected
Carries: Armor, Dai Tsuchi, Tetsubo, Tanto, Hat and Cloak, Pack

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Shoji Haka
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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Shoji Haka » Sun May 17, 2020 8:37 am

Name: Shoji Haka
Tribe: Shoji
Gender: Female
Age: 20s
Height: 5'9"
Build: Average
Occupation: Shaman
Marital Status: Single
Eyes: White
Hair: White

Haka hails from the Shoji Tribe, a group of humans who live out their lives in the haunted Forest of Dreamers in the far northwest corner of the Empire. Born blind, she demonstrated an early affinity for the spirits of the forest and was raised as a shaman. After an accident resulted in one of the hungry ghost following Haka back to her tribe, she was banished to its outskirts, where she lived in relative solitude until she began to overhear the villagers wondering if she might make a good "Kusabi" - a sacrificial wedge used to keep the door to the spirit world sealed for a little while longer.

After deciding that she didn't want to be ritually dismembered, Haka decided to leave the Forest of Dreamers behind her to join the great expedition that was rumored to be happening in the east. Exactly what it was or where they were going weren't as important as just putting some distance between her and her tribe, so Haka arrives somewhat out of the loop.

  • Haka is a shaman! She knows about mystical things.
  • Are you interested in ghosts? Haka knows a lot of stuff about ghosts!
  • Want to hang out with a ghost? Haka has a ghost!
  • Like magic? Haka is an ishiken... maybe even one of the first!
Shoji Tribe • Shaman • Blind • Enlightened • Earth • Void • Haunted

Status: 1.0
Reputation: What is Expected
Glory: 2.0

I gave you blood, blood, gallons of the stuff,
I gave you all that you can drink and it has never been enough

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Re: Character Descriptions

Post by Ninube » Sun May 17, 2020 9:28 am

Name: Ninube
Gender: Female
Clan: Spider
Age: 19
Height 5’4
Occupation: Thief.... err..... Scout. Yes, she's a scout. That's it.
Marital Status: :lol:

Background: Ninube is a new addition to the Spider Clan. To those outside the clan, she is just that. Some random woman who joined the Clan. Apparently, she is a decent scout. The Spider know the more complicated truth. She was caught trying to steal from the Clan. Before she could be punished, Reiko saw she had a destiny before her and gave her the option of punishment or joining the Clan and saving Fu Leng.

Ninube is beginning to suspect she chose wrong.

- Lived in a small village where everyone hated the beggar child of some deceased criminals? Maybe you knew her. She doesn't really remember the name of the village or if it had one. She was pretty young when she got ran out for stealing.
- Did a woman come into your village or tribe for a few days and leave with the strange coincidence of food and valuables coming up missing? Maybe you met her. Such strange coincidences like this follow her around all the time.
- Travel a lot? You might have met her on the road. Ninube likes to keep moving.
Last edited by Ninube on Sun May 17, 2020 12:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Spider Clan * "Scout" * Unloved By Her Ancestors

Status: 1.0 * Reputation: Untrsutworthy * Glory: 1.0

Items: Bronze Sword * Jade * Ashigaru Armor (when scouting and such) * Mask (when scouting and such) * Lucky Cricket in Cage (during down time)

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