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The Tao of Death - Taochusu

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 1:37 am
by Canary
"No, you're going the wrong way again. You can't go back," came the deep voice of his guardian, as he placed a firm but gentle hand on the soul's shoulder.

"Still got work to do," came Taochusu's reply, as he moved to match the new direction.

"I know. It's unfortunate. I was hoping to have you be part of my family," the voice replied. "It was not meant to be though."

"Who are you?" Taochusu asked for the thousandth time, confused.

"Just a simple guardian. You're not making this easy, continually wandering off." A deep rumbling chuckle followed.

Taochusu just walked and rejoined the herd of spirits under the dead kami's protection, shepherding them to their destination. He looked around and didn't recognize the faces.

Eventually the sound of rumbling and rasping joined together as two figures that were larger than life joined each other.

"Take care of that this one first. He keeps wandering off trying to find his way back to protect his living allies," the rumble said to the rasp.

"Don't tell me how to do my job. I'll... damn it, he is wandering off. I suppose you aren't wrong. Go fetch him," the rasp replied.

Taochusu felt the hand on his shoulder once more.

"Who are you?" Taochusu asked once more. "Where are we? I need to protect them."

He is guided before the judge and feels a welling terror for a moment, before the hand leaves his shoulder and disappears.

"Finally. Took you long enough," came the dry raspy voice, escaping a face of death.

Taochusu was still in a haze. His memory felt so empty here. Like nothing he did stuck. "What?"

"I expected you years ago. Not so long for me, but surprisingly long for you. How many near misses did you have?" A creepy, dark laughter for just a few short breaths. "Time for your next go."

"Who are you? Where am I? Was I sucked into... where? What am I even..."

"It's this place." An armored hand rests on the giant's forehead. "You are dead. Much like the Chusu that bore you, though a bit more heroically. Some folks seem to be impressed with your will and sacrifice. You're moving up in your next go around. Not that you'll know the difference."

The metal touch brings his mind into focus. "The expedition! Where are they? I need to keep them safe. Where's the damn Ogre?!"

"Calm yourself. Peace. You were on the verge of earning a place in the wrong realm. I'm glad you didn't," the judge of the dead replied. "In the end your will to protect outstripped your anger at the creatures that threatened. The ritual was protected. It has been years since that day. It takes time to get to me."

"What? I... so they succeeded? And I'm... dead. I failed my family," he says tears welling in his eyes. "They are forgotten."

"Yes, you failed them. But you did not fail your realm. The closest that anyone will come to knowing of the Chusu tribe is that you changed your name to honor them, and you will be remembered for your deeds. They're not entirely lost due to that, but their stories are. I believe some of their music will live on thanks to you. Not complete failure, but far from the success you might have achieved if you had lived."

The tears began streaming as Emma-O explained the truth of things to Taochusu.

"Don't fret. You're tribe has more connection to the world now than many that came and went in ages past. You did well enough for them. But you did much more for the new Empire than you did for your Tribe, even if not intentionally. And because of that you have earned a life with far less struggle this time around. Do not worry, you will not remember this pain. I hope that you will find joy this time around, you lacked for it last time."

Slowly, the sadness started to fade, and his sight filled with light as everything faded from existence.