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Planting Willows - Jiyo Sora

Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 5:40 pm
by Canary
On the face of it, it was absurd.

He loved and venerated his Emperor, and would never dream of undermining his rule. He even respected some the Emperor's siblings, and even the ones he utterly loathed, he hated less for what they were than for who they were- and with Shiba in charge, the harm they could do was limited.

But he still went about the business of recruiting operatives here and there, as the circumstances permitted, because futures needed to be tended with all the care he saw the Imperial gardeners employing under Yuzuru's influence.

But now, with the very real possibility that he might die on the mission to rescue Fu Leng, he put brush to paper. Just in case.

One missive to the hand-picked head of the detail who would be guarding the children in his absence.

Be sure to take them fishing. They know the spot.

The youngest twins like getting rides on someone's shoulders. I usually manage to balance both, but if you're afraid of dropping them, pick someone you trust.

The middle twins are reaching the stage where they skip rocks at each other as much as they do on the pond. Keep an eye on them. They know they're not supposed to, but I suspect they will test you.

The firstborn is learning to read. I've been writing some stories about my time with the Hikaru- they're stashed in the armory, behind the spare dagger-axes. No more than one per week, and under no circumstances hand out the ones marked in red- those are for later years and a stronger stomach.
The second was more personal... he marked it to be read in the event of his death or other failure to return.

Well, if you're reading this, bad news, the kids will need someone to mind them.
Good news, the court will be more ornamental for my absence. Just hang some flowers on a scarecrow and it'll more than compensate.

If it's not too much to ask, I would hope that you be the one to tell the children what happened. Shiba and Yuzuru could do it, I suppose, but since I swore myself to your family, I think it would be... proper. They need to know what fealty means in this empire we're building.

And it would mean more to me.

As usual, when it comes to you, words fail me, so I think I'll leave off here before I write any further stupidities.

You know what I mean- often better than I do.
And now, the third... to be given to the Emperor, to have sent to his designated successor in the event of his death.
I have some bad news, Hana.

You're in charge now.

Go to the Emperor- he knows everything. My Friends will make themselves known at the appropriate time.

I suspect right now you're wondering what you're supposed to do, why I picked you, all of that...

You might not have gotten into fights like I have, and you might not know herbs the way Old Ko does, but you've got the judgment- and the character- that I want in my successor. If anyone fails to fall in line, tell the Emperor to give their names to Bayushi. That should get things cleaned up in a jiffy, but I don't think it'll come to that.

I hand-picked all of you. I suggest that in future, you do the same. Make sure you don't recruit people for their skills- skills can be taught.

What you should look for is what I saw in you four years ago, with those whip marks on your back still raw- the thing that made you pick up that stone to try to kill me if I were to force you to go back to your tribe and marry him, even though you knew I had you dead to rights, and that you had almost no hope of victory.

Don't worry. You'll do fine.