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The Tao of Chusu - Taochusu

Posted: Sun May 17, 2020 8:59 am
by Canary
Finally beginning arriving at the home of the Seidou, Taochusu strolled up to the borders of the village. He raised a hand in greeting to one of the guards there with a smile on his face. "Hey there!" he says in a chipper tone. "I've got furs for trade."

One of the guards waved him over and begins grilling him. "Tribe or clan?"

"Clan? What's that?" he seemed a bit confused. "No tribe or... clan? I guess. My tribe died out years ago," he said with a shrug.

"Yeah, clan. The groups that follow the gods," the guard clarifies as he begins going through Taochusu's stuff to make sure he wasn't brining in anything dangerous or against the tribe's rules or customs. "Most of us are now Anjing family of the Crab clan rather than Seidou tribe."

"Sounds like a completely different language to me," Taochusu says with a confused head scratch. "Like what do you mean family? Is he your brother?" he says pointing to the other guard with his thumb. "Because you don't look related."

The guard shakes his head. "No. Don't be daft. We follow the Kami Hida who rules the Crab clan. The Anjing family is... a... it's like a tribe?" He pauses for a moment. "It's not my job to explain this to you." He flips between the stacked pelts that Taouchus unrolled for him. "You'll figure it out or you won't. Not my problem."

Taochusu just shrugs again. "Whatever. Long as I can get a drink and supplies for these I don't really care."

"Well, you better learn to care. Though, it's on your head, not mine," he says before taking another fur from the big wanderer that had been wrapped around something.

"Easy with that. I can't replace that. It was my mothers," he say getting a bit protective as the guard unwrapped his guqin to make sure it wasn't a hidden weapon.

"Yeah, yeah," he said before wrapping it back up and giving it back. "Where are you coming from? The wilds I'm guessing?"

Taochusu just nods as he carefully slings the guqin over his back. "Nowhere else for me to be."

The guard gives him a nod. "Don't go waving your weapons around and there won't be any problems. You been here before?"

Taochusu shakes his head, "No."

"Traders are up this path. You'll run into them pretty quick," he says with a dismissive nod.

Nodding, the big hunter moves along.


The giant trade the furs for a few of the things he'd need. A new pot to replace the one he had that had cracked, and a new set of strings for his guqin. Along with some beer and a bowl of soup. He chewed on a bit of dried venison as he walked around after his meal.

The fortress that was put together here was the most impressive set of defenses he'd ever seen around the village. He thought they might be preparing for a tribal war, but apparently not after talking with some folks. A few times some carpenters asked him to help move stuff but he wasn't about to get drawn in to working for nothing. And he wasn't interested in a sedentary lifestyle building defenses for someone else.

But when he heard tell of folks organizing to head south in search of one of these gods he'd was just now learning about, that piqued his interest. This was the farthest south he had ever been and saw no reason to stop here. Might be interesting to go see the lands of the rumored rat people. He hadn't seen many in his life and always knew to avoid them so he didn't become one of their slaves. But if a large group was heading that way, well... that was an opportunity to see something new.