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In Their Element (D9, EA, Expecting)

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 12:12 pm
by Jin
Jin had carefully made his way down the cliff and settled in a clear spot near the roaring waterfall as he waited the arrival of the girls.

Let them see at least one last beautiful sight before we risk their souls....

Re: In Their Element (D9, EA, Expecting)

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 10:14 pm
by Shinjo Miuna
The girls appeared a short time later. Miuna was happy for the excuse to be near the falls again. The rumble of the water felt rhythmic and comforting. She was barefoot, Aono holding her shoes gently. The sisters were both grateful to see Jin this day. They bowed in greeting. Aono said, "Well met, Jin. I hope this day has found you well. In favor of being straightforward, I asked to meet once more to talk about what is to come. There's a sense of foreboding that fills the air this day." Miuna simply sighed as if to punctuate the statement. She settled into a seated position, green eyes lingering on Jin's good one.

Re: In Their Element (D9, EA, Expecting)

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 10:41 pm
by Jin
He offers a smile as they approach though it doesn't stay for long as he nods, "It does and it likely should. I suspect this will be the last moment of respite we have in our journey... and even here we should be cautious. Even fruit that looks beautiful may still hide a rotten core."

Re: In Their Element (D9, EA, Expecting)

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 11:34 pm
by Shinjo Miuna
"Indeed." He was right. The women could also feel it. Especially Miuna. It's why she was spending so much time outside and by the water. These moments were fleeting and her heart ached with the weight of what was to come. "Is there anything more we can do to prepare ourselves? Have you learned of anything else regarding what we now walk into?" The questions were posed by Miuna's hands, but came from Aono's mouth.

Re: In Their Element (D9, EA, Expecting)

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 11:53 pm
by Jin
While he did not want to regale them with horror stories they did need to know what they might face.

"The nezumi tell of ogres and goblins and beasts driven mad by the darkness. Thankfully they say they are not yet organized forces but they will still pose a great risk. They also speak of powerful evil spirits so we shall need to guard the souls, not just the bodies, of those we travel with." He sighs, "Apparently there are also creatures that can steal and wear the skins of others and appear as them to hide among us."

Re: In Their Element (D9, EA, Expecting)

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 1:03 am
by Shinjo Miuna
They'd heard of the face stealing creatures, the stuff of nightmares. Miuna shivered as she revisted the swamp in her mind's eye. She looked at her hands for a bit, before looking back up at Jin, her gaze affixed to his.
"I am... not a warrior. Though I cannot fight well, I will do everything within my power to protect and heal. It is why I am here now, serving our Lady Shinjo. It's what I was brought into this world to do. I know it."

Aono stifled a laugh at that. It seemed inappropriate, while her sister was being so serious, but she couldn't help it. Miuna often saw herself as weak simply because she abhorred the use of excessive force or violence. However, Aono had seen her grapple men twice her size, during her Jiujutsu training, and win. She'd even choked one into unconsciousness once. She had been so distraught, thinking she'd done the worst, that she wouldn't stop crying until the man came to and patted her on the back. She did openly chuckle now, hugging her affectionately, saying, "You are a warrior in your own right. We are fortunate to have the use of your skills, and the other shugenja, on this perilous journey." She turned her attention to Jin now. "I fear there are many more unsightly creatures that await in the shadows as we draw nearer to the Darkness. Much stronger and more sinister than what we have encountered so far. I remain optimistic but am not so naive to think that we will suffer no losses." She gave a heavy sigh. "We merely have to do our best to curb those losses where we are able."

Re: In Their Element (D9, EA, Expecting)

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 5:34 am
by Jin
"You have proven your skill and bravery admirably... but there are many ways to serve. If you did wish to turn back, to serve by informing the clan what we have learned so far and training those who await our return... if we return... none would fault you and I could see to it that you have an escort to make it safely."

Re: In Their Element (D9, EA, Expecting)

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 7:07 am
by Shinjo Miuna
Miuna openly looked offended. Heat colored her cheeks. "I am no coward," she signed with agitation. She made a move to rise from her seated position but Aono placed a hand on her shoulder to still her. She trembled, trying to regain her composure.

Aono, ever composed, had considered that very offer more than once on this expedition. She longed to take her sister from this place. To bring her home. To keep her safe. But Miuna was a young woman now. A stubborn, clumsy, affable and loving young woman. Still. She smiled at Jin, though it didnt reach her eyes. "Thank you. That's a generous offer, but you and I both know it isn't a viable path. Aside from Shinjo herself commanding it, there's no turning Miuna away." She laughed a little at the thought. Miuna would probably still attempt to defy Shinjo's authority in the matter. Once she set her mind to something, there was very little that could sway her.

Re: In Their Element (D9, EA, Expecting)

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2020 11:07 am
by Jin
Jin nods, he had expected the result but he had still had to try, "I know I have made it clear that combat magic is not to be used on human opponents but be aware that the creatures we face may require such methods. Which rituals have you mastered?"

Re: In Their Element (D9, EA, Expecting)

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 8:12 am
by Shinjo Miuna
Miuna stared at her hands, gently lifting them up in front of her. "Actually, I have left combat magic largely untouched. I can fight using my body, but I couldn't ask the kami to grant me the power to harm. You know that's simply not how I operate." She had sworn early on in her studies that she would never abuse the gifts the kami had granted her. "You trained me in most of what I know, though I have learned a few handy tricks," she signed. "Like this, here hold out your hand-"
She drew her little knife she always carried and made a cut across her hand. Muttering the incantation, she squeezed the hand into a fist, forcing the blood to pool and then fall to the Earth. The blood hit the ground and sank in, immediately disappearing. A fraction of a moment later, a large tetsubo made of pure earth seemed to leap from the dirt beside Jin and into his waiting hand.

Aono said, "She's been practicing that one for a while now. She can make it take any shape she desires. It only lasts about five minutes though, but she can summon it if needed up to twenty feet away."

Miuna signed, "I can also reveal things which are hidden, temporarily imprison darker creatures, and give my comrades increased speed. If I ever see battle, I mean. I've even learned how to funnel my strength or stamina and grant it to others." Aono relayed all that for Jin, even though he knew the basics and probably understood most of what Miuna signed.

"Miuna was hesitant to learn any magic that would openly bring harm to another. Human or other. Knowing how is one thing, executing it is another matter entirely. So she focused on and is adept at binding enemies or enhancing allies. Though her fists are definitely something to be feared." She chuckled at that last remark and Miuna stuck out her tongue.

Re: In Their Element (D9, EA, Expecting)

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 8:50 am
by Jin
Although Jin is strong enough to support the weapon as it manifests it's clear that its size and weight would prevent him from properly swinging it, "Impressive. But in battle do be sure to summon it to someone with both hands free." He offers a smile though it falters a little as he continues, "As for combat I sadly believe it is a matter of when, not if. When it does happen stay as far back as you can if we are not surrounded. If we are then take the center of the formation and let the warriors shield you. Use your magic to slow the enemies or to speed our allies, or both."

Re: In Their Element (D9, EA, Expecting)

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 11:44 am
by Shinjo Miuna
Oh for the love of. I can make the damn thing take any shape I want and I made a two-handed weapon?! Miuna could've smacked herself. Instead she simply smiled and nodded.

Both women grew quiet and pensive as he continued, absorbing the instructions for when Miuna would need them.

Aono broke the silence. "Thank you for that, Jin, and for meeting with us today. May the Fortunes smile upon us as we continue on."


Re: In Their Element (D9, EA, Expecting)

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 11:59 am
by Jin
"Of course. Miuna, Aono don't let me keep you. Enjoy this place while you can. I doubt we shall see something as lovely for a very long time."

Jin takes his own advice and settles in to watch the waterfall a while longer.
