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The Oral History of the Seppun Tribe

Posted: Fri May 08, 2020 5:11 pm
by Canary
The Seppun speaks of the history of this world.

Our ancestors have seen visions of the far past, and speak of the blackness that existed before the world, and of the Sun and Moon who gave names to the Ten Thousand Things of the world. The Sun chased the remaining darkness from this world, and so we honor her at the ancient shrine on our hill, the place which must never be violated.

There was a time when the Heavens were different and the Sun and Moon traveled together. However, the Moon gave his wife a celestial bull to carry her, and he soon tired and lagged behind his wife. Now they travel at different times of day, and only rare does the Moon catch up so that he may spend time with his wife. Shadows spread during this time, and the primordial darkness briefly returns to hold sway during this time. During times such as these, our tribe prays and lights many lanterns to ward it away.

In the forest to the East rose the Great Snakes. The first Snake was created by the Sun herself, and was golden and large enough that it encircled the Great Eastern Forest. It was wise and benevolent and looked after the Ten Thousand Things for the Sun. As time went on, the Golden Snake shed its skin many times, and each skin became one of the many varieties of Snakes across the land. Some were large and intelligent and had arms like men, but many were small with no arms, and we can see many of the descendants of the Great Snake in the many small ones that still live throughout the world. Pythons with pale yellow coloration are considered sacred among us.

Soon the Great Snake had shed its skin so much that it was reduced to nothing, leaving its children to look after the world. However, its children were not so great and wise as the Golden Snake, and while they made great works, they became decadent and cared little for caring for the lands. Eventually, the Sun noticed their failure in their care of her things and flew into a great rage, burning the lands in the east in her fury. That is why we call the lands of the tribes the Protected Lands, for they were safe from the Sun’s anger.

The Great Snakes disappeared not long after that, during a time when the Moon caught up with the Sun. The primordial darkness spread as it does when the Sun’s light disappears and wrapped around the Great Snakes, making them disappear from the world.

After the Great Snakes fell, the way opened for the living of many races within the Protected Lands. The Ogres came from the North, and the Nezumi rose in the south. Those two races fight an endless war even to this day. The Ningyou ruled the seas, while our own Hundred Tribes rose in the central realms where we could find safe land to gather food, hunt game, and fish. Some of the tribes of humanity came from the East, fleeing the anger of the Sun.

The first Seppun came to our own tribe and granted us knowledge through her visions. She brought simple metal work, and the cultivation of seeds, and the worship of the Sun. She followed those very visions to our hill, recognizing it as a holy place and building a shrine upon it. Our tribe named itself for her, and her descendants through myself still rule our tribe to this day. It is said that rather than die, our founder stood atop the hill and disappeared into a great light from the Heavens rather than dying.