NPC Descriptions

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NPC Descriptions

Post by Canary » Tue May 12, 2020 7:30 pm

Shinjoav.jpg (26.4 KiB) Viewed 1567 times
A woman of boundless compassion and curiosity. While she once looked down on the land of mortals with longing, she now has the opportunity to explore it to her hearts' content. She has found a love for its people, as well, especially those who share her big heart and sense of independence and wanderlust. The Hikaru Tribe came to join her Clan in this way, and it is things like this that brought her and her husband together. As the closest emotionally of the Kami to her fallen brother, she asked to come along and at least see the lands that were affected by his fall and help organize logistics.

Hanteiav.jpg (29.46 KiB) Viewed 1567 times
The favored son of Amaterasu, who even now carries a vestige of the light of the Heavens with him despite his new mortality. While he originally sought to return to the Heavens with his siblings, he has accepted his life in the wold of humans now. He has formed a Clan of his own, the Stag, of those drawn to his great sense of honor and willingness to help those in need, and taken a wife, as well. Some see him as arrogant, but it would be more accurate to say that he has a strong sense of the Celestial Order. While he and his brother often clashed before the fall, he feels somewhat responsible for the situation, and accompanied the group to help.

Monk.jpg (24 KiB) Viewed 1567 times
A small, strange man who calls himself "Shinsei" - undoubtedly a pseudonym, as the name simply means "new way". He often remains under a deep hood, with only his lower face visible, and is quite short, even for a human. He usually carries around a walking stick, and is accompanied by a crow (who itself has a fondness for making mischief around the camp). It's hard to tell what his age is - it could be anywhere between 16 and a young-looking 40 - but his wisdom is well beyond it, whatever it may be. He seems to know a great deal about the corruption spreading in the south, and has advocated that humans must be the prime movers in this situation.

crowav.jpg (11.67 KiB) Viewed 1508 times
Shinsei's crow. He seems to refer to it as male, and talks to it frequently. Mischievous.

Fu Leng
Fufuav.jpg (25.91 KiB) Viewed 1567 times
The fallen brother, the Kami now trapped in Jigoku that this expedition seeks to save. He was one of those people who is often the second best at many different endeavors, though he had a particular knowledge of magic and the spirit realms beyond Tengoku. He is highly intelligent, even for one of the Kami (though not so much as Shiba), and a dry and sardonic sense of humor despite his current situation. Reiko, the one person even occasionally in contact with him, has begun to notice a decline in his condition. Jigoku is losing patience.

agashateenav.jpg (16 KiB) Viewed 1517 times
A young girl when she accompanied Nazo, Agasha has now learned much and become an accomplished shugenja in her own right, focusing on the element of Fire. She is still very talkative and has trouble with lying. Since then she has taken on a pacifistic streak, and thus has asked to serve in a support role during the expedition. While on their way, she plans to study everything they see and learn.
GM + Bird + Glorious Plumage + Experienced

"Is the dark side stronger?"
"No, no, no. Quicker. Easier. More seductive."


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