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Day 3

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 3:05 pm
by Canary
Day 2: Marching

Day 3

Days: 0:00 5/22 - 23:59 5/24

The Twilight Mountains

An area of the Twilight Mountains just south of the Seidou fortress. Mountains is a strong term – compared to the sharp peaks of the relatively young mountains at the north of the Empire, many would consider these little more than very tall, heavily wooded hills. If one climbs to a tree, looking over the landscape to the south, one can see the woods become denser as they turn to jungle… and somewhere in the far distance, the sky darkens. It is a persistent feature that will only grow more prominent as the days wear on.

After spending the last day marching with only a brief camp yesterday, finally finding a place to camp along the river is good. The weather is still good, though you can see a few more puffy white clouds overhead. It gives some reprieve from the sunshine, as does the considerable shade of the forest canopy overhead. The air isn't quite as warm as it has been on the march from Seidou.

EA: Bandit Attack

Re: Day 3

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 3:05 pm
by Canary
Gossip and Rumors

"Sure, that Jiyo Sora is a bit odd-looking, and gruff, and rough around the edges, but he's actually a doting guardian for the Emperor's children and he'd make a fierce and protective spouse for the lucky woman or man who'd manage to snare him! Give him a try, because he's much nicer than he wants you to think!"


"What the hell?! My entire stock of dried fish for the winter is gone!"
"Gone?! Oh no... What happened?"
"I don't know... maybe I'm starting to get senile in my old age. I'm so sorry. And you with a child on the way..."
"It's okay, Dad, we'll figure something out."