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[D 11 LE] Something Wonderful

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 4:57 am
by Reo
Reo leans on his walking stick, catching his breath for a moment as he prepares to limp on ahead.

"Ho boy."

He had been meaning to join the search for the girl, but once again, his leg had slowed him and he had been left behind.


The words from the cave the other day linger, but Reo does his best to shake it off. Sure, the others had the glory, but there was a prize that they would not expect. Reo kneeled before the body, offering a small prayer, though he couldn't say who too.

"This being was clever enough to speak our tongue, to appear to be a human. I do regret that it has come to this. But I refuse to let your wonder die alone."

Reo rises, pulling out his tools, attempting to study the creature that the others had abandoned.


Anatomy to study how the body shapeshifted and/or its venom
Shadowlands to study the effect and mechanism of the Taint

Study the Kumo's anatomy: Lore(Anatomy)/Intelligence: 5d10o10k4 23
Study the effect of Shadowlands on Kumo: Lore (Shadowlands)/Intellgience: 5d10o10k4 25

Re: [D 11 LE] Something Wonderful

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 5:10 am
by Bakuriel
[Reo isn't quite able to determine the mechanism by which the transformation occurred. TN 25 All he can seem to figure out is that the process was likely quite painful, and many of the less transformed parts are consistent with a young girl much like the one he'd been searching for.

Whether this thing started out human or beast is not apparent.

As far as understanding of the Taint, Reo gleans that it is some manner of spiritual disease, evidently capable of warping the flesh of those heavily affected. TN 25]

Re: [D 11 LE] Something Wonderful

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 5:31 am
by Reo
"It''s curious. But how do I learn how to attempt to reverse it?" Reo taps his knife on the chitin of armor in thought, trying to think of a way to investigate further. "The Nezumi mentioned something about the transfer in wounds. Maybe from the mandibles? There could potentially be venom to be harvested too."

That a spider's bite might be toxic was known, but as far as Reo knew, no one had thought to try harvesting it. Also, as far as Reo knew, no one had come across a spider of this size before. Perhaps if he could remove them, there could be further studies.

(OOC: Would it be possible to use Medicine or Anatomy to remove the mandibles and venom sacks)

Re: [D 11 LE] Something Wonderful

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 5:33 am
by Bakuriel
[Medicine TN 20 nets one or the other, 25 nets both]

Re: [D 11 LE] Something Wonderful

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 5:44 am
by Reo
It takes a great deal of patience to work the knife in without nicking anything important. Fortunately, Reo's entirety of existence had seemed to prepare him for such a task: years studying under disparate craftsmen, dressing game, treating wounds, awareness of the body and practice with different chemicals from nature. Not to mention the idea of taking them in the first place.

In the end, Reo manages to expertly remove his intended organs.

Harvesting the Kumo; Medicine/Intelligence, VP spent: 8d10o10k5 37

Re: [D 11 LE] Something Wonderful

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 7:56 am
by Kyosei of the Isawa
Another approached from the direction of the camp. He saw one other present, and waited patiently. You didn't interrupt someone that was cutting like that - bad things could happen.

Once the kneeling man was done, he approached, making sure to make noise as he did. "Good evening. Anything interesting?"

Re: [D 11 LE] Something Wonderful

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 8:32 am
by Reo
Reo shakes his hands, cleaning himself off. He reaches into his pack, pulling out a length of straw twine. There's someone new now, calling out to him. Reo begins to weave a handle onto the mandible, something so people would not have to grip it directly.

Fashion a handle for the mandible, Soul of Artistry/Intelligence: 5d10o10k4 31

As he crafts Reo calls back to the new arrival.

"It's an interesting creature. I honestly can't say is this was a person who was turned into a spider, or a spider that managed to achieve something close to an imitation of a human. Despite what some seem to think, this affliction has an incredibly varied course. What brings you here?"

Re: [D 11 LE] Something Wonderful

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 8:40 am
by Bakuriel
Reo wrote:
Thu Jun 04, 2020 8:32 am
Reo shakes his hands, cleaning himself off. He reaches into his pack, pulling out a length of straw twine. There's someone new now, calling out to him. Reo begins to weave a handle onto the mandible, something so people would not have to grip it directly.

Fashion a handle for the mandible, Soul of Artistry/Intelligence: 5d10o10k4 31

As he crafts Reo calls back to the new arrival.

"It's an interesting creature. I honestly can't say is this was a person who was turned into a spider, or a spider that managed to achieve something close to an imitation of a human. Despite what some seem to think, this affliction has an incredibly varied course. What brings you here?"
Taint Resist Roll TN 15 due to the perpetual exposure to Shadowlands guts and ichor and whatnot

Re: [D 11 LE] Something Wonderful

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 8:46 am
by Reo
Reo has been around tainted remains a while now. While likely never any true immunity, this time being around the remains doesn't quite seem to stick to him.

Resist Taint, Stamina, VP spent: 4d10o10 16

Re: [D 11 LE] Something Wonderful

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 8:47 am
by Kyosei of the Isawa
"I'm not terribly happy with what I heard. Particularly that they didn't cleanse the place after. Came to burn it - spiderweb burns quite well. Also, if there are any eggs still here, it will destroy them."

Re: [D 11 LE] Something Wonderful

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 8:59 am
by Reo
Reo nods. "I've gotten what I came for. Leaving it out carries a risk of it's own., was able to speak. Intelligent, to an extent. I'd rather not give anything here the chance to repeat the transformation." Reo begins to step away. "A goodbye pyre does not seem out of order."

Re: [D 11 LE] Something Wonderful

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 9:12 am
by Ninube
Ninube snuck into the area, seeing the two men, she revealed herself a little distance away to not freak them out too much. "Hey, how's it going?"

Re: [D 11 LE] Something Wonderful

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 9:16 am
by Reo
"Oh hey!" Reo waves, a smile forming. "Want anything from an extra large spider?" Reo lifts a the mandible he's been tinkering with. "I want to see what a shugenja can do with this, and they left the venom sacks intact!"

Reo lets out a dark chuckle, gesturing to the creature. "Spider Clan!"

Re: [D 11 LE] Something Wonderful

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 9:22 am
by Kyosei of the Isawa
"Huh. That is what you are called, isn't it? That's neat, actually. Now, first, we start with this candle. Never use magic, when a simple mundane item could do."

With that, making sure that Reo and Ninube were out of the webbing proper, Kyosei held the lit candle to the edges of the webbing, seeing if it would catch on fire.

Re: [D 11 LE] Something Wonderful

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 9:36 am
by Ninube
Ninube smiled back to her Clanmate. "The venom sacks would be useful. Is it safe though? I came to see if the spiders were Tainted. And if not, could the be tamed." She nodded to the stranger. "Name's Ninube."

Re: [D 11 LE] Something Wonderful

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 9:40 am
by Kyosei of the Isawa
Looking up from where he was kneeling on one knee to reach the webbing with the candle, the shugenja looked up. "Kyosei, spirit-talker of the Isawa tribe. I just don't want any eggs to wake in the middle of the night, or behind us as we go."

Re: [D 11 LE] Something Wonderful

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 9:43 am
by Reo
"This one." Reo gestures to the deceased creature "Is absolutely tainted. Maybe some of the others are alright, but they are not coming out anytime soon. We are making too much noise and the fire will scare them. I don't know about the venom...perhaps it can even kill a god."

"But indeed, I'd rather not have a swarm of these looking for a snack tonight."

Re: [D 11 LE] Something Wonderful

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 9:47 am
by Ninube
"Hey, that's the tribe Reiko's from. Nice to you meet you." She pauses. "There's eggs?" Ninube was interested.

"Well, that's good. If there not all Tainted, maybe we can grab a few on the way back."

Re: [D 11 LE] Something Wonderful

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 9:48 am
by Reo
"Maybe some fresh food. Or pets." Reo puts a finger on his chin. "We could harvest the venom"

Re: [D 11 LE] Something Wonderful

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 9:54 am
by Ninube
"I mean we are the Spider Clan. Having giant spiders seem good. And if non-Tainted ones, get that big, maybe we can ride them." Sure, it's not riding a Kami, but she can't let Phi have all the fun. A moment of serious brushes Ninube's face as she gives a quick prayer for their safety. Her face turns back to normal as she thinks of having her own giant spider."