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Re: [Day 11, Early Evening] The Fine Art of Diplomacy (Expecting)

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 4:49 pm
by Reiko
(To avoid any confusion, I'll just say I arrived now :D )

Reiko had known of the meeting spot, however she was not a fast moving being with her eyesight as bad as it was. The tapping of her walking stick would give away her arrival, and she bowed to those who were there.

"Good evening."

Re: [Day 11, Early Evening] The Fine Art of Diplomacy (Expecting)

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 5:02 pm
by Jiyo Sora
TIMING! He's ina receptive mood!

"Reiko-sama, good evening. Seppun Dawei-san has just made a most generous gesture, and Ch'chit T'kkiri might be a bit... distracted, but I believe the timing is apt, all the same. I know you and the Fearless Warrior of Black Moonset have spoken, but I do not know that you have actually met, as such. I will simply note that he serves his people with a dedication any servant of the Empire should admire, and that he wants a future where children- Nezumi and human- can live in safety."

He turned to the Nezumi.

"Reiko is Fallen-Rock-Man's mate. His well-being is her biggest concern because she, unlike the others here, has seen the pain he endures."

To both.

"You spoke harshly to each other earlier today, but knowing you both as I do, I know that it was love that brought your emotions to that pitch. Out of the love you bear for your people, T'kkiri, and the love you bear for Fu Leng, Reiko, I know that we can find the patience to understand one another better."

Re: [Day 11, Early Evening] The Fine Art of Diplomacy (Expecting)

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 7:15 pm
by Seppun Dawei
Dawei returns the bow to the Nezumi and offers another to Reiko as she enters. But, out of deference to those who stand above him, he says nothing else at this point.

Re: [Day 11, Early Evening] The Fine Art of Diplomacy (Expecting)

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 9:03 pm
by Ch’chit T’kkiri
Black Moonset shook his head, "Not love Sky-man. Survive. Black Moonset love family, yes... But if family live mean pack die... Then family not live. Selfish thought ruin everything. No close portal. Tomorrow one day catch us all. No can be afraid. No can make wrong choice. Make wrong choice... be remembered for bad Name forever."

Re: [Day 11, Early Evening] The Fine Art of Diplomacy (Expecting)

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 12:26 am
by Reiko
"Would you make that decision for your family? Just offer them without consulting them, nor looking into other alternatives?" Reiko asked, curious. "I do not know if this is a cultural difference or not, but it is not normal for a human to decide the fate of another human, let alone decide the fate of a god. There is another that also still has a connection to Tengoku, a shine like Fu Leng."

Re: [Day 11, Early Evening] The Fine Art of Diplomacy (Expecting)

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 1:12 am
by Ch’chit T’kkiri
"You think-think wrong thought. No know what Name is or do... and think it all bad-bad because it smarter than you." He shook his head.

"If no have other option... Let family die... no matter what they think. One family not worth one hundred family. But you think wrong question. Bend Name not even kill Fallen-Rock-Man... Bend Name just make pit close... Save all life. Name always change. Name change for every thing do, say, think. Use power in Name to save everyone and fight-fight evil... Name be better than shiny Sky-kingdom Name. Name be remembered for all next-nights as Name that end-end evil. Body one day die-die... all things so. But good Name live forever. Bad Name too... but not good memory." He replied.

"And other shine... Not shine Wikki'thich-hie say can use. Wikki'thich-hie say Fallen-Rock-Man... No listen to Wikki'thich-hie... no do good job."

Re: [Day 11, Early Evening] The Fine Art of Diplomacy (Expecting)

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 1:25 am
by Seppun Dawei
Dawei schools himself to a hunter's stillness outwardly, but inwardly, he thinks The language barrier is a formidable one.

Re: [Day 11, Early Evening] The Fine Art of Diplomacy (Expecting)

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 3:30 am
by Jiyo Sora
Sora spoke softly.

"The Nezumi plan would safeguard the future of the children you and Fu Leng would have together. And the change of Name... I was just 'Sora' when you met me, Reiko-sensei. I was an angry, lonely HIkaru tribesman looking for something more. Five years on, I am Jiyo Sora, and have found it. My Name, as the Nezumi understand it, changed long before I swore myself to Jiyo's family, and it changes every day."

He smiled.

"I sometimes think those of you who founded families lose sight of the changes wrought upon the rest of us. Fu Leng's Name, as the Nezumi plan would use it, will change. Shinjo says so, and she would know, since it happened to her. He could use that inevitable change to strike at the forces that have tormented him. We cannot- and I would not- force him, but if a chance exists to stem Jigoku's corruption... would Fu Leng not want his vengeance against it?"

Re: [Day 11, Early Evening] The Fine Art of Diplomacy (Expecting)

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2020 1:30 am
by Reiko
"And now a third different way of saying it. First it was borrow name, then it was name gone, now it's bend name" Reiko sighed "I understand the language difference, but I'll ask straight, as you have referenced three different wordings."

She put her hand up, silencing Sora.

"What happens, or can happen, to a persons physical being or immortal soul when you use their name, or even their existence. No pit mentions. No families, or anything else. Answer that one thing and one thing alone."

Re: [Day 11, Early Evening] The Fine Art of Diplomacy (Expecting)

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2020 1:44 am
by Ch’chit T’kkiri
“Name control everything. Spirit and body both Name. Anything can happen... but only one thing happen. Use sky-kingdom Name power to close pit. Still have Name. Name change. Be like Smells-like-grass-lady or hairless-ones.”

Re: [Day 11, Early Evening] The Fine Art of Diplomacy (Expecting)

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2020 9:28 pm
by Reiko
"So you're saying that they'll use the name, close the portal, and Fu Leng will have his name? Or that your Shaman will keep his name and be able to use it for other things?" Reiko frowned, trying to understand the rat "you can't both still have a name and change a name at the same time, right?"

Re: [Day 11, Early Evening] The Fine Art of Diplomacy (Expecting)

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2020 10:17 pm
by Ch’chit T’kkiri
“Name always change. Body get old. Spirit get old. Name body and spirit... So change. Remove Name very different. This no remove Name. This change Name, yes. But things we do make better Name. Make Name to be remembered forever. Person who save all things have great Name.”

Re: [Day 11, Early Evening] The Fine Art of Diplomacy (Expecting)

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 2:06 am
by Reiko
"So the Shaman would still have the name after doing this?" Reiko frowned "what can they do beyond just closing the portal?"

Re: [Day 11, Early Evening] The Fine Art of Diplomacy (Expecting)

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 2:45 am
by Ch’chit T’kkiri
“You hear voices in head? I no say keep Name... Why you try and be so opposite? You try hard no listen. Not clever.” He squeaked a couple of times.

“Use Name. Name be remembered by everyone not born. No one keep Name... use Sky-kingdom power to close portal. Can use Name for many things... but NO USE NAME FOR BAD. FALLEN-ROCK-MAN KEEP NAME.”

He said the capitalized sentences slightly slower and louder to make sure they were heard and processed.

Re: [Day 11, Early Evening] The Fine Art of Diplomacy (Expecting)

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 2:52 am
by Reiko
"Perhaps if you actually listen to your own contradicting words, I would not need to keep asking" Reiko said in a firm tone "I understand you are not speaking in your native language though, so I will take no offense to your tone as you may not realize."

She took a moment before speaking again.

"I asked what can they do with the name. You said they need to use the name, thus meaning they have access to the name. You said that Fu Leng would keep his name, meaning he still has that name. So what can they do with this name, beyond closing the portal."

Re: [Day 11, Early Evening] The Fine Art of Diplomacy (Expecting)

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 2:55 am
by Ch’chit T’kkiri
“Can do many things. But not do.” He said as he was obviously getting frustrated.

Re: [Day 11, Early Evening] The Fine Art of Diplomacy (Expecting)

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 2:59 am
by Reiko
"Your evasiveness does not help your claim nor your cause. You understand the only person that can get you what you require is me, right? There is nobody else in this camp that can talk with Fu Leng before he returns to this realm, and I will be giving him exactly what I learn" Reiko crossed her arms "so far all I have learnt is many things can be done, but not what, and I have the word of one evasive Nezumi that they will not do anything but attempt to close a portal."

Re: [Day 11, Early Evening] The Fine Art of Diplomacy (Expecting)

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 3:04 am
by Ch’chit T’kkiri
“No dodging... Tell-tell all things can do take days. You tell-tell all things blood magic can do? I no Shaman. Name Magic do many things. Heal. Hurt. Bless. Curse. Many-many things.” He replied.

“But only thing they do to mate is use Sky-kingdom power and close pit... No matter what else can do when they no do it.”

Re: [Day 11, Early Evening] The Fine Art of Diplomacy (Expecting)

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 3:43 am
by Jiyo Sora
Sora took a deep, cleansing breath.

"I know trust is difficult, Reiko-sama, but. The Nezumi have trusted us this far. They have said what they intend. You fear that they will do more because you recognize the capability to do more, so far as has been explained to you. What reason might they have to do more? Do you think they would knowingly make an enemy of the empire to their north by deliberately bringing harm to the Emperor's brother when their own state is already so desperate?"

Re: [Day 11, Early Evening] The Fine Art of Diplomacy (Expecting)

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 3:49 am
by Reiko
Reiko sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.

This is pointless.

"I will relay what has been said to Fu Leng, and we can make the decision. Thank you mina-san."

She peered at Sora, considering her answer for a few moments, before saying "desperation makes beings to crazy things, Sora-san. That's why I wanted to learn what they could do with the name of a star. I have gotten some measure of answer from this at least."