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Re: Collection of customs, cultures, traditions, and lore from the Tribes

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 6:06 am
by Togashi Saruko
Four Stories of the Origin of Man

Subject: Monk-ey Business (D2, LA)
Shirayuki wrote:"I can tell you all the stories I know about that," she nodded with some excitement, because this was a subject she was more comfortable with! Getting comfortable in her seat, the storyteller began to share the stories she knew with the divine Togashi.

The first story said that humans had been created by the ancient five who ruled the land before mankind; the kenku of air, the copper goblins of earth, the sea-folks of water, the nobles trolls of fire - this was a time before they became malicious and cruel -, and the feline kitsu of the void. The five races had decided to work together to create something to rival the sun, moon, and stars, and they constructed the first humans from wood from deep within the earth. Each of these constructs were imbued with the elements of each race, and when their job was complete the sun turned dark in shock as the humans came to life for the first time. However, the five races quarreled amongst themselves of what the purpose of their creation would be, and watching their creators fight and bicker, the humans thus believed this was to be the way of the world and this is why there is conflict in the world. The five races became their own undoing and many of them have now retreated to other places. The sea-folk disappeared into the depths of the sea, the kenku and kitsu crossed over into other realms, the trolls lost the balance from the other four and became violent and brutish, and the copper-goblins dug themselves deep into the mountains where they look for gold, silver, bronze, and jade.

The second story said that the humans came from the stars. Or rather, that the first humans had been stars that fell from the heavens, much the same way that an acorn falls from a tree, and they too were wrapped in protective shell. These shells were believed to be eggs by the snake-people of the previous era, and they had taken the eggs into their dwellings to protect them in anticipation that the star-eggs would one day crack open. However, the snake-people grew lazy and bored, and stopped caring for the heavenly eggs which earned them the wrath of the Heavens. And it was with their own life-essence, taken from them as they fell into a deep slumber, that the first humans awakened and opened their eggs, stepping into the world that was now theirs, scattering like the wind to see and explore.

In the Ayakashi-tribe, one of the more popular stories was that the first humans were not humans at all, but animals given human form by the Sun and Moon because they had shown great care in tending to the world that had been created. But when the animals took human form, they were acting out with eachother and indulding in all the things animals do when they have everything they want. The Sun and Moon were offended by this and wanted to destroy them, but the Stars stepped in on the humans behalf, pleading that they did not know any better because they had only been given toys rather than tools. And so they pleaded for the humans to be given souls, for which to tie them to the divine so that they would understand the world, and they were given language to speak, and they were given virtues to aspire to; strength, love, wisdom, contentment, honest work, wealth, and good health. Even with these virtues, there are still occassions where the beastial origins take hold of a person, leading to more base instincts and behaviour.

Another story say that humans were made by the Moon, in an effort to impress the Sun, who is the giver of life and the one who makes things grow. When the Moon was working his hardest, he was all aglow in the night sky, almost as bright as the sun, and this is how he made the physical form of human, for our bones reflect the whiteness of the fullmoon. The mind of human was made as his light began to wane, making them all different, shifting, and unconstant. When his light faded completely, nothing he did would work and he grew frustrated that he could not bring them to life as the Sun would feed warmth and life into the world otherwise. And so the Moon decided to steal the Sun's power for himself, and one day when the Sun was high in the sky, the Moon appeared before her and stole her light and warmth for a few moments, but a few moments was all he needed to bring life to humans. But to his dismay, as the light of the Sun returned as her powers came back, the humans turned away from him and his darkness and sought the comfort of the Sun and her light. This made the Moon angry and he put a curse on the humans he had made - for you see, the first humans were all women, as the Moon had tried to replicate the beauty of the Sun in his creation, and this is how the women of the world all must suffer the Moon's wrath as the faces of the Moon changes throughout the year. The Sun could not dispel the curse, but she could, in her mercy, make something good of it, and some of the first humans were changed by her power to become men, and the Moon's curse came with the Sun's blessing of giving life.

"I have heard variants of these stories, but these seem to be the ones I have heard the most." Her smile turned a bit sheepish now. "... I didn't think of how odd it would be to be telling some of these stories to someone like yourself, who might find them to be rather odd?"

Re: Collection of customs, cultures, traditions, and lore from the Tribes

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 6:06 am
by Togashi Saruko
Song of Creation

Subject: [Day 4 - LM] Nanzi's Storyhour Brunch
Nanzi wrote:Nanzi smiled at Two Tooth Liyang, and inquired about how the fishing had been going and of course it was poorly but Two Tooth Liyang was a pessimistic soul. He visited with Bountiful Iyuna, a woman of many talents with large tracts of bountiful land. She had allowed Nanzi to borrow her needles in return for several bundles of chopped wood and a charming smile. He heard the boasts of Big Hand Gen, and of course he was already working on his fourth cup of brew so early in the morning. The regulars that gathered were colorful and varied and Nanzi did his best to greet them all before he settle into telling his tale.

Nanzi spoke, “Nanzi speaks these words and these words are true, in the beginning of all things there was nothing but the void. The void was endless and there was darkness and in this darkness something woke up, she, for that is how it saw itself, had no form, no face but she knew herself. So for a long time she was the void and the void was her, she tried to speak to the void and even without a mouth she had a song and with this song created the first bits of light in the void, this surprised her and she gave voice to another song and more lights appeared.”

“She sang more and created the Great Turtle that carried the world on its back and then gave voice to all of creation and then sang into being all ten thousand things of creation. Her voice gave reality to all the realms of the spirits, and she finished with Tengoku, first making Lady Sun and then Lord Moon… by then her voice had grown strained and she could speak only at a whisper.”

“Lady Sun and Lord Moon went about and named all the things of creation and made sure all was in its proper place, they named the water, the stars, the birds, and the trees… they named mankind and the ogres and trolls and the other creatures of the world. They returned to their palace in Tegoku and believed they had named all things but the whisper in the darkness. Lord Moon heard it and tried to find the nameless whisper but could not and conceded that it was nothing and turned to his wife and begat beautiful children ten in number.”

Nanzi continued, “The whisper grew angry at being spurned by her own creation and cursed Lord Moon, his mood changing with his many faces giving him madness. The madness grew until one day Lord Moon swore at his children for conspiring against him and swallowed them all but Hantei who was hidden by Lady Sun, in his place was an enchanted stone to look like Hantei.”

“Time passed and Hantei grew into a powerful kami and challenged his Father, they dueled for ten thousand and one days, every strike cracking the earth forever the face of creation. Hantei finally struck a mighty blow and sliced Lord Moon’s bloated stomach and his siblings tumbled out! The last to fall reached for his brother in fear and Hantei tumbled as well into the mortal realm… they fell for ten thousand days and landed on the Hill of the Seppun.”

Nanzi finished, “Nanzi speaks these words and these words are true.”

Re: Collection of customs, cultures, traditions, and lore from the Tribes

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 6:07 am
by Togashi Saruko
The Song of Yemon and Uguisu

Subject: [D5 EA] Kami Event: Enlightenment
Shirayuki wrote:As most had left, or finished their expressions of understanding, so too did Shirayuki express her own understanding, through song rather than story.

The leaves were long, the grass was green,
The hemlock-umbels tall and fair,
And in the glade a light was seen
Of stars in shadow shimmering.
Uguisu was dancing there
To music of a pipe unseen,
And light of stars was in her hair,
And in her raiment glimmering.

There Yemon came from mountains cold,
And lost he wandered under leaves,
And where the sylvan river rolled
He walked alone and sorrowing.
He peered between the hemlock-leaves
And saw in wonder flowers of gold
Upon her mantle and her sleeves,
And her hair like shadow following.

Enchantment healed his weary feet
That over hills were doomed to roam;
And forth he hastened, strong and fleet,
And grasped at moonbeams glistening.
Through woven woods of her fox's home
She lightly fled on dancing feet,
And left him lonely still to roam
In the silent forest listening.

He heard there oft the flying sound
Of feet as light as linden-leaves,
Or music welling underground,
In hidden hollows quavering.
Now withered lay the hemlock-sheaves,
And one by one with sighing sound
Whispering fell the beachen leaves
In the wintry woodland wavering.

He sought her ever, wandering far
Where leaves of years were thickly strewn,
By light of moon and ray of star
In frosty heavens shivering.
Her mantle glinted in the moon,
As on a hill-top high and far
She danced, and at her feet was strewn
A mist of silver quivering.

When winter passed, she came again,
And her song released the sudden spring,
Like rising lark, and falling rain,
And melting water bubbling.
He saw the spirit flowers spring
About her feet, and healed again
He longed by her to dance and sing
Upon the grass untroubling.

Again she fled, but swift he came.
Uguisu! Uguisu!
He called her by her truest name;
And there she halted listening.
The moment paused, their gaze met true
His voice laid on her: Yemon came,
And fate fell on Uguisu
That in his arms lay glistening.

As Yemon looked into her eyes
Within the shadows of her hair,
The trembling starlight of the skies
He saw there mirrored shimmering.
Uguisu the fox so fair,
Immortal spirit, old and wise,
About him cast her shadowy hair
And arms like silver glimmering.

Long was the way that fate them bore,
O'er stony mountains cold and grey,
Through halls of bronze and darkling door,
And woods of nightshade morrowless.
The realms so vast between them lay,
And yet at last they met once more,
And long ago they passed away
In the forest singing sorrowless.

Re: Collection of customs, cultures, traditions, and lore from the Tribes

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 6:08 am
by Togashi Saruko
For Doji

Subject: Collected Stories
Nanzi wrote:-Untitled-
Are we living in a dream world?
Are your eyes still serene girl?
Your heart and mind, Doji follow it
Smile, happiness, you could model it,
And when you feel opposite,
I just want you to know...
Your whole being is beautiful!
I'm going to do the best I can do,
Cause I'm the best when I'm with you.

Though this love may hurt a bit,
I just want to nurture it.
I want to build a Clan with you,
Protect and provide for you,
Truth is I can't hide from you
The rogue in me, may have to die with you.

Come close to me Doji,
Let your love hold you,
I know this mortal world is crazy,
What's it without you...

Re: Collection of customs, cultures, traditions, and lore from the Tribes

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 6:09 am
by Togashi Saruko
The Tale of Seika and Kimimasa

Subject: [D7 LA] Kami Event: Dango Yori Hana
Shirayuki wrote:The Ayakashi storyteller was there, of course, and with a flourish she stepped forward. "Let me share the tale of Seika and his beloved Kimimasa. A tale of love, but also of sorrow." And Shirayuki's voice rang with its usual enthusiasm and confidence.

"A long, long time ago, when the realms where still close, and humans and spirits both lived together, there lived a singer of the most sublime voice. His name was Seika, and his musical lyrics could make trees grow and flowers bloom; and when he played his harp along with his song, even those who lived in the Celestial Heavens would stop and pause to listen, for so moved were they by the perfection of Seika's voice.

And he would find true love with the beautiful Kimimasa, a princess of the northern mountains who had been blessed by the powers of love and beauty. When Seika would play his music, she would dance, and together they captivated the hearts and souls of those who saw them together, for so harmonious were their talents.

So on an appointed auspicious day, Seika and Kimimasa were to be bound, their union sanctified and celebrated. And celebrated they did, and both people and spirits came from afar to join in with the festivities! For seven days the celebrations were to last, with wine, song, and dance... however, on the fourth day, their blissful fate would take a dark turn.

For there was another who desired Kimimasa. The man known as Hachi, who was the greatest hunter in the land, had set his eyes on Kimimasa, and as he saw her dance to Seika's music during the festivities, he could not control himself. And so he decided to lure her away.
"Fair dancer, come this way. I saw in the glade here a flower never seen before; consider it my wedding gift to you!" he said to the beautiful dancer, for he knew she loved the wonders of the world and the flowers in it. Kimimasa, so full of delight and joy, saw no reason to distrust Hachi, and followed him... away from Seika, away from the party, to the outskirts of a glade.

It was here that she realised that it had been a trap, as Hachi attempted to overwhelm her, though he did not expect the dancer to be as fleet of foot as a hare and she eluded his attempts. But she was frightened, and ran heedlessly into the glade to flee the hunter. Her panic grew more and more as Hachi gave chase, and in her distress she did not watch her step - and a viper, startled by her flight, lashed out and bit her ankle. The poison coursed through her, and she collapsed. Her breath began to fade when Hachi found her, and he became overwhelmed with guilt and shame, for had it not been for him, this would not have happened! Carrying the limp Kimimasa in his arms, Hachi hurried back to the party, hoping - praying! - that someone there could help her. Alas, she drew her last breath the moment Seika rushes to her side.

So great was his grief that when he sang his mournful song, the sky rained for days and days. The animals and the spirits of the forest wept too, for Kimimasa had been beloved by them all. Seika's sorrow reached far, into the heights of the Heavens themselves, until one of the heavenly houou could no longer bear it. It flew down from the Heavens to speak with Seika, and it told him that not all hope was lost. "If I could give up my existence for her to end your grief, I would," spoke the bird, "but I cannot, but I know of a way. Not all hope is lost yet!"

The houou told him of a passage that led to the realm of the dead, and warned him of the Lord and Lady that ruled this realm. "The Lord is not a cruel man, and neither is his Lady, but they are dedicated to upholding the laws of the universe - of death, life, and rebirth. But if your feelings are true, you may be able to stir their hearts like they have stirred the very Heavens themselves." Emboldened by these words, Seika buried his grief for now and resolved to rescue his love from death itself.

The journey itself was difficult beyond words, but he would not be deterred, even when he arrived at the entrance that lead to the realm of death. Even when the cold of the underworld seeped into his bones, he carried on and drew strength from the soothing sounds of his harp. Indeed, the sound of the harp kept any dangers that lurked within at bay for the dead were so confused by these overwhelming feelings of sorrow that should have left them when their lifeforce did.

The grey and misty passageway brought Seika to the great hall of the Lord and Lady of the realm, and the Lord spoke to him. "You have upset the peace of this realm. This realm is for the dead, not the living. It is a place of peaceful rest for souls before they move on, and your music has disturbed this peace, leaving my subjects confused and sorrowed." And his Lady asked; "Why have you come here? There must be a good reason."

Seika sat down with his legs crossed and the harp in his lap. "My Lord, my Lady, I come to you in great sorrow. For my beloved Kimimasa was called to this realm when a viper bit her, during a time of great celebration when our life together was supposed to begin. Without her, my life has no meaning, and I beseech you; return her to the realm of the living." And when it seemed like the Lord and Lady hesitated in granting him his request, Seika's fingers moved across the strings of his harp and began to sing. Never before had a more beautiful and sad song been heard. All the dead began to weep. On the living lands above, flowers closed, and no bird sang. First the Lady began to cry, and soon too did the Lord.

"Enough," the Lord said, his voice shaking. "You will have your wish." And the Lady spoke; "but it will not be easy. Return to your world the way you came, singer, and your beloved will follow behind you. However, you must not speak, or make a sound, and you must never, never look back. If you can pass out through the gateway without breaking these rules, then she will be standing before you again, alive and healthy."

Overjoyed was the singer and he readily agreed. For he could do anything for his love. And after paying his respects to the Lord and Lady of the dead, he began the trek back the same way he came, the sound of the lamentation of the dead still lingering in the realm as he walked away. As he began the long walk back in silence, he felt worry... and the cold seemed much stronger now that he did not have his music to keep his spirits up. Was she really following behind him? He couldn't hear anything anymore except for the distant sounds of the winds above at the gateway. He could not feel her presence at all. Not her warmth, not her scent, not her radiant being.

Seika could see the exit, but his mind had become consumed with fear. Had he done all this for naught? He had to know! And so... he turned around.

To his horror, he saw the transparent form of Kimimasa, beautiful even in death. And tears flowed down her cheeks as she saw him. "Why... why?" she cried, and her spirit slipped away... the great force that is death pulled her back to the underworld. And like that she was gone. Seika had lost his beloved because of his fear."

Re: Collection of customs, cultures, traditions, and lore from the Tribes

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 6:09 am
by Togashi Saruko
The Monkey King

Subject: Spirited (A)way (D4, EA)
Shirayuki wrote:"Hmm..." she pondered for a moment. "Very well then, since you're not familiar with the tale of the Monkey King, I shall have to share."

Yuki cleared her throat, before beginning with the rhyme to the beginning of a story.

"A long long time ago... when the realms were not yet fully divided as they are now, there stood a giant rock on in the crossroads of the realms, in a place called the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit - a place where the realm of animals, tricksters, and the divine had their influence. One day, for reasons unknown, the rock split in half, revealing a polish stoned within. As the light of the Moon and Sun shone upon the polished stone over the course of a day, it took the shape of a monkey and gained life and consciousness."

"There were many other creatures in this place, and there were many monkey-spirits on the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit, though none were like the stone monkey. However, he enjoyed many good days playing with them and sharing the bountiful fruits that could be found everywhere here. One day, the monkeys decided to follow the river they loved to play in to its source - which led them to a gargantuan waterfall. The sound and majesty of the waterfall was a little terrifying to the little monkeys, and some expressed that a true leader should step forward and investigate what lay behind it. Upon hearing this, the stone monkey impulsively jumped right through the waterfall without a second thought to any possible dangers. Luckily for him, there were no dangers or monsters lurking within, but instead he found a great cavern with a stone palace decked with many luxuries for them all to enjoy. Understandably, the other monkeys were very impressed, and this how the stone monkey became the Monkey King, for the others looked to him as their leader now!"

"Enjoying the life in their waterfall cavern and stone palace for hundreds of years, for spirits do not age the way humans do, the Monkey King suddenly grew anxious about his mortality - for he was different from the other monkeys, and he knew that even spirits could eventually pass away. It was so that the Monkey King decided to go on a quest to seek immortality - a search that would take him a decade as he crossed through the many realms. At the end of his search he had travelled deeply into the divine realm of Tengoku, where he found the great Fortune of Wisdom, Fukurokujin, who lived on the Mountain of Heart and Mind, in the Cave of the Crescent Moon and Three Stars. Being the Fortune of Wisdom, he could see that the Monkey King was a being of destiny and potential, and after much pleading and begging from the Monkey King, he agreed to take him on as a disciple. The first rite of passage as a new disciple of Wisdom, was a new name, and Fukurokujin bestowed upon him the name of Sun Wukong - which is a name that means Awakened to Emptiness."

"In the years following, Sun Wukong turned out to be a dutiful student, as he learned not only to harness his great strength, but also the more mystical arts, such as the 72 Earthly Transformations, as well as magical wards against evil, and to speak with the elemental spirits. It would seem to all that Sun Wukong was a good disciple; for he was worshipping the Fortunes, the Sun and Moon, and was living a good and spiritual life, and Fukurokujin awarded him with the secret to immortality. Life seemed good for Sun Wukong and his worries were easing away. However, the good feelings would fade as Fukurokujin confessed to his disciple that he may be in trouble, for the Moon did not take kindly to non-Gods achieving immortality. He warned that the Moon would probably try to exact his wrath in terrible ways; striking him with lightning, set him on fire if that did not work, or merely remove him from existence if neither methods would work. For this reason, Fukurokujin advised Sun Wukong to return to the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit to hide from the Moon's sight."

"Upon returning to the waterfall cavern on the mountain, the monkeys there were overjoyed to see him, but they were also in a state of panic, for a monstrous creature known as the Monstrous King of Havoc, had been terrorizing the mountain and kidnapping monkeys to use as servants in his own palace. So with little thought for his own safety, again, Sun Wukong hurried out to save his friends and challenge the demon. The demon foolishly expected the fight to be easy, for to him Sun Wukong looked like just any other monkey, and he was not prepared to face an immortal monkey spirit infused with the powers and wisdom he had unlocked during his training, as well as his mystical powers. It was not a close match even, for the Monkey King soundly defeated the monster, and by calling on the spirits of wind and air, he conjured up a celestial cloud that carried him and the captured monkeys back to the safety of their prosperous mountain."

"Deciding from this encounter that he was truly a powerful force in the world, Sun Wukong flew far away to the far reaches of the land until he found the sea, and with the aid of the water spirits he travelled with swift haste to the palace of the Dragon King at the bottom of the ocean. There he demanded that the King of Dragons give him a weapon befitting his strength, for only the dragons would know how to create something powerful enough to be wielded by the likes of him. The Dragon King decides to humor Sun Wukong and opened the doors to his treasury. However no matter what weapon he showed to Sun Wukong, the Monkey King was not impressed, and after hours of holding some of the most powerful weapons ever created, the Monkey King announced that he had found his weapon of choice... and proceeded to pick up one of the great pillars of the Dragon King's palace, an obscenely heavy iron pillar infused with magic wards, and with his mystical knowledge he could reduce it to a staff, much like this one!" she gestured to her own staff. Which was plain wood in comparison.

"Shocked by the display of power, the Dragon King decided it would be best to humor Sun Wukong, and presented him with gifts befitting of a spirit of such magnitude; an armor made of golden dragonscales, a circlet with two houou-feathers, and a pair of sandals woven from strands of clouds. Sun Wukong thanked the Dragon King for his gifts, and after swearing eternal friendship to the Dragon King he returned to his mountain once more."

"With such a powerful King ruling the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit, Sun Wukong soon quelled other monsters threatening the peaceful monkeys of the mountain and became a feared warrior amongst demons and violent spirits. Some were defeated in combat, and others swore a truce to Sun Wukong, promising not to bring harm to him or the monkeys."

She smirked to Kenshiro. "But that tale is just the beginning of Sun Wukong's many stories, and that will have to wait for another time."

Re: Collection of customs, cultures, traditions, and lore from the Tribes

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 6:10 am
by Togashi Saruko
How Sora Tells A Story

Here's how Sora tells a story.
Sora wrote:"Well, Gondo's story's hardly one for the ages. Born somewhere around twenty-two winters ago. Grew up a Hikaru warrior. Good with his hands. Good memory, too. He knew most tribes we fight by sight- like, he'd look at how they wore their fur, or what kind of song they'd sing coming at us and know who they were. Had a woman- her name's Chika. Likes her fish dried better than fresh, and always made sure she had some bone rattles on her dress in camp. Could always hear her coming. Gondo decided he liked her, and they had a son. Miki. Miki's still only six yet, so there's plenty of time for him to die before he gets any kind of name for himself, but Gondo and Chika were working on getting him a brother or sister."

He grimaced.

"Made it hard to get to sleep a lot of nights. Chika's whole thing, true walking around, true when she was working up a sweat under a fur with Gondo... you could always hear her coming. Gondo wasn't much better. But anyway, we threw down with some people who... I'm not even sure who they were. Pretty one-sided. Gondo's the only one we lost. Ridiculous little tiny knife in his throat. Guy who planted it there was either lucky or really good. Also really dead. Only one of 'em who got away was some archer. But anyhow. That was Gondo."

A pause.

"I expect Chika or his brother, or his grandfather would have a better story of the man, but they're not here."

Re: Collection of customs, cultures, traditions, and lore from the Tribes

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 12:14 am
by Togashi Saruko
The ways of the Ayakashi Tribe

The Tribe of Ayakashi is strange even by the looser standards of normality of the time. They are largely confined to one fertile valley, almost more of a pass, with steep mountains on either side. The human members of the tribe have worked into the mountains for many of their houses, some of them existing partially inside and out of a cave. Members of the tribe often travel to sell their crafted goods, and it’s not uncommon for a trader or merchant to be a regular face even among distant tribes. However, they don’t allow visitors unless they’re planning to become permanent residents, as the tribe is quite secretive about their whereabouts and practices. As a whole, the tribe is both rather playful and mischievous and highly attuned to the spirit realms, Chikushudo and Sakkaku in particular. - official writeup by GM Canary

Player-created content (compiled from various players and scenes in Dawn of the Empire-game)

While the tribe has a leader, most of the leadership and guidance is in the hands of elders and wise ones who offer counsel. The tribe remains mostly unconcerned with social ranks and strict hierarchy, though there are some who are given more prestige if they have the bloodline of previous successful leaders or heroes of the tribe.

Every day life in the tribe is rather peaceful by comparison of many other tribes, as the Ayakashi are secretive about their whereabouts, which leaves them safe from roving groups of plunderers, or other tribes trying to take their land and resources. They are a free-spirited folk - a philosophy that many of them follow. The idea of marriage isn't abhorrent to them, but they simply do not see the need to stand on ceremony to be with whoever they feel like. People are free to choose who they live with and have children with, and there is no fuss if a couple part ways to follow other paths or spend time with new partners. Changing partners throughout life is as common as having one partner your whole life, and neither is considered superior to the others, though like many other tribes they do love a good story about great love.

The life in the valley is rather spiritual, with a great emphasis on the flora and fauna there, and that it is treated with respect to the spirits of the animals and the life-force of the plants. It is a common belief that as long as the tribe treats the land well, they will continue to recieve its plentiful bounties. The fact that their land is quite fertile only reinforces this belief. Though just because they believe the animals is to be treated respectfully doesn't mean they live on a non-meat diet. Hunting game is something almost everyone in the tribe do or have a passing skill at doing, and its ways is considered greatly important. Emphasis is placed on giving the animal a swift and painless death if possible. Food of all kinds are given thanks and reverence before consumption.

Because of the belief that their relationship to the land and its denizens in return provide them with its bounties, it is also very common to leave out offerings of foods to the spirits of the land, usually in locations that are considered spiritually sacred or important. That animals will show up to eat the food does not dampen the spirit, as the Ayakashi are familiar with the fact that there are many spirits who take the appearance of animals.

With such close relations to shapeshifter spirits, the tribe is also very understanding of various sorts of dietary restrictions. Many shapeshifters must place themselves under special taboos to visit Ningen-do at length, and some tribesmembers with exceptionally strong ties to the spirit realms also take on similar taboos, which can often lead to diets that consist solely of meat - or solely of non-animal products. Because of the fertile valley, the tribe is luckily able to accomodate for the different needs, and maintain a diverse diet throughout the year that changes with the seasons.

Silk is rare among the Ayakashi, and the few who possess silk garments are among those who travel outside of their valley to trade who have traded it for themselves, or for those belonging to more prestigious lineages or important roles within their tribe. Clothing in the tribe consists mostly of hemp and mulberry, with some small use of cotton as well. Fabric is often weaved with geometric patterns in variable colors. Leather, hides, and furs are also used for clothing.
The Ayakashi do not have a strong leaning towards mining, but do trade with outsiders for minerals, such as bronze and including stones for personal decorations, which are often treated with colorful pigments. Animal bones and the like, such as teeth, claws, and antlers, are also used for accessorizing, with some parts being held in greater esteem than others but they try to use the most of the animal. Bones, teeth, and claws are also often used to craft various tools.

The Ayakashi who travel outside the valley to trade easily pick up the customs and small traditions of the other tribes they visit, as they consider it good manners to do so when being a guest. Among the Ayakashi, bowing as a form of greeting is still rather new, and most use their traditional greeting which is to present one's palms upon meeting another, be it family, friend, or stranger. The gesture shows that they have no weapons in their hands and leaves a delicate area exposed as a sign of trust... and for the Ayakashi it also means that they can see if the other one possesses any strange claws or talons.

Re: Collection of customs, cultures, traditions, and lore from the Tribes

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 1:28 pm
by Jiyo Sora
Some crude Hikaru bullet points established by Sora in various shouting matches last game:
  • The Hikaru do not keep slaves. Criminals tend to be either executed or exiled- there's no room for people who can't be trusted in the Spine of the World, and it's ahrd enough to feed one's comrades without a bunch of unwilling abducted lowlanders
  • The material benefits offered by the Kami had little appeal to them, since they tended to scorn anything they couldn't get for themselves
  • At least one woman he knew wore bone decorations on her dress
  • Dance seems to be a thing (both Sora and Kozan attempted dance for Doji's event- Kozan more successfully than Sora)

Re: Collection of customs, cultures, traditions, and lore from the Tribes

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 7:09 pm
by Jin
Jin's teachings (though he certainly tries to impress it on non-students as well):

When it comes to your fellow man:
  • Words or avoidance before harm.

    Harm before maiming.

    Maim before killing.

    Kill the one or the few to prevent a war.

    But if there must be war see it ended swiftly and decisively so the fewest innocents are harmed.

When it comes to creatures of the realm:
  • Do not hunt or kill solely for sport.

    There is no sin in killing for food as long as the kill is clean and quick and all that can be used is used.

    Creatures that slay men may be hunted to thin their ranks to protect the innocent. But unless diseased or maddened understand they too have their place in this world. Kill them swift and with mercy where possible and only in numbers needed to keep them at bay or under control.

When it comes to creatures from beyond this realm:
  • If they approach in peace meet in kind - but beware for trickery and deception are common.

    Return them to their proper realm as swiftly as possible. This is not their home and they should not dawdle. Banish them if necessary.

    Those that seek to harm or corrupt men have shown their true nature. Destroy them without mercy or hesitation.

Re: Collection of customs, cultures, traditions, and lore from the Tribes

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 9:10 pm
by Shinjo Koyama
Jiyo Sora wrote:
Mon May 11, 2020 1:28 pm
Some crude Hikaru bullet points established by Sora in various shouting matches last game:
  • The Hikaru do not keep slaves. Criminals tend to be either executed or exiled- there's no room for people who can't be trusted in the Spine of the World, and it's ahrd enough to feed one's comrades without a bunch of unwilling abducted lowlanders
  • The material benefits offered by the Kami had little appeal to them, since they tended to scorn anything they couldn't get for themselves
  • At least one woman he knew wore bone decorations on her dress
  • Dance seems to be a thing (both Sora and Kozan attempted dance for Doji's event- Kozan more successfully than Sora)
I can second bone decorations. Things I introduced through Kozan in addition to it was xue (ocarina) music and playing dice (likely sheep knuckles).

Also, I was advocating for a mountain-people feel for the Hikaru with all the highlanderism, we don't sow we raid attitude and my miserable attempts at speaking Scottish English.

Re: Collection of customs, cultures, traditions, and lore from the Tribes

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 9:37 pm
by Jin
The Three Questions

A recounting of the tale told by Jin to the kami Shinjo and the questions he posed. Any seeking to enter the Jin family are expected to meditate on the questions and what their own true answers are. Jin did not expect all to match his own and, truly, few seeking his guidance would be of the temperament to give an answer he would see as 'wrong'.

The First Question:
The shugenja rolls up the sleeve of his robe, showing a latticework of scars, "First, when those I care for are in need, are in pain or are suffering, I give of my blood to protect and heal them. I would give every last drop to save them if that is what was required of me. Drained to death if I might save even one of them." He overcomes any nerves to look the goddess in the eyes, "So I ask what would you sacrifice for those you love, if the situation demanded it?"

The Second Question:
"In my travels I encountered a village that had been enslaved by another tribe. Its people had grown sick, a plague among them, and the entire village was at risk of death. The overseer of the village, one of the ruling tribe, refused me entry. He did not care about them, they were just slaves after all, he only cared about his own people. Only those of his tribe or those who would fight in their name would be allowed within their borders, no one else, not even a healer such as myself."

While the first tale had been easy this one was clearly much harder on the man and he pauses to collect himself before continuing.

"So faced with my ideals or the death of a village I swore my hand in their service. I was allowed within the village and began to treat its people. It took months before I had beaten back the last of the plague. Not all made it, and I felt every loss even though I knew I had done all I could, but most were saved. Finally it was time to face my debt. The overseer expect me to fight, to kill, in their service."

Once more the large, rough looking man, shudders slightly, as he lifts his right arm and the stump, still bandaged from the other day, where his hand once was.

"I swore my hand to them, and I lived by my oath. The first, and only, person to feel the bite of my axe was my self for I would not kill another. My hand was left, in their service, and I departed. I do not know if it was shock, pity, or respect but they let me leave with my life."

He steels himself once more, returning his gaze to Shinjo, "So, my second question, what are you willing to sacrifice for those in need even if they do not serve you or dwell beside you?"

The Third Question:
"On the day of my birth my tribe reacted in horror. One of my eyes," he gestures to the left, "was dark as is our norm. The other, however, was as blue as the daylit sky when not a cloud is upon it. Though, unlike such a day, it was considered neither a good nor beautiful thing. It was seen as being born under a bad sign, cursed to a dark fate, what is called an evil eye. I have never known my parents, they rejected me that day, and only the mercy of the village wise woman meant I was not abandoned to die in the woods. It was under her that I studied healing, not through magic but by the use of plants and knowledge of the body, but those talents meant nothing to my people. To touch them, to treat them, would taint them with my curse. Even my presence was seen as a dark tiding. I was bullied, I was beaten. If someone was injured I was to blame. If the crops failed or a herd fell ill it was my fault."

It is very clear that these memories bring nothing but sorrow and pain but still the man called Jin pushes through them.

"I was never given a true name. Not a secret one at birth, for my parents denied me, nor was I allowed a naming day to choose one for myself by our customs. When I was yet a young man, barely more than still a child, the wise woman died. Were things different I would have been her replacement as I had learned all that she could teach. But, instead, without her protection I was cast out of the tribe, exiled."

He pauses again to breathe and collect himself.

"I thought, perhaps, that this would change my fortunes. That I could bring my skills to other tribes, or to those who wandered alone. But it was not to be. It seemed that others shared their belief about those like me. That we were cursed, unclean, dangerous. I was shunned at best and often driven off by threat and by force. No matter how much they may have needed a healer, how much my skills could have aided them, I was denied. Again and again."

He shakes his head, wetness clearly welling around his good eye.

"I could have been a hermit and avoided those who did not want me. But I couldn't do it, not out of fear of loneliness, but because it would have meant rejecting the calling of my heart. I was a healer even if they would not deign to let me heal them. For the same reason I could not surrender to bitterness and anger though many would have forgiven me if I had chosen such a path. Instead there was only one choice left to me..."

He moves aside the patch over where his right eye once was. There is no rough cut or wound as one would expect if it had been lost in battle or trauma. The wound was clean and smooth, carefully cut and cauterized.

"In the wilderness, alone and hated, I removed my accursed eye. Removed it so that I could return to a world that had shown me nothing but hate and heartbreak. Return to them and once more seek to aid them, to heal them, to save them even when they had denied me."

He offers a tight, sad smile, "And it worked. No longer was I a pariah upon the mere sight of me. No longer was my presence feared. I have lost count of the lives that I have improved or even saved. Lives that would have never wanted my help or my presence even a year before."

The patch, carefully returned to place, turns to her along with his good eye as his left hand wipes away the tear that had started to move down his face, "So, my final question, what would you be willing to sacrifice even for those who would turn their back on you. Those who scorn you or do not believe in your nature or your place in this realm. If the day comes that they are in need, what will you give?"

Re: Collection of customs, cultures, traditions, and lore from the Tribes

Posted: Mon May 11, 2020 10:25 pm
by Seppun Dawei
Not sure how "canon" this will be--that is in the province of Birb--but one of Dawei's goals was moving towards a woodcarving artisan path. Seems it'd be a favored art among the Seppun, possibly among the broader Stag.

Re: Collection of customs, cultures, traditions, and lore from the Tribes

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 4:44 am
by Jiyo Sora
Shinjo Koyama wrote:
Mon May 11, 2020 9:10 pm
Also, I was advocating for a mountain-people feel for the Hikaru with all the highlanderism, we don't sow we raid attitude and my miserable attempts at speaking Scottish English.
Ohhhh yeah, a repeated cultural brick wall that the Hikaru ran into last game was that since they didn't farm, as a matter of course, that all the stuff the sedentary Seppun thought was so wonderful offered them literally nothing they actually cared about- but another takeaway was that even raiding wasn't seen as a major subsistence activity, because that meant dependence upon others...

Re: Collection of customs, cultures, traditions, and lore from the Tribes

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 4:52 am
by Togashi Saruko
I've tagged your posts with the most info (especially for new players) in the OP.

If you guys wanna do a writeup of Hikaru shenanigans, I'd love that. :D Otherwise, I can volunteer for the work.

Re: Collection of customs, cultures, traditions, and lore from the Tribes

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 5:32 am
by Shinjo Koyama
I think you're the best of lore chroniclers so I'd leave it up to you. :)

Re: Collection of customs, cultures, traditions, and lore from the Tribes

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 6:12 am
by Jiyo Sora
Oh! Here was one I kind of glossed over...

I had Sora build fish traps but know nothing about fishing with a rod or a line. It seemed to fit the Hikaru's mountain lifestyle....

Re: Collection of customs, cultures, traditions, and lore from the Tribes

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 6:27 am
by Nanzi
Sweet cookies are a treat that Nanzi made to accompany tea.

Re: Collection of customs, cultures, traditions, and lore from the Tribes

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 7:30 am
by Hanzou
The First Journal

Day 1
Ryoshun says that my writing has improved. He says I should practice daily. Nazo says I should use the writing to record my discoveries. So I will...

Day 23
The caves are bigger than we thought. They go quite deep. Beyond any natural light from the surface. I want to explore them, but Nazo says to be careful. Stay near the bats. They watch over us. We know those areas are safe. Ryoshun said to look for more of the metals I found. They'll be important...

Day 36
A stranger arrived today. He said he heard a call. Nazo seemed to understand what he meant. They spent time in the mist-filled cave. Where Ryoshun teaches me. He's began to use Ryoshun's name afterwards. The way Nazo does...

Day 57
More strangers have arrived. The village outside the caves is growing. I've expanded the garden and we've built more pens for the livestock. But, we’ll need to clear more land and plant better crops and cultivate the fungus in the caves...

Day 82
Wen's piglets are adorable. I was worried that the delivery would be difficult, but there were no issues. It was much easier than the water buffalo...

Day 130
There’s another shugenja in the village! Two actually, but one is gifted with Void magic. He was brought to be the first of Nazo’s mystic students. But, the one who brought him is skilled with Fire! She’s promised to show me some of what she knows....

Day 165
It always amuses me when new students are introduced to Ryoshun. It confuses them to walk into the mist-filled cave and find Nazo waiting to teach them. While the barrier between realms is thin there, Few other than Nazo are able to cross it fully, and only under the right conditions. Ryoshun needs a physical form to inhabit on this side. His lessons must be taught through her.

Ryoshun’s lessons cover the walls of the mist-filled cave, much like my writings cover my cave. They will remain there for future generations of sensei to learn and gain inspiration from. This is to be the heart of Ryoshun Seido...

Day 198
Some of the Seppun are visiting. Finally, there’s someone who can teach me about the Air kami! That only leaves Earth. Unfortunately, I’ve been told that most of those gifted with Earth are far to the south, other than the Isawa. Nazo doesn’t trust the Isawa to teach me. She worries that they might try to make me one of their own. But, it is my choice. She’s promised that I can leave with her blessing if I choose to.

It isn’t an easy decision...

Day 205
I've decided to stay, for now. I've learned much of and through the kami, through my own studies and from what visitors have shared with me. There’s so much more I want to know, so much more I want to see and explore. But, there’s a lot to discover her in Ryoshun Seido.

The main temple is nearly complete and construction has begun on the watchtowers and the keep. There’s been growing concern of bandits living in the northern wilds.

The forge and foundry have grown and the mines are being expanded. I understand why Ryoshun asked me to document the different metals I found so carefully.

The bats follow me into the caverns now, allowing me to go deeper, though I suspect they aren’t ordinary bats. I doubt Ryoshun would encourage me to continue exploring if they were. Nazo still objects, but she has other concerns.

The baby will be here in only a few months....

Day 260
Rei arrived midwinter, on the solstice. She’s small, but healthy. She’s beautiful. Nazo calls her snowflake and Rei seems as light and delicate as one. No harm will come to her. I’ll allow nothing to hurt my little sister...

Day 291
I found tracks in the lower caverns today, similar to those of a lizard, but larger. The miners suggested they were goblin tracks, but none of the stories I’ve heard mentioned any being so far north. The bats didn't seem bothered either...

Re: Collection of customs, cultures, traditions, and lore from the Tribes

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 8:30 am
by Wu
-The Path of Self-reliance, script received by the students of the dojo of Wu

I have met many man of professed wisdom, both true and false, during my travels but the words of one of one of my old mentors echoed more profundly within me. This is the essence of what he believed in the words of my friend and fellow student Mirumoto. Meditate on these words

1. do not turn your back on the various Ways of the World
2. Do not scheme for physical pleasure
3. Do not intend to rely on anything
4. Consider yourself lightly; consider the world deeply
5. Do not ever think in acquisitive terms.
6. Do not regret thing about your own personnal life
7. Do not envy another's good or evil
8. Do not lament parting on any road whatsoever.
9. Resentment and complaint are appropriate neither for oneself nor others.
10. Do not let yourself be guided by the feeling of lust or love.
11. In all things, have no preferences.
12. Be indifferent to where you live.
13. Do not pursue the taste of good food.
14. Do not hold on to possessions you no longer need.
15. Do not act following customary beliefs.
16. Do not collect weapons or practice with weapons beyond what is useful.
17. Do not begrudge death
18. Do not intent to possess either goods or fiefs for your old age.
19. Respect the words of the wise and the gods but do not depend on them.
20. You may abandon your own body but you must preserve your honour.
21. Never stray from the way of martial arts.