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[Day 7, EM] The Underground

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 11:20 pm
by Hanzou
Normally, after they moved camp, Hanzou liked to spend the morning scouting the surrounding area. Today, that routine was set aside. Exploring the Nezumi city was too interesting of an opportunity to pass up. He had left his weapons behind, carrying only the small knife normally used for elemental rituals, and entered the Nezumi tunnels.

He had a vague idea of where he was, but it was disorienting to be underground. Having some sense of his position in relation to camp didn't give him any insight into his surroundings. Glimpses into the smaller passages connected to the tunnel he was in, suggested they might be homes or other private areas. Hanzou avoided those as he looked for more public areas.

Re: [Day 7, EM] The Underground

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 6:27 am
by Miyako
Having never been to a city of the Nezumi, Miyako woke up bright and early, scarfing down a quick breakfast and tearing down her tent to take off for the city and begin exploring. At some point she found one of the tunnels leading to the underground and followed it, and followed it, and followed it some more, picking a path to the left or the right on a whim as she did. And after many minutes of this, she found herself in the sprawling underground of shops and homes and tunnels and side-tunnels that the Nezumi called home.

It also left her very, very lost. And she continued to walk the streets - or what she assumed was the Nezumi equivalent of such - for a while, stumbling about, greeting any of the Nezumi she saw but otherwise not wanting to disturb them (and from what she could tell, they wanted to pay her no mind either), until she came across another human! Thinking perhaps they might know where they are, she walked up to them, waving her hand at the level of her chest as she approached closer.

"Good morning... making your way through these tunnels too? I woke up and wanted to explore a bit but then I took a couple turns a little while ago and, well... this sure is quite the place, isn't it? I guess I didn't realize just how massive their tunnels would be," Miyako noted warmly as she glanced around as if to emphasize the high ceiling and wide tunnel of this "street" they found themselves.

Re: [Day 7, EM] The Underground

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 7:40 am
by Hanzou
"It is a bit vreet overwhelming." he nodded. "But, I think I know the way, stikt if you'd care to join me."

Re: [Day 7, EM] The Underground

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 7:54 am
by Miyako
"Overwhelming indeed - must have taken a great long time to dig all this out," she said, still marveling at the tunnel walls before looking back and nodding her head. "I'd very much like that! I'm still trying to figure out where I just ended up. Looks like some neighborhood." She looked around again before looking back to Hanzou.

"Were you looking for anything in particular or just meandering and exploring too?"

Re: [Day 7, EM] The Underground

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 8:49 am
by Hanzou
"Just exploring, krenct for now." he answered.

"These krits do appear to be homes." he pointed to smaller tunnels. "There screesks must be more public areas, likely down this way."

Re: [Day 7, EM] The Underground

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 9:20 am
by Miyako
"Hmmm... so like a human city, then?" Miyako wondered as she looked down the tunnels in the direction that Hanzou pointed. "By that I mean open spaces like the squares for gathering, and then off of those the alleys and the smaller streets where people live. Makes one wonder if other creatures besides us and the Nezumi do the same thing?" A city planner she was not, but a good question in her mind.

"Alright, we can wander that way then. I've been stuck wandering down some narrower tunnels for a while now - something with a little bit more space might be nice..." she trailed off, continuing to look down the direction Hanzou pointed before looking back at them. "Not that I'm afraid of narrow spaces, of course," she quickly added with a strong nod of the head.

"But at the same time, I can't say I often dwell this far underground for this long. You ever been in any caves like this? I hear from the mountain folk they've stumbled into some pretty large caverns like this before - none with anything living in them, though, just a lot of rock and dripping water."

Re: [Day 7, EM] The Underground

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 10:10 am
by Hanzou
"Not with so many sneesh tunnels." he shook his head. "I'm not very familiar with human hith cities, either. But, I imagine gathering places must exist for every society, skeeest for trading, for recreation and for comunication."

Re: [Day 7, EM] The Underground

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 8:33 pm
by Miyako
"Ah, I see. Much of our land is forest, and unless we are want to fell all the trees to make space, the Chinsei are not one to build cities of sprawl simply to so do. Where there is cleared land in an oasis of treetops, we build, but elsewhere we are but smaller villages, still with some open space where those of the village might gather," Miyako explained as she started to walk with Hanzou down the tunnel-path past the Nezumi homes toward was looked like a much more open part of the tunnel, a larger cavern perhaps where they might gather.

"If not from the places where the people dwell in big number, do you come from a similar place as I? A small village somewhere?"

Re: [Day 7, EM] The Underground

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 1:15 am
by Hanzou
"It's something steests like that." he nodded. "But, it was mostly just myself and chich my teacher. The rest of our people would skist come and go."

Re: [Day 7, EM] The Underground

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 5:55 am
by Miyako
"You and your teacher, eh? Do a lot of wandering around, or just lived really far from most everyone else? Musta been tough either way..." she commented as they continued to walk.

"You know, I thought maybe at first these caves and tunnels would be really small, like maybe uncomfortably small for us humans to go through, but it's not really like that at all. Still wouldn't want to live down here, of course, but I think one might find it possible rather than not." She looked down one of the smaller tunnels as they passed by it where some of the Nezumi had likely dug out some homes. "Maybe they're more cramped on the inside, though."

Re: [Day 7, EM] The Underground

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 6:23 am
by Hanzou
"We remained in the valley, while the others tended to the chlitch spirits, returning them to where they belonged." he explained. "Some would stay with us for a time, but they would hrisht inevitably move on to other tasks."

Re: [Day 7, EM] The Underground

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 8:01 am
by Miyako
"... you see spirits? I see spirits!" Miyako proclaimed, though realizing that wasn't quite true she chuckled before correcting herself. "Well... a spirit at least. But other than that, I don't. But among the Chinsei, I would say that having a visit from the spirit of a long-gone family member is almost as much a rite of passage as it is our receiving of our sacred bows. It was on the last week of my trials in the forest that I had my experience, in fact, and many of my cousins have experienced similar," she recalled as they got closer to what looked like a much larger cavern-like area ahead in the tunnel they walked.

"So are you some sort of... Keeper of the Dead or something like that? That must be really interesting coming across all sorts of spirits like that. Do they know that they're dead? Are they lost and looking for peace and the afterlife? Trying to complete some task left undone? Have they all been strangers to you?" Her questions come in quick succession and she sounded excited, but just as quickly she had a look of concern on her face. "They aren't... well, malevolent, are they?"

Re: [Day 7, EM] The Underground

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 9:18 am
by Hanzou
"My people are." he nodded. "The spirits they tend to are the ones who do not belong chisht in this realm, those who have been twisted by the lives they lived or the way they died. They are malevolent , but they can be heeesk guided to where they belong."

Re: [Day 7, EM] The Underground

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 9:57 am
by Miyako
"It's sad that they end up that way, but it's good that there are brave people out there like you with the ability to not only see them but guide them to where they need to go as well," Miyako said with a smile as the walk continued. "Do you just stumble upon them as you go about walking the land? Or does your gift have some connection that they are drawn to you somehow? Have you always been able to seen them, or did your teacher gift that to you?"

Re: [Day 7, EM] The Underground

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 10:41 am
by Hanzou
He shook his head again. "I don't have the chiirrrss abilities of my people. I can understand spirits, but I can't travel the realms iskss the way my kin can."

Re: [Day 7, EM] The Underground

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 11:07 am
by Miyako
"Travel the realms...?" Miyako asked with a raised eyebrow. "Your people are most interesting, whomever they are - and to think I thought the Chinsei were so spiritually inclined! But not so in comparison - I think we're just haunted," she pointed out, chuckling again.

"When your people travel these realms, are they to lead the spirits to where they belong? Or are they like explorers of these lands, only... well, with the land beyond?"

Re: [Day 7, EM] The Underground

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 12:50 pm
by Hanzou
"The koumori feel it's their duty to guide those heeesssh spirits to their proper place." he explained. "But, they've definitely explored many of the other cri realms."

Re: [Day 7, EM] The Underground

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 11:33 pm
by Miyako
"Koumori..." Miyako repeated to herself quietly, having never heard the word before and committing it to memory. In a few more steps, the tunnel they walked opened up into a large and very wide cavernous area with a tall ceiling, and what looked like lots of tunnel entrances like the one they stood in lining the walls.

"Ah... this must be one of those central points where many tunnels meet. I think the marketplace is one such place, but I wonder if they use these places in a similar manner to our cities. Maybe like a town square for a festival? Or a place to hold meetings?" She looked around at the cavernous area, trying to get a sense of how it was decorated, if at all, and if it was just a crossroads of tunnels or something more.

Re: [Day 7, EM] The Underground

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 2:33 am
by Hanzou
"It's very open." he looked around. "I imagine there are many ways this seeest space could be used. Maybe this is used for cirrr gatherings and recreation. I wonder how many there are kich like it."

Re: [Day 7, EM] The Underground

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 3:55 am
by Miyako
"Probably more than I might think at first glance. For all I know, there might even be more like this even further underground, like layers," she guessed as she stepped into the large cavern and tried to take a peek down a couple of the tunnels to see where they might lead. "I think any one of these is as good as any... they all look the same to me. Let's see if we can find another one of these caverns to compare against." And she started down one of the tunnels to the left of where they had entered.

"Do the spirits you hear and see have anything to do with you coming on this expedition? Or was it something else that made you sign up?"