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You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 4:47 am
by Jin
It had taken time for Jin to return to camp and for word to reach him of what had transpired earlier in the day between Shinjo and the Seidou. The one-eyed daimyo was, honestly, a little surprised. It would not be the first person who had challenged the Kami he followed but most were either talked down... or were no longer among the living as much as that result pained Jin.

To hear that Satone had not just succeeded in issuing a challenge but in staying alive afterward was very impressive indeed though he could imagine the state she was in after such a feat.

The man quickly made his way, asking directions to her space in the campsite, and announced himself.

"Seidou Satone? Are you awake? I am Jin of the Ki-Rin I... am a healer and have heard you may be in need of some assistance."

Re: You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 4:59 am
by Seidou Satone
Satone sits learning against a stump and looks up when her name is called.

"Over here."

She looks to the man and gives a nod.

"Forgive me for not standing, but I felt that rest is more appropriate, at the moment."

"Did Shinjo send you?"

Re: You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 5:02 am
by Jin
"I suspect she might have, had I seen her first, but when I heard the tale growing as it is told I knew my services were likely needed." He smiles softly despite his craggy appearance, "Though I offer no insult. I know some warriors insist on keeping their signs of battle but with what we march into I do not feel any of our group, let alone one who could take a hit like you supposedly did, should not be in the best shape possible."

Re: You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 5:09 am
by Seidou Satone
"If you can help, I'll glady take it. My head wont stop spinning, and I have a constant buzz in my ears. If I walk too much, the sick feeling in my stomach is almost overpowering. It's difficult to even get straight thoughts out."

Satone describes the symptoms of a concussion and closes her eyes again, letting her head droop slightly.

"You said your name was Jin? Soya said I should speak to you"

Re: You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 5:19 am
by Jin
Natural healing would take quite a while with damage like that.

As such the man ignores the medical kit at his side and instead draws his small, sharp knife in his left hand and runs it down his right. His blood begins to run down his arm but, as it reaches the stump and would fall to the earth, instead appears to turn to softly glowing water. Raising his arm over the woman the water falls soothingly about her head... though leaves no wetness in its wake just a slight decrease in suffering.

The man continues to smile and talk as he bleeds, "I'm flattered that he'd recommend me of our various healers."

Not convinced he had done enough the point of the knife continues to push into his arm, the flow of blood to water growing stronger still.

(18+15 = 33 wounds healed so far. Not done yet but there'd be time before the next casting for Satone to speak)

Re: You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 5:23 am
by Seidou Satone
"Ah, it wasn't about healing. I was speaking my concerns about the future of this world and my place in it. The same sort of discussion I had with Hantei and Shinjo this morning and ended with me challenging her."

Satone lets out a soft groan of relief at the water

Re: You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 5:26 am
by Jin
Jin nods, not even grimacing as the tip of the knife bit deeper again into his arm - the torrent of water stronger still.

"Oh, I suppose it is a concern I shared... and still do to some extent. Though I can only speak to what I saw and decided."

(32 more healed - 65 total so far)

Re: You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 5:39 am
by Seidou Satone
“I would like to hear what that decision was and why. So far, none of the Kami have proven to me that they are not anything more than conquerors with a pretty face. I even wonder about their claimed divinity, after what happened with Shinjo this morning.”

Re: You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 5:46 am
by Jin
Jin can't help but chuckle a little, "Challenge her to a foot race and see if you still feel the same. She is not the warrior of the family though she does have some talent for it."

The flow slows a little but still continues. The sorcerer's own energy not yet flagging.

"I shared your concerns. I have see too many would-be conquerors and enslavers and the pain and suffering they cause. While I did not find the same connection with Shiba as I did with Shinjo I do, truly, believe he wants peace. He wants to unite people to grow together not grind them under a heel or beguile them with fancy words." He pauses, "If some of their siblings had taken the throne, or yet do, I suspect I would be healing those who fought against them not those who would fight beside them... well that or I'd be dead."

(+18 = 73)

Re: You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 1:03 pm
by Seidou Satone
"I know how to pick my battles, though foolish it may have seen. I had confidence in my ability to withstand a blow. I would not be so foolish to think I could harm one of them or beat them in other challenges."

She smiles, starting to feel much better.

"The thing I worry about though is the slow loss of what has already made our various tribes great. Our culture, tradition, and ways. The Kami come and have many things they wish to change, in the claim of helping us all, or to make our world better. But what if they get rid of things that they simply do not like, or understand?"

"The Seidou are now nearly dead as a tribe, instead all under the name of Crab, and while at first glance it does not seem any different, already I can feel things in motion."

Re: You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 1:15 pm
by Jin
Jin nods a little, "I cannot necessarily understand the same fear as I was tribeless, cast out, before they fell." He ponders it for a moment, putting himself in the shoes of one seeing that befall their tribe, "Change always comes. Tribes rise and tribes fall. A schism in which child should inherit, an invasion from another tribe, disease or famine - all could have laid a tribe down or divided it as swiftly and as surely. In this case if it comes from people choosing a path, of their own free will, that dissolves the tribe... that I can support."

One last bit of pressure from the knife, as the flow continues, and he wipes it clean before returning it to his belt. The water slowly slowing to a trickle and he swiftly moves his arm away before what falls to the ground is just blood.

As he wraps up the cut on his arm he continues to speak, "You are not wrong in your fears though. Some of the Kami would see the tribes absorbed by force if they did not choose to do so willingly. Shiba and Shinjo are not among them, I know this in my heart, and that is why I can support them now so that they can prevent their siblings from taking such methods. Should they fail, should Hantei or Akodo rise up the sword... well, I am no fighter but I shall heal you as well then when we stand against them. However brief a time as that may be."

(+15 = 88 total, can toss a medicine roll on top too if you want more)

Re: You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 1:57 pm
by Seidou Satone
"Can you tell me more about your...hidden?...path? The one Sora spoke to me about? His path is not one I think I would be of use in, as I am not one for sneaking or stabbing."

Satone looks much better, the paleness of her skin gone.

((Might as well!))

Re: You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 10:48 pm
by Jin
Jin pauses as he takes in the words and assesses her pupils. His voice lowers a little so the conversation does not carry as he begins to look through his medical kit.

"Of those who are hesitant about, or refuse, the Kami there are two types. Those who oppose them solely because of their own desire for power and the Kami stand in the way of that and those with fears like your own. We are among the latter - we accept the Kami while they are peaceful but will stand against them if not. We do our best to see to it that old ways have their place in the Empire - that the Kami understand that, while we may deign to follow them as better leaders, that this is still not their realm."

He begins setting a few herbs aside.

"The Kami are of the Heavens not the mortal realm even if they are trapped here with us. Their ways are not necessarily best for us nor are they entitled to rule because of where they originate. They are the outsiders who need to learn and adapt and find unity with the people of this realm. Shiba and Shinjo... they see that, to an extent, and they work towards that at least for now. We are on guard in case they lose sight of that or if one of their siblings who has never grasped it should move against them. The mortal realm is for mortal men. We may choose to follow Kami, we may choose to adapt new ways but were they forced upon us that would surely be a violation of the Celestial Order and could not be tolerated."

He separates out a few of the herbs and wraps them in loose cloth before handing the bundle to her.

"Make a tea with that and it should help the headache. If it still bothers you tomorrow I can make some more for you."

He smiles,

"As for my path... What I said about the Kami applies not just to the Kami. The mortal realm is for mortal men, Other spirits may visit but this is not their place and they should not interfere unless welcomed and they should not cause harm in either case. I will not harm another mortal human but if gaki or whatever foul spirits we now face try to cause pain and suffering they will learn quickly that my mercy does not extend to those who do not belong in this realm. And so I seek the best means to banish or destroy such threats... and the people to wield them where my strength may not be sufficient. "

(+5 for a grand total healing of 93 - not perfect but close)

Re: You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 11:02 pm
by Seidou Satone
"I see. "

She nods in thanks for the herbs and thinks for a moment.

"If Shiba and Shinjo are as you say, they would be content with allowing those of us who do not wish to follow some of their new customs, like Iaijutsu Nanzi and Doji ar presenting to not follow them? Or, my charge, Haruyo, who is a spiritual leader for the rest of the Seidou who have not taken up with the Crab, would be allowed to continue her teachings even if they might disagree with them?"

Re: You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 11:17 pm
by Jin
"I believe so or I would not follow them. Shiba, when we spoke, was well aware that small changes they made could cause drastic damage. That the scale they are used to seeing and thinking on is not the same as it is on this realm. As such he wanted to learn all he could of this realm and to be careful in the changes made. Shinjo, in turn, when we spoke of compassion was willing to sacrifice herself not just for those that didn't believe in her but even those who would stand against her if the need for sacrifice was true and just." He looks to his missing hand and smiles a little, "That, I think, is when I decided she was worth following. Though she and I have had other discussions as well which have helped cement that opinion. She is more interested in traveling the realm, in seeing all the peoples and customs, than in trying to change them let alone by force. But I think I digress."

He shakes his head a little.

"When it comes to Haruyo as long as her ways and teachings are not a danger to others - raiding for sacrifices, summoning dark spirits or the like - I do not believe they would force her to change. This does not mean they would not continue to share their beliefs, and perhaps debate hers, and accept those who wished to change. But they would not put her to the blade or flame or run her out unless her teachings were truly dark and terrible."

Re: You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 11:23 pm
by Seidou Satone
"Hmm. I have not been given that impression thus far. I wonder why not. To me it seems they all have said that if we do not accept them and their ways, we are not allowed to be part of this world anymore. Perhaps it was a miscommunication though."

"As for my charge, I do not think that woman has an evil bone in her body. I do not even know if her ways are different, but one cannot tell for certain until observation has happened. For example, if I prayed to the water in the well and you prayed to the rain, perhaps we thought they were different things, but then observation and time showed us they were the same being."

"Something else I worry, is what if they say all of this now to get everyone to join, but then once all of those they have made promises die and they do not, for they are blessed with long life. Will they keep the same promises to our children? Our children's children? I would not want to sell ourselves for honey now just to learn it was poison later."

Re: You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 11:30 pm
by Jin
"There are those among the Kami who think that way. Hantei the most obvious of them." It is fairly obvious that whatever regard Jin has for Shiba and Shinjo does not extend to all of their family and especially not to the one so named, "But I truly believe that Shiba, as leader of their people, would not enforce such nor would Shinjo seek it and I do trust both to their word. As for the rest..." He sighs a little, "Well that is why hidden paths run deep. To pass on what we learn and what we know. To record what promises were made and ensure they are the promises kept. Even if we are no longer here to do so ourselves."

Re: You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 3:59 am
by Seidou Satone
"Hmm. Well, I will keep that in mind. Though I am still not sure I want to join any of them yet. So, Sora is tasked with killing to keep things in line, and you are tasked with ensuring that spirits and other outside forces are kept in line?"

Re: You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 4:04 am
by Jin
Jin's frown suggests he is not entirely at peace with Sora's path but he nods, "To ensure that mortal lives are held to mortal wills. If they choose to follow, that is fine, but to not be forced or prey to Kami or spirits."

Re: You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 4:06 am
by Seidou Satone
"That is something I could get behind. Though, it is meant to be kept a secret, no? Why?"