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Re: [Day 7, Late Evening] Concussed Conundrums.

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 11:22 pm
by Seidou Satone
"I already know not to do that to others, I do not need them to tell me that. Let me share some of what I desire."

She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes as she speaks.

"I desire a world where there is peace between the tribes, unity to stand together against foes and share ideas with one another. I desire a world where no one is considered above another, that we are all equals. I desire a world where leaders are a council and determined by who the people think would be best to lead, and rotated so none can ever gain too much power. I desire a world where everyone's customs and courtesies are allowed and respected, as well as their spiritual practices. I desire a world where justice is swift and fair, determined by listening to what crimes someone was accused of and finding proof that they did so."

Re: [Day 7, Late Evening] Concussed Conundrums.

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 11:30 pm
by Togashi Saruko
Either Satone was not acknowledging what her tribe had done, or she had decided not to follow such practices anymore. Either way, Saruko figured arguing the point was moot at this moment, as Satone seemed to have a lot on her mind.

"Those are all many fine ideas," she nodded, but continued her inquisitive approach. "But I don't know if you have thought through how to create it. Or see it happen. What you say, is that you wish for people to be united, but also to remain apart? That everyone have different customs and lives, but all will come together to agree upon one leader, who must then appease all those different parties? And we place people above us to decide, yet you say no one will be above another?"

Re: [Day 7, Late Evening] Concussed Conundrums.

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 11:42 pm
by Seidou Satone
"I have had thoughts on how such things come to pass, but it is a long conversation. But a simple version would be to have a land where anyone can live and practice whatever they see fit. For the second part, the leader is not above anyone, they are just the voice for everyone. If we all chose someone, that means we trust them to speak for us. But, there is nothing that would say they are any better than a merchant selling goods or a farmer tilling soil, they are just given the job of ensuring the people are represented and taken care of. That monies from taxes go to appropriate things, like say a public water mill so all can make bread easily. That they listen and find proof of wrongdoings, delivering justice to those wronged."

She sighs

"So much of it is impossible, and I know that. But the least that I could get to follow anyone would be a guarantee that the way of life, the politics, customs, culture, spirituality, and beliefs of those who join the kami and their Empire would not get snuffed out,be it in 10 years, or 100.

Re: [Day 7, Late Evening] Concussed Conundrums.

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 11:50 pm
by Togashi Saruko
Saruko didn't really know what taxes were. Maybe some Seidou-thing, but in her old tribe they had never had anything like 'taxes'. Still, she knew that tribal resources were often a point of arguments even in her small and peaceful tribe. Some would say they should trade for bronze and metals for weapons, others would say they should trade for more fabrics and furs to keep warm in the next winter.

Still, she chuckled warmly. "I think you're wishing for all the stars in the sky to hold in your hands, Satone. It's a lofty goal, but one that I don't think us, or our children, or our children's grand-children will see come to pass even if we start working on it right now."

"Too many of us humans don't see how we are connected to eachother, to the world, to the Kami even. Would your ancestors of a hundred years ago say that you are doing things exactly like they did? Of course not. The world turns and churns, moving onwards even if we want it to desperately stand still when we want it to stand still with us."

Saruko gave a friendly smile. "But, how can you see what the Kami are trying to accomplish, if you have already turned your back? It's very hard to see what's happening behind one's back after all."

Re: [Day 7, Late Evening] Concussed Conundrums.

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 12:16 am
by Seidou Satone
"I am seeing what they are doing, and I have not turned my back, or else why would I be here, risking my life to save one of them? I just do not think I need to join them. The issue though, is it seems if I don't join, there is going to soon be a time when anyone who does not follow is forced out of their homes."

Re: [Day 7, Late Evening] Concussed Conundrums.

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 12:31 am
by Togashi Saruko
"What if I put this a different way, perhaps. The Kami see a land where humans do many terrible things for resources - the Seidou take slaves, and capture Nezumi children. The Noriaki rove around and take what they want from others. The Hikaru likewise would raid their neighbouring tribes to survive. The Isawa refuse to share their knowledge with any outsiders, and place themselves as superior to those who aren't Isawa. The Kakita are creating a divison between their people where the warriors are considered to be above everyone else. All these ways that these tribes have, go much against what you wish for, yet you wish to preserve these traditions and ways of living. Even the ones who stand in contradiction to the others."

Saruko shrugged calmly. "The Kami on the other hand wish for us to live better, to build a realm where humans are united, in a way that makes it so that people are safer, without having to fight eachother for food. They bring knowledge and try to bring a united way of acting with one another, so that we can bridge more understanding between one another."

"No one has been forced to leave their homes, but I won't deny that times are changing. For how can you create unity in a home, when there's one still shouting at the top of their lungs that it's wrong to wish for things to change for the better?"

She changed her voice a little to sound more like a cranky elder. "Because it was just fine when children starved in the harsh winters and the Noriaki came and took our food stores, darnit! It was good enough for my grand-parents, it's good enough for me!" Stopping her mimicry, she chuckled and shook her head. "Change isn't a scary thing, Satone. Are you this afraid when autumn must yield to the cold grasp of winter, or when winter melts away in the face of the warm spring sun?"

Re: [Day 7, Late Evening] Concussed Conundrums.

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 12:53 am
by Seidou Satone
"I think you misunderstand me. You speak of these evils as if I wish for them to continue, which I absolutely do not. Change is a good thing, I agree, but not when it is forced. There is a large difference between forcing someone to stop their religious teachings and instead adopt yours than instead allowing them to continue their religious teachings and over time they learn yours is better, or can find a merged religion incorporating both your ideas and their own."

Re: [Day 7, Late Evening] Concussed Conundrums.

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 1:02 am
by Togashi Saruko
Another confused blink, as the Seidou woman seemingly seemed to switch what she was getting at. "Ok, so we're talking about religious teachings now..." she took a moment to adjust to the change, as they had spoken of tribal practices.

"I'm not aware of the Kami decrying any of our beliefs so far. In fact, from what I've heard from various shamans and scholars, it seems that in the spiritual there is more common ground than in philosophy and tribal lifestyles, as it seems all tribes I've spoken with so far know of the Fortunes, the elements, and various spirits of the world - though some are more inclined towards specific ones. Wu, who was formerly of the Isawa but decided to follow Togashi-Kami as I did, seem to me to hold the Fortunes in higher reverence than I do, but in my tribe we were more concerned with appeasing the spirits of the land. Was there anything in specific you were wondering about? I'm not too well-versed in the religious teachings of the Seidou as I don't think any of them came north to follow Togashi-Kami."

Re: [Day 7, Late Evening] Concussed Conundrums.

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 1:10 am
by Seidou Satone
"That would be a question for Haruyo, she is a spiritual leader for what is left of our tribe, and who I make this concern for. All I can give is a hypothetical. Like, if she knows to offer a bowl of fresh earth as an offering and then bleed on it for her prayer to be answered, but then the Kami say 'No, you must only offer precious gems to speak with the earth', then that contradicts what she knows to be true and has been teaching us all. And perhaps the reason is, the Kami want to restrict this gift to speak with the earth spirit to only those who can acquire special gems, where anyone can acquire a bowl of dirt...."

Re: [Day 7, Late Evening] Concussed Conundrums.

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 1:15 am
by Togashi Saruko
"I've spoken with Haruyo once. She seems a clever and calm woman... much calmer than the one before me now," Saruko chuckled. Wiser too.

"It seems like you are leaping a lot at shadows and fears you conjure up out of concern for her, Satone. Its admirable that you're concerned with your friend's wellbeing, but seeing dangers where there are none rarely do anyone any good. And I doubt that the Kami think that the blood-pact the shamans have with the spirits is wrong - I mean, my cousin Kara is one, as is my childhood friend, Yuzuru, and they both followed Emperor Shiba. Kara as a close friend of his, and Yuzuru as his life-bonded partner," she said warmly, a touch of joy in her voice as she spoke of her friends.

"The world changes all the time, yet we need not fear it. Don't you wonder why the Kami seek companionship with humans, or why their closest advisors are humans?"

Re: [Day 7, Late Evening] Concussed Conundrums.

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 1:18 am
by Seidou Satone
"Because there is only eight of them, and they need more numbers to be able to conquer us all. "

Satone says flatly.

Re: [Day 7, Late Evening] Concussed Conundrums.

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 1:28 am
by Togashi Saruko
"Sounds like how a conqueror thinks, no?" Saruko retorted in a friendly tone.

"If I came to a world I still didn't know anything about, but I saw a people divided, hurting eachother, not getting a chance to live to their full potentials because of the harshness of the world - and it was in my power to offer guidance to a better life, then I would do so with those people by my side to guide me in return. All life is connected to eachother, and by sharing in this connection, they too become a part of us, and a part of this world."

Re: [Day 7, Late Evening] Concussed Conundrums.

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 1:37 am
by Seidou Satone
"Sure, we all wish to help each other if we can. But there is a difference between wanting to help them by being part of them, vs wanting to help them by ruling them and forcing them to do things because 'their was is better'"

Re: [Day 7, Late Evening] Concussed Conundrums.

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 1:54 am
by Togashi Saruko
"But... so far no one has been forced to do anything against their will?" she continued to be perplexed by the odd stubborness of the woman. "Those who have come to my husband to learn at his feet has not done anything they have been forced to - anyone can come to learn, and they are free to leave if they don't wish to stay."

"I sense you are a woman with many concerns, and who cares deeply about people, but as I had to learn myself, it's often hard to ask the right questions. Especially of yourself. And it's hard to find the right answers if you don't know the right questions."

Re: [Day 7, Late Evening] Concussed Conundrums.

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 1:58 am
by Seidou Satone
"No one has been forced YET. For example, if the small number of us remaining Seidou have a jade mine, how long until everyone that has taken up the Crab name come to take it from us because they need it more?"

"There are many questions that need answered, and many that I do not even know how to ask, but the basics I feel should be simple enough without details. Can your clan, or any of them for that manner, guarantee that the personal freedoms of those who follow them will not be stamped out?"

Re: [Day 7, Late Evening] Concussed Conundrums.

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 2:21 am
by Togashi Saruko
"And it could be that the followers of Hida would want to find a peaceful solution to the matter of the Jade mine. It need not be like it has been, that peope come to take by force," she offered calmly in response.

"I can't answer that all personal freedoms can be welcomed, without knowing what that means. For some, a personal freedom could be that they're entitled to take what they want from others, or to make a really drastic example, that they think its their personal freedom to defecate in public in front of other people's homes." She laughed a little at such an extreme example. "But, if people wish for a peaceful life, in harmony with others, and from there to be free to marry, have children, work at their crafts and... or think of ways to improve how we all can live, then I think that they can find a place in almost any of the Kami's clans. Including Togashi's clan."

"But just like people, the Kami have different interests and opinions as well. Hida, from all I understand, seeks to have many brave warriors who can defend people from dangers, like the ogres - his passion is to defend the ones he cares about, and he cares very deeply. I'm sure if he heard you were challenging his siblings, he'd be very upset, because he has a big heart for his loved ones. Something I'm sure you can understand." A knowing smile, perhaps.

"Shinjo, is similar to Hida in that she is more a protector, but for her she cares deeply for humanity and the human-world. She is perhaps the kindest and most compassionate of all her siblings, showing fondness and compassion for all life. That's why I don't really see them as conquerors, since she seems to me the last person who'd ever want to bring hurt or harm to humans. If you strive for a better world of equality and compassion, I would recommend speaking more with her and learning from her. It's only by speaking and interacting with the Kami that we can come to understand them better, and they in return understand us."

"My husband, did not originally want to have followers, because he's not a man who places himself above others. But, myself, Wu, and others, looked to him for guidance and understanding, and seeing that people were interested in what he could share, he decided to answer that interest. Him, and the Dragon, care deeply for finding a way to live harmoniously with the world. We believe in knowledge and teaching to bring about a better way of life. We don't seek out people to join, but rather we keep the door open for anyone to walk through should the wish. Many of my people followed him because they saw a kindred spirit in appriciation for the spirits of the land, of the many mysteries of the world."

Re: [Day 7, Late Evening] Concussed Conundrums.

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 2:48 am
by Seidou Satone
"As if an Empire would wish to be peaceful with those who rejected it. No, I have no doubt that unless there is some sort of agreement made in earnest, any who do not join a clan and fall under the Emperor will eventually be either wiped out, have their lands taken, or be forced to leave this place for someplace the Emperor does not control. I understand that now that is not the case, but can you be certain it will not be in 10 years? In 100 years? "

"I understand that there would be need for descriptions of the freedoms I am asking about, and right now I do not have an answer to that, but what I can do is list what I have not found comfortable so far. Eight creatures who through my own challenge I believe are no more than strong humans, came here and began to tell the tribes they were gods, getting the tribes to abandon their previous leaders and instead go to the Kami. Giving them all the power over their tribe immediately, to change it to what the Kami want, and to serve the Kami. Then, without any sort of input from any of the tribes, the eight decide that one should rule over them all, so they had a tournament between themselves and Shiba became emperor. How do we even know Shiba is the best for this position though? What does he know of ruling? Of creating laws, settling disputes, etc? For all I know, he was just the best at some swordsmanship. "

"After speaking with some in the Crane, I come to find that there is now a new language that is being slowly forced as the 'normal' that everyone must learn. Terms that to me are frivolous, but apparently are a disgrace if you use the wrong one. Additionally I hear that Doji and Nanzi are attempting to make the only official way of settling a dispute match that of how the Emperor was chosen, a duel of swords that none here in the land even know how to use properly."

"When many of my people, the Seidou, first joined the Crab, many others didn't have any choice. How can someone who has a home inside a village say "No, I do not want to be Crab and follow someone I do not know" when the rest of the entire village joined?"

Satone sighs and sets down the bowl of food.

"I am here on this mission to help because I think it is the right thing to do. I am here because I wish to see what the Kami and their followers are all about, and I am here to learn. But thus far, all I have heard from anyone is that the Kami mean no harm, that they are here to make us all better, that they know better than us, and that they are gods. One of these things I have proven false today. How many more will come to pass as falsehoods before I die?"

Re: [Day 7, Late Evening] Concussed Conundrums.

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 3:25 am
by Togashi Saruko
There was a lot to unpack, but she figured she could stick to one for the time being. "You have proven its false that they are not gods because... you weren't killed? Am I understanding it correctly?"

Re: [Day 7, Late Evening] Concussed Conundrums.

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 3:29 am
by Seidou Satone
"The challenge was, if they are gods, they should be able to use any weapon and knock me unconscious in one blow. Hantei straight out refused to accept the challenge, saying he would not deprive the expedition of a warrior. So then I challenged Shinjo. She asked if I would instead accept a different demonstration, which I refused as I did not think it appropriate. So, she then said she would do as I asked. Se hit harder than anything I have ever been hit by before, but she failed the challenge, and thus I cannot believe that they are walking gods. For a God would not fail."

Re: [Day 7, Late Evening] Concussed Conundrums.

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 4:02 am
by Togashi Saruko
"So... you set a standard of your preference for them to show their power, regardless of what their strengths or abilities are, and did not want to accept an alternative they proposed because you felt it was inappropriate to the standard you wanted to see?" Saruko asked again, trying to understand the logic behind what had happened and Satone's logic.