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Re: You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 4:15 am
by Jin
"A hunter who does not alert their prey is more successful than one that does. And one that might be hunted by those who would seek the Empire that you fear is safer in the shadows."

Re: You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 4:26 am
by Seidou Satone
Satone nods in understanding.

"That does make sense. So, you keep it hidden, and thus you only recruit from those you seek out as well? How do individuals find out about you though? It was mere chance that I met Sora and discussed my concerns with him."

Re: You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 4:30 am
by Jin
"I keep watch for those with similar concerns and worries and an aptitude that matches what is required of my role. They in turn watch for the same. It is a slow growth, slower even than this new family I have been granted, but I have faith it can survive. A healthy seed, sprouting strong roots, will bear fruit for generations."

Re: You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 4:33 am
by Seidou Satone
"I see. Can you tell me about how you were granted a family and what it entails? Were you a leader of a clan before?"

Re: You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 4:42 am
by Jin
He shakes his head, "The furthest from it. I was tribeless and alone - traveling to heal those in need but always alone at heart. Despite that it seems I impressed Shinjo even as she impressed me. When she formed her clan of those seeking to follow her she asked me to lead and teach those with the talent for spirits or with the hearts to be healers and scholars. Having them share my name..." He shrugs a little sheepishly, "Not my idea but apparently some idea or tradition of the Kami."

Re: You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 4:48 am
by Seidou Satone
"Has she detailed what all being a family entails? Do you have the ability to set rules, customs, and traditions? Or are you expected to just follow what the rest of the Clan wants?"

Satone seems to get much more curious as the discussion moves on, something having struck an idea inside her.

Re: You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 4:56 am
by Jin
"It is hierarchical. I have control over what I teach and pass on to those who join me though it is expected to be in the greater service of the Ki-Rin. I follow Shinjo, due to our mutual understanding and common goals and interests, my family follows me due to the same. But Shinjo is not giving me direct rules or orders as to what my family should be or do. That is in my hands. If she did not trust me with that I would not have been chosen. So while I imagine the clan of the Ki-Rin will end up with similar cultures and traditions, as we have all chosen to follow Shinjo, the families will likely still end up with distinct customs and traditions of their own."

I think that makes sense.

"I cannot say if this will be true of all the clans but it is the direction those who follow her are traveling."

Re: You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 5:03 am
by Seidou Satone
"I see. That actually interests me greatly, as it seems to be a way to ensure some of my fears do not come to pass. Though, it would not prevent the Emperor from setting rules and customs my family wouldn't agree with."

She makes a humming sound as she thinks.

"I wonder if Shinjo would even entertain the idea though after I humiliated her."

Re: You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 5:06 am
by Jin
Jin chuckles a little, "She is a spirit of compassion. I will not say she is without pride but even if it is wounded I am sure she will bear no long term ill will. It would, at the least, be worth speaking to her further."

Re: You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 5:10 am
by Seidou Satone
"If she sends or calls for me, I certainly will. Until then though, I do not wish to interrupt or bother her and Hantei any more than this morning already has."

Re: You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 5:12 am
by Jin
"If you're still walking after taking a swing from her in earnest I suspect she'll be interested in speaking with you further... if solely for curiosities sake."

Re: You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 5:34 am
by Seidou Satone
"She left rather quickly after she failed to knock me out, I think I may have wounded her pride. But I hope you are right. So far, she seems the best chance if I must join someone to ensure some of what I desire comes to pass"

Re: You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 5:42 am
by Jin
"What is it that you desire?"

Re: You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 12:52 pm
by Seidou Satone
"I desire a world where there is peace between the tribes, unity to stand together against foes and share ideas with one another. I desire a world where no one is considered above another, that we are all equals. I desire a world where leaders are a council and determined by who the people think would be best to lead, and rotated so none can ever gain too much power. I desire a world where everyone's customs and courtesies are allowed and respected, as well as their spiritual practices. I desire a world where justice is swift and fair, determined by listening to what crimes someone was accused of and finding proof that they did so."

She sighs.

"So much of what I desire is impossible, but there are many things I think could be compromised on to sway me."

Re: You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 1:07 pm
by Jin
Jin nods along, "I would not say it is an impossible dream but one we are not yet ready to fulfill. But perhaps the future will see such wonders. It is certainly something worth working towards."

Re: You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 2:59 pm
by Seidou Satone
"Indeed. Perhaps even if I had a family of my own, I could do these things, even if just inside the family. Or a clan of my own, one not in service to the Kami..."

Re: You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 3:29 pm
by Jin
"Gathering a clan strong enough to stand alongside the Kami without the fascination they have caused in mortals would certainly be a feat but that is not the same as being impossible. What are the customs and rules you wish to pass on other than this rulership?"

Re: You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 6:02 pm
by Seidou Satone
"For many of that, you would need to speak to my charge, Haruyo. She is the spiritual leader for the remaining Seidou who have not picked a clan. She would have the best intellect to describe things. I know that I would want ways of the Seidou tribe to continue on, for example. But more than just the ways of the Seidou. The ways of all the tribes who may flock to this idea. To allow them a safe heaven to have no fear that their practices and beliefs will die out."

Re: You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 5:13 am
by Jin
Jin nods, "I would be happy to speak with her someday." He pauses a little before nodding again, this time seemingly to himself, "If you do not find a space to form a family of your own, nor do you find confidence in numbers in standing as a clan of your own, then there may be one other way. Any Seidou who truly believe as you do - who truly want peace and unity but to keep their traditions - I would consider allowing them to join my family. My ways eschew violence as all but a last resort so it may not fit some of the warriors who remain. But that would be for them to choose before joining."

Re: You Asked Who to Do What? (D7, LA)

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 8:22 am
by Seidou Satone
Satone nods at the offer in thanks.

"I will certainly keep that in mind, and you have my thanks. Both for the healing, and for your offer, as well as your time and wisdom. "