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Triage (D3, LA, Open)

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 4:02 am
by Jin
By the time the sounds of combat had made their way to camp Jin knew it was far too late for any present there to turn the tide, one way or the other, even had he been a warrior. Instead he had grabbed his medical kit and rushed to the edge of the wood ready to treat any forced to fall back... or those worse off once the area was deemed secure.

Re: Triage (D3, LA, Open)

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 8:02 am
by Shinjo Miuna
Miuna had gotten word about the scouting and wanted to be there to help when they returned. She saw that Jin was already setting up and presented her own Medicine Kit for him as a way to say she intended to help. She mentally readied herself for what was about to happen. She had no idea how it was going or how much blood had been shed, for either side. Aono was near, but standing at a distance so as not to impede treatment.

Re: Triage (D3, LA, Open)

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 9:38 am
by Wu
Combat had a particuliar sound to it...a rythm, if you will, that could be recognised by experienced men. Once he heard the sounds from the forest he rushed there as fast as he could, weapons in hand.

The dragon looked at the two others, one of them he recognised from the tournament and began readying his bow.

Re: Triage (D3, LA, Open)

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 10:29 am
by Jin
Jin nodded to the newcomers as they arrived. He supposed it was good to have someone on guard - those falling back this way might not be allies after all.

What was his name again? He was one of the one's that joined Togashi, one of the daimyo... Wu, that's right.

"Wu," nope daimyo, don't want to risk pissing him off if he's one of Doji's fans, "-san. Wu-san it's good to see you again. We'll care for any of the wounded and I trust you will take care of any threats that might make it this way?"

"Miuna, remember what I taught. The gravest injuries get treated first and judge carefully between our supplies of herbs and your energy for the spirits. You do not wish to waste either. Use the best tool for the job." As was his habit his words were all directed at his student even if it was Aono interpreting for her.

Turning to the other girl he addressed her next, "Keep safe Aono. Remember that the wounded sometimes lash out even at friends - especially if any wounds to the head are involved."

Re: Triage (D3, LA, Open)

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 2:26 pm
by Jin Mizuku
Mizuku had heard the fighting, the sounds of weapons against weapons and shouting. She had carefully come closer, unsure of how it would end. She saw Jin, Miuna, Aono, and another man setting up medical area, no doubt for when members of our march had won, or lost. She came quietly over to them. Pulling out her medical kit to prepare. "I am here as well, prepared to help".

She kept her knife at the ready, just in case the people who came out from the trees were not those of her roadside companions.

Re: Triage (D3, LA, Open)

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 9:21 pm
by Wu
Who was he again? J...Jin, yes. A spirit caller.

Wu inclined his head respectfully when adressed before drawing and arrow from his quiver

''It is good to see you again, master Jin. I will do what I must should danger present itself but might not contain an enemy for long if we are outnumbered.''

Re: Triage (D3, LA, Open)

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 12:40 am
by Shinjo Miuna
Miuna nodded sagely, she remembered well. She looked at her sister.

"I'll be here to assist if needed, though I'm sure between everyone here, you've got it well under control," she said. She smiled, though it didn't quite reach her eyes. How many will we lose before we're done? She thought grimly.

Re: Triage (D3, LA, Open)

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 4:42 am
by Doji Kaze
Born on the shoulders of Seppun Dawei was the silent wind of the Crane, made doubly silent by the arrow poking out of the left side of his chest. It was the kind of injury that might make breathing moot. He was still gripping his spear with white knuckles.

[Kaze has 32 wounds. He has not had a good day.]

Re: Triage (D3, LA, Open)

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 4:43 am
by Noriaki no Yamadono
Moving along the path to the group, was the badly punctured Yamadono, still carrying the near fallen archer as he approached. "It is over." He was calm as he spoke, though his breathing was labored. "This was one of the bandits." He indicated to the one he carried.

Yamadono is 8/12 into his Injured rank. (68 wounds total)

Re: Triage (D3, LA, Open)

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 4:57 am
by Jin
Jin nods, already assessing the wounds on those gathering, the bandit and Kaze both looked poorest off and, in that scenario, the ally came first.

He gestures with his stump between a clear patch of ground and Dawei, "Put him here, gently. I'll see to him."

"Miuna or Mizuku, see to the bandit. Wu-san if you can make sure that if their patient awakens he causes no harm. The other see to our walking wounded."

Jin is not shouting orders. His voice remains level and calm despite the urgency. It is not that he feels he should be in charge it is simply that this is his element and he knows what needs to be done.

He wanted to ask if they had lost anyone but, for now, that was wasted breath.

Once Kaze is in place he notes the placement of the arrow and the blood on his lips. Something more than simple medicine would be needed for a wound to the lung.

His voice is soothing and gentle yet firm as he speaks to the Doji, "I don't know if you can hear me but this is going to hurt. Do your best to stay still."

His left hand had already drawn his knife and with a quick slice blood begins to well from the stump of his right. It does not drip or pour to the ground however - gathering and pooling - bubbling out at his wrist. The amount of blood seeming more than the man, himself, could afford to lose yet he looked no worse for it - evidence of the magic at work.

The blade returned to his belt the sorcerer apologizes again before he swiftly pulls the arrow from the wound. Even quicker, though, was the magic as the bubble of blood became a tendril that shot forward and into the wound. Pouring through the Crane it not just replaced what he lost but pulled together tissue the wound healing from the inside out.

As he dabbed the small cut, now bleeding normally, on his wrist he inspected his patient. The wound was not completely closed but natural healing could easily handle the rest without wasting medicine or more of his own blood.

(26 points healed to Kaze)

Re: Triage (D3, LA, Open)

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 5:04 am
by Ko
Ko tagged along behind Yamadono and Dawei with an armful of gear--Kaze's throwing spear, the injured bandit's bow and quiver, and whatever else useful-looking the dead men back up the trail wouldn't need any longer.

She looked unharmed (scratched for 3 wounds, to which she won't draw any attention) but was keeping a worried eye on the others, especially Kaze... and a wary eye on the bandit, who, if he should suddenly develop a case of stupid ideas, was now in an excellent position to knife an unsuspecting Yamadono in the kidney.

Re: Triage (D3, LA, Open)

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 5:05 am
by Tyrus
Jin wrote:
Sun May 24, 2020 4:57 am
((Jin will notice that along side the arrow was a small thin tube of bamboo that was preventing Kaze's lungs from filling with blood on the trip back to camp. The work was amateur but effective and if he hadn't healed the wounds with magic the chance for infection would have been high.))

Re: Triage (D3, LA, Open)

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 5:16 am
by Doji Kaze
Kaze makes no sound as the sealing wound returns to healthy flesh. When the arrow pops out, he gives a small smile. "My apologies, Ki-Rin-san, for this imposition. And my thanks for your assistance to me."

[only 6 wounds left. Thank you!]

Re: Triage (D3, LA, Open)

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 5:24 am
by Jin
"It is no imposition, we are all in this endeavor together. The man I save today may save another tomorrow who may yet save me a week from now. Plus it is simply the right thing to do." He smiles, "I am called Jin."

Re: Triage (D3, LA, Open)

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 5:27 am
by Togashi Nadare
Nadare approached the group from the direction of camp, offering a nod to Wu, Ko, and the others he had yet to meet. A bag was slung over his shoulder. Yellow-green eyes lit up as the magic of Jin did its work.

"If you wish for aid I am here to assist those who have need."

He opened the bag and started to unroll his medicine kit.

Re: Triage (D3, LA, Open)

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 5:33 am
by Wu
Jin wrote:
Sun May 24, 2020 4:57 am
Jin nods, already assessing the wounds on those gathering, the bandit and Kaze both looked poorest off and, in that scenario, the ally came first.

He gestures with his stump between a clear patch of ground and Dawei, "Put him here, gently. I'll see to him."

"Miuna or Mizuku, see to the bandit. Wu-san if you can make sure that if their patient awakens he causes no harm. The other see to our walking wounded."

Wu looked at the forest in an effort to assess the risks of an attack. Once the wounded scouts came in with prisonners it was clear that they was little danger now.

''I will make sure of it, Jin-san''

The dragon hung out his bow to take up his spear and moved to secure the bandit

Re: Triage (D3, LA, Open)

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 6:08 am
by Ko
"There's no one else out there but two dead men," Ko, crouching down to make a neat pile of the wounded and dead men's belongings, said over her shoulder to... well, everyone, but particularly Wu, since he was the one who looked most on alert. "And one with a bow who ran away before we could finish him. But he wouldn't face four of us--he won't have the heart to bother the camp."

Re: Triage (D3, LA, Open)

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 6:11 am
by Wu
Wu turned and listened to Ko's explanation

''Good to hear...but does anyone knows where their camp is? The one who got away might have other allies in the area.''

Re: Triage (D3, LA, Open)

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 6:36 am
by Shinjo Miuna
Miuna leapt into action, quickly scrambling to the unnamed bandit's side. She began looking over his body, trying to find injuries and triage them as necessary. The worst appeared to be his arm, so she worked on that.

She managed to get the arm, cleaned, stabilized and splinted.

((1d10o10 8 for heal))

Re: Triage (D3, LA, Open)

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 7:43 am
by Noriaki no Yamadono
Wu wrote:
Sun May 24, 2020 6:11 am
Wu turned and listened to Ko's explanation

''Good to hear...but does anyone knows where their camp is? The one who got away might have other allies in the area.''
"From what their leader said, who's with Kanna now, they had their families about a days march from here, heading around Seidou lands. Sounded like they were on the move to safer lands, avoiding cities and holdings." The Last of the Noriaki grunted as he pulled the last of an arrow out of his side, putting a hand on the bleeding

8/12 wounds