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Dinner bell (day 3 early evening)

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 3:18 am
by Yoshitsune Nori
That evening, Yoshitsune Nori was helping at the supply wagon, passing out a dinner comprised of a small meat-filled dumpling and a bowl of broth to each of the people waiting in line. The broth was a little thin for his liking, but Nori had tried to punch up the flavor a bit by sprinkling some savory herbs into the soup kettle. The Crab had been on a lot of trade expeditions before, and in his experience, being well-fed kept everyone in a better mood while on a difficult journey.

Re: Dinner bell (day 3 early evening)

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 3:29 am
by Seidou Satone
Satone takes her portion of food that is offered and then turns to sit when she catches Nori out of the corner of her eye. She the man and says,

"Are you one of the ones who signed up with my cousins, devoting yourself to the Kami Hida?"

Re: Dinner bell (day 3 early evening)

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 4:43 am
by Yoshitsune Nori
"Indeed so," the Crab cook replied agreeably. "I'm Yoshitsune Nori. I've been with Lord Hida, Yoshitsune and the Crab Clan for three years now, though my duties take me all over the place."

"How about you?" he asked curiously. "You're a Seidou, aren't you?"

Re: Dinner bell (day 3 early evening)

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 9:51 am
by Seidou Satone
"Borne and raised, and still am. Not sure how I feel about some guy who falls from the sky and has powers just taking over our tribe. Tell me, was your tribe happy to accept, or did you have some who were relucant?"

Re: Dinner bell (day 3 early evening)

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 10:13 am
by Jin Mizuku
Mizuku saw the man who had given her the delicious cake a couple days prior, and made sure she got in his line for dinner. As she got close she heard the Seidou speaking and looked around quickly for any Kami that may be near.

"You are very brazen to be speaking like that so loudly, while there are at least two Kami around here somewhere. Are you not worried they may hear you?"

Mizuku 's voice held only the tone of curiosity. She had heard people speak ill of the Kami of course but never so public, or so loud. It was always whispers in the shadows.

She turned toward the Crab man "I am delighted to be able eat your food again today Yoshitsune-sama."

Re: Dinner bell (day 3 early evening)

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 10:32 am
by Seidou Satone
"Worried? Why would I be? If they find my words to be a challenge, let them come. I can take them"

And, she just might be able to. Or at least not get knocked out on the first blow.

Re: Dinner bell (day 3 early evening)

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 2:10 pm
by Jin Mizuku
"It's just interesting. I've not heard someone speak so openly about anything but the Kamis being good."

Re: Dinner bell (day 3 early evening)

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 2:17 pm
by Seidou Satone

Satone sighs.

"I am sure they are good, but take it from a different position. Suddenly these beings fall from the heavens, have the tribes flock to them, and utterly destroy the entire way of life, power structures, and freedoms of us all. We were all doing fine until they showed up. I'm not saying that they are enemies, but..."

"Just that we should all be cautious."

Re: Dinner bell (day 3 early evening)

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 3:31 pm
by Jin Mizuku
Mizuku nods "I understand your worry, and of course I have been doubtful. But I honestly think they are for the good overall. Of course not arguing, or telling you what you should believe. I'm just very happy they came here, without them who knows where I would be."

She pauses, with a change of breath. She turns her face slightly and shakes her head. Was that a tear?

"But anyway" She said after clearing her voice, "I appreciate your willingness to speak how you feel without worry. It is refreshing."

Re: Dinner bell (day 3 early evening)

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 4:22 pm
by Seidou Satone
"You are the second today who has told me that the...Kami? I think they call themselves?...have saved them. Truly I must have been blessed to have been born into the Seidou tribe. My life was good before they came. Were the rest of the tribes so poor off?"

Re: Dinner bell (day 3 early evening)

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 10:54 pm
by Yoshitsune Nori
Seidou Satone wrote:
Sat May 23, 2020 9:51 am
"Borne and raised, and still am. Not sure how I feel about some guy who falls from the sky and has powers just taking over our tribe. Tell me, was your tribe happy to accept, or did you have some who were relucant?"
"I...hadn't been in a tribe before this," Nori admitted. "It was just me and my master, for quite a while. It's pretty hard making it under the vastness of the heavens by yourself, so when Lord Yoshitsune took me in, I was certainly grateful."
Jin Mizuku wrote:
Sat May 23, 2020 10:13 am
She turned toward the Crab man "I am delighted to be able eat your food again today Yoshitsune-sama."
"Good to see you again, Jin Mizuku," the Crab cook said, the lines of his face crinkling with a grin as he dished up a serving for her. "We have quite a ways to go yet, so I hope you won't be sick of my cooking before this journey is done."
Seidou Satone wrote:
Sat May 23, 2020 4:22 pm
"You are the second today who has told me that the...Kami? I think they call themselves?...have saved them. Truly I must have been blessed to have been born into the Seidou tribe. My life was good before they came. Were the rest of the tribes so poor off?"
Nori spread his hands placatingly. "The Seidou are a fine tribe, to be sure," he said. "But Lord Hida, Lady Anjing and Lord Yoshitsune are making something greater: a tribe of tribes - a clan - that will ensure for us a brighter future."

Re: Dinner bell (day 3 early evening)

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 11:23 pm
by Seidou Satone
"You certainly sound like it is a good thing. But what if in time, the tribes who were merged together lose their identities of what made them unique? Or if you have differences in opinion or culture? Sometimes bringing together people is good, but other times, it causes problems."

Re: Dinner bell (day 3 early evening)

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 1:20 am
by Yoshitsune Nori
"It's a time of change in the world," Nori replied. "And, of course there are differences of opinion, like there are anytime three people get together. That's just how people are."

"But even a strong man is stronger for belonging to a tribe. Just so, a strong tribe is made stronger when part of a clan."

Re: Dinner bell (day 3 early evening)

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 1:36 am
by Jin Mizuku
Yoshitsune Nori wrote:
Sat May 23, 2020 10:54 pm
"Good to see you again, Jin Mizuku," the Crab cook said, the lines of his face crinkling with a grin as he dished up a serving for her. "We have quite a ways to go yet, so I hope you won't be sick of my cooking before this journey is done."
Mizuku blushed lightly and took a deep breath, smelling the delicious dumplings. "Please call me Mizuku. I'm not quite used to the full name and honestly it's a mouthful. And I doubt I'll get tired of some of the best food I've ever had. I can't wait to see what you do with fish."

She turned to the blunt one "Those who don't adapt tend to not continue on for much longer, or so my studies say. I don't believe becoming part of a group makes you any less of the person you are inside. It adds something, rather than takes away. But I suppose you have to see it that way yourself or it is just a chaos of change."

Re: Dinner bell (day 3 early evening)

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 6:45 am
by Seidou Satone

She looks skeptical.

“So there are eight of them. I’ve seen Hida a bit here, but never met him. What if the others? Have either of you two interacted with them? What are they like?”

Re: Dinner bell (day 3 early evening)

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 2:29 pm
by Jin Mizuku
Seidou Satone wrote:
Sun May 24, 2020 6:45 am
“So there are eight of them. I’ve seen Hida a bit here, but never met him. What if the others? Have either of you two interacted with them? What are they like?”
"I haven't had the pleasure. I've met wife of the dragon earlier today, and husband of Shinjo. They are some amazing people, to be chosen by the Kami"

Re: Dinner bell (day 3 early evening)

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 4:11 pm
by Seidou Satone
“Or perhaps just lucky. A case of the right place at the right time “

Re: Dinner bell (day 3 early evening)

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 2:03 pm
by Yoshitsune Nori
"I met Shinjo, and Hantei, a couple days ago when getting ready for this trip," Nori said. "They seemed all right, I suppose, though I can't say I know them well. Lady Shinjo seemed to have some good ideas for the route we should take on our way down south."

Re: Dinner bell (day 3 early evening)

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 2:35 pm
by Seidou Satone
"I see. I should try to pay them a visit then, though if they are taking over as leaders for the world, one wonders if they would even bother."