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[LN 3, Reiko's Tent] Sweet Dreams are Made of This (closed)

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 12:17 am
by Fu Leng
Restlessness plagued Reiko's sleeping form...

Reiko had learn over the last five years, found that Jigoku wasn't always skin-singeingly hot. Sometimes it was so cold it felt like it was biting into her bones, or lukewarm and so humid it felt like she might drown. Whatever seemed to be most unpleasant at the time. Today, it had apparently decided to opt for blistering cold. But always Yume-do took her to one place - Fu Leng's prison.

Today it took the form of what looked like a claw of sickly green ice that held his limbs and crawled across his chest. The skin was purple and blistered anywhere it touched. His expression was one of utter exhaustion, dark circles under his eyes even while he appeared to be asleep. He opened them as Reiko approached. Unlike their first meetings, he seemed unable to rouse himself to his usual pride and sarcasm, something that had become more and more common as time went on.

There was something appreciative in his eyes when he saw her, though. [color=##0080FF]"Reiko..."[/color] His voice was raspy and as tired as he looked.

Re: [LN 3, Reiko's Tent] Sweet Dreams are Made of This (closed)

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 4:52 am
by Reiko
Reiko gasped as her breath was pulled from her by the blistering cold hit her, sitting up. It always took her a few moments to deal with the sheer terror of where she knew she was. Plus being able to see. This was something she couldn't ever get used to.

A few blinks and she could see him. The most brilliant, wonderful man that ever lived....and he was suffering in a way that crushed her.

"Fu Leng..." she ran over to where he was, reaching out as she always did, knowing it was unlikely she could touch him "I'm here for you."

Re: [LN 3, Reiko's Tent] Sweet Dreams are Made of This (closed)

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 5:07 am
by Fu Leng
"For all the danger, I never could dissuade you," he replied with a half-smile before his head dropped a little bit again. As expected, her hand passed through him. "I'm glad you're so stubborn..."

As she got closer, she was able to see how the tips of the ice pushed under and spread beneath his skin without melt, showing as spider patterns of blackened flesh above them.

"You feel... closer. Why...?"

Re: [LN 3, Reiko's Tent] Sweet Dreams are Made of This (closed)

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 5:36 am
by Reiko
Reiko winced. She could feel his pain, or at least her version of it. She would likely die if she experienced the real pain he was feeling.

"You will never dissuade me. I'm here for you, and I always will be" she put her hand over his heart, and her other hand over her own heart "I would...ask how you were doing, but I can see."

She paused, not sure if she should tell him, before deciding it would help.

"I feel closer because I am closer. The five years of planning are coming to fruition" she hoped he would be able to see the hint without her saying it directly. She wasn't sure if telling him that they're coming to free him would be a good idea or not.

Re: [LN 3, Reiko's Tent] Sweet Dreams are Made of This (closed)

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 5:52 am
by Fu Leng
He shook his head, but the action made him cough blood. It shone as everything off him did, but darkened as it fall through the air. It was black by the time it hi the ground, and sizzled where it landed despite the cold before crystalizing.

"Yes... I... could be better," he admitted with a bitter chuckle. As bad as it sounded, her presence seemed to give him strength, enough for his personality to show through more. At the statement that she was closer, he shook is head. "Don't come further... It will try to get into you, and... prey on any weakness. If something happened to you... I don't know if..." He clenched his jaw before he could continue.

Re: [LN 3, Reiko's Tent] Sweet Dreams are Made of This (closed)

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 6:09 am
by Reiko
Reiko made a note of what happened to the blood. It confirmed her studies, and that made her nervous, but she had to push past that. For him.

"Nothing will happen. I have investigated further into ways to protect my being, as have the others. Hold onto your belief, your strength. It won't be long, my dearest and most wonderful Fu Leng. Soon you will be freed from this."

Re: [LN 3, Reiko's Tent] Sweet Dreams are Made of This (closed)

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 6:54 am
by Fu Leng
"Reiko..." He sounded hesitant, but then closed his eyes and shook his head. "I won't doubt you. It feeds on it. It... is as you say. It won't be long." There's a fierceness in his eyes that hasn't been there since nearly when she first met him.

Re: [LN 3, Reiko's Tent] Sweet Dreams are Made of This (closed)

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 6:59 am
by Reiko
When the fierceness appeared in Fu Lengs eyes once more, hers took on a more joyful expression.

"Good. Don't doubt me, I won't fail you. I'll never fail you, I promise."

She paused, then with a small smile added "our kin are already planning for your return. One even mentioned a large wedding ceremony, although I'm not one for big celebrations."

Re: [LN 3, Reiko's Tent] Sweet Dreams are Made of This (closed)

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 7:23 am
by Fu Leng
"I'm more concerned about your safety. I..." He paused before finally admitting, "... You could never fail me."

He chuckled weakly, coughing again at the idea of a large wedding ceremony. "Was it Doji? She's always been fond of pomp and circumstance."

Re: [LN 3, Reiko's Tent] Sweet Dreams are Made of This (closed)

Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 12:47 am
by Reiko
"I haven't even asked Doji what she wants to do. It was one of our own, Kanna. She like the others are very excited to finally meet you" Reiko smiled warmly "it will be a wonderful occasion."

She paused, taking a few moments, before adding "I know I said there was no need to ask, but I want to ask. How are you? Are you...I...please keep strong. Please."

Re: [LN 3, Reiko's Tent] Sweet Dreams are Made of This (closed)

Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 2:19 pm
by Fu Leng
"Kanna... You've mentioned her before, haven't you?" He asked, then shut his eyes tight, gritting his teeth as she watches the ice spread beneath his skin. "I'm... It's... wearing. I'm trying."

"If things... don't go our way..."

Re: [LN 3, Reiko's Tent] Sweet Dreams are Made of This (closed)

Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 4:37 pm
by Reiko
"Hai, she is the one that has tasked herself with my protection. We have been all over the Empire, speaking of you and massing support to help free you."

Reiko gritted her teeth, then spoke firmly.

"Do not think that way, ever. This will not fail. I will not fail. I know you are fighting the hardest fight, but I also know that there is none stronger than you. None at all. I believe in you. Entirely. Completely."

She took a moment, before adding "I love you."

Re: [LN 3, Reiko's Tent] Sweet Dreams are Made of This (closed)

Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 8:53 pm
by Fu Leng
He paused then nodded, "I was going to say the same... But I will wait until you can hear it with your own ears, in Ningen-do. I think I would like that to be the first thing you hear from me."

"You should leave. The barrier Yume-do grants you is weakening."

Re: [LN 3, Reiko's Tent] Sweet Dreams are Made of This (closed)

Posted: Wed May 27, 2020 1:08 am
by Reiko
"Must it end so soon? I was hoping the Jade would allow me some moments longer...but I suppose that is on my body, rather than my dream self" Reiko sighed, nodding "I look forward to seeing you with my own much as I can do, and hearing you with my own ears. Stay strong. I know you can do it. Stay strong, you'll be free soon."

Re: [LN 3, Reiko's Tent] Sweet Dreams are Made of This (closed)

Posted: Wed May 27, 2020 5:24 am
by Fu Leng
"It will help protect you in the real world, but when your spirit wanders the realm of dreams, it is more vulnerable. The Earth inherent in a corporeal form helps shield you, and like Jade, it only helps if it's close," he explained, punctuated with a cough.

"I might be able to help a little from here. In the mean time, be safe, Reiko."

Re: [LN 3, Reiko's Tent] Sweet Dreams are Made of This (closed)

Posted: Wed May 27, 2020 4:39 pm
by Reiko
"I understand. Don't give up though. I know it may appear bleak, but know that you are not alone. Everyone prays for you, thinks of you. We will save you. I promise" Reiko hovered her hand over his face, willing herself just for the briefest moment to be able to touch him, even though she knew it was impossible.

"Soon. It will be over soon."

Re: [LN 3, Reiko's Tent] Sweet Dreams are Made of This (closed)

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 8:47 am
by Fu Leng
Her fingers pass ed through him, but he smiled a little despite himself, and nodded. "Yes. Now, awaken."

Re: [LN 3, Reiko's Tent] Sweet Dreams are Made of This (closed)

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 3:57 am
by Reiko
"See you soon my love" Reiko whispered, as her body was pulled back through the realms. She woke up, sitting bolt upright, her whole body shivering. She managed to keep herself from crying out and disturbing Kanna, covering her mouth.

Fu Leng...please keep holding on. It won't be much longer...