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Paint Away (D3, LA. Open)

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 11:50 pm
by Togashi Saruko
The initial work at the riverside was off to a good start, and after a good while she returned to camp to continue her painting there.

The Saru daimyo sat cross-legged outside her tent, with a wooden board in her lap that she had fastened the paper too, and let the colors come to life in the painting. She almost lamented that she hadn't tried for anything more complicated, since it felt like she had hit a good groove.

Re: Paint Away (D3, LA. Open)

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 12:31 am
by Hantei Kinsen
Like a curious cat, Kinsen head peeks up behind Saruko’s shoulder as she watches her strokes with some intense interest.

Of course she was silent, but no enough to be hidden or trying to avoid being detected. Just enough not to call the painter’s attention away from her work.

Re: Paint Away (D3, LA. Open)

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 12:52 am
by Togashi Saruko
Saruko, being quite perceptive, was aware that Kinsen had been standing behind her. The more things changed, the more things stayed the same, it seemed.

"Are you interested in painting, bond-sister?" she asked after a moment of silent work.

Re: Paint Away (D3, LA. Open)

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 1:03 am
by Hantei Kinsen
Startled she got noticed, Kinsen takes a hand over her mouth and blushes a bit to say, “Sorry Shir-“ she pauses, to correct and continues, “Togashi Saruko-sama.”

The blonde smiles, and provides a short shrug. “I’m still getting used with the new names. As for painting, let’s say I am a distant admirer. I paint my nails. Not that good with other things.”

She giggles a bit, confessing, ”Dear husband says we should all learn with the way of the sword, but also the brush. I am not being a good example on both topics.”

Re: Paint Away (D3, LA. Open)

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 1:37 am
by Togashi Saruko
"There are lots of changes to get used to," she agreed, chuckling softly as she put down her brush.

"I find I like the brush better when it's colors and forms. I'm not very good with writing things down..." compared to people like Reiko who had known how to read and write for a long time, she knew her own skill was rather juvenile in comparison. "But I suppose it's most important that we find joy in the things we do, yes?"

Re: Paint Away (D3, LA. Open)

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 1:45 am
by Hantei Kinsen
She nods and gets closer, taking a space nearby to sit in seiza. Kinsen mentions, “I like watching it come to form, although it is not necessarily my doing. Saruko-sama is right though. I should find something I take pleasure doing that is not just martial or taking care of the Family.”

Kinsen reminds of the care, and takes the tea canteen out to offer Saruko. “Care for a refreshment?”

Re: Paint Away (D3, LA. Open)

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 1:58 am
by Togashi Saruko
"Oh, thank you. That sounds nice." Taking her own cup that had hold held water earlier, though now empty, she offered it for Kinsen to pour into.

"And there's many things we can do to find pleasure and joy in, that can be shared with others. Painting is just one. There's... singing, dancing, music, uhm... Lady Doji said something about flower arranging and gardening too but I'm not so sure about that one yet. And folding paper into figures."

Re: Paint Away (D3, LA. Open)

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 2:14 am
by Hantei Kinsen
Kinsen pours the fresh tea, bows, and then thinks over the many things she mentioned. “I thought about cooking, or preparing clothes and hair and, well... Not sure this is something Doji-kami-sama would consider art. What you think?”

Re: Paint Away (D3, LA. Open)

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 2:22 am
by Togashi Saruko
"Hmmmm..." from what Doji had mentioned, none of them were forms of art that she had told Saruko about. But that didn't mean that they weren't things Doji wouldn't approve of.

"Clothes and hair sounds like something Lady Doji would like, I think. She gifted me with a lovely silk robe for my wedding, so I clothes seems to be something she is interested in. Are you skilled at sewing and embroidery?"

Re: Paint Away (D3, LA. Open)

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 2:28 am
by Hantei Kinsen
She shakes her head. “Not skilled. But very interested. I’ve been five a similar set by Lady Doji and Nanzi-dama. That really peaked my curiosity into knowing more of what the other Clans... and tribes, were wearing.”

Re: Paint Away (D3, LA. Open)

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 2:34 am
by Togashi Saruko
"I've never tried making any garment from scratch," she pondered the possibility of giving it a try, but apart from needle and threads, she lacked the materias. "Weaving and sewing wasn't something I was particularly good at before. Cousin Kara was the more skilled one there."

Many had thought that Karanoko's geometric patterns had seemed a little... off... but Saruko just thought that was part of the charm of Kara's stye.

"I didn't bring my silk robe with me on this trip. It didn't seem like the kind of place to bring something like that... but I don't think I or the others who have joined the Dragon have changed their ways too much in how we dress." Except she had preferred more flowing and looser forms herself since her pregnancy. But she still liked the weaving patterns of her original tribe. Saruko tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Wu and I dress differently, but we also have different purposes with how we choose to dress. Same for Nadare."

Re: Paint Away (D3, LA. Open)

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 4:41 am
by Hantei Kinsen
She nods and shows how differently she’s dressing, after some modifications Ayumu did to her outfit earlier on today. “Dear husband has a preference for white, gold and a light mix of these two. We are starting to take that more and more into heart with the Seppun, too. Now this different cut here is not traditional. The clothes were hindering my mobility and being warmer than necessary to the weather around here. Jiyo Ayumu-san has this incredible idea and I accepted. Turns out he’s some sort of genius at this.”

Kinsen smiles, proud of her appearance. “I brought mine since I knew Nanzi-sama would come. He wasn’t able to be present at our wedding, so I thought it would be a good thing to show the appreciation back.”

Re: Paint Away (D3, LA. Open)

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 4:53 am
by Togashi Saruko
Looking at the garment, she could certainly see that it allowed for a lot of mobility in its new cut and shape. Not quite to her own preferences, but as long as Kinsen was happy with it, then she was pleased.

"Yellows and greens have been popular with the Dragon so far." They were the colors on Togashi's swords, so many had seen that as his preferred colors. "And yeah, it's certainly warm here in the south compared to back home, but at least these mountains are not quite as hot as Great Mountain City."

She tilted her head to the side a little as she regarded Kinsen. "Wouldn't it have been better to wait until we return home, to invite him over and wear it? Silk is so delicate it might get ruined here."

Re: Paint Away (D3, LA. Open)

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 4:58 am
by Hantei Kinsen
She takes a de breath and agrees with a nod. “It would, yet, I had this feeling that I might perhaps not come back at all. Dear husband joined after me, I was surprised he also brought his.”

Re: Paint Away (D3, LA. Open)

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 5:00 am
by Togashi Saruko
The Dragon looked pensive for a moment, thinking it over before speaking. "But who will care for your son, if the worst comes to pass?"

Re: Paint Away (D3, LA. Open)

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 5:05 am
by Hantei Kinsen
Kinsen looks to her hands, deep in thoughts before she could reply. Holding up tears with a sense of duty and completion, she says, “Kenshiro-San, his Sensei, is family. He has taken charge of the Clan’s affairs until dear husband returns. I’ve entrusted him with Genji-Kum’ s guard, too.”

Kinsen looks up to Saruko, sure that her heart would be heavy with the though of not coming back to her children. “I am happy Togashi-kami-sama is the wisest brother.”

Re: Paint Away (D3, LA. Open)

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 5:12 am
by Togashi Saruko
Saruko, seeing the other woman's distress, reached out a hand and offered her a comforting smile. "He's quite wise and kind, yes. Though I wonder why you would say that?" there was a hint of puzzlement in her voice, as she wasn't quite sure why Kinsen had brought that up.

Re: Paint Away (D3, LA. Open)

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 5:17 am
by Hantei Kinsen
Kinsen takes her hand and holds gently. With a small shake of the head, she regains some energy, thinking ahead. “I volunteered só serve so dear husband wouldn’t come. So he would lead the Clan and teach our little boy the way of the Heavens. It would be wiser, I understand.”

Re: Paint Away (D3, LA. Open)

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 5:32 am
by Togashi Saruko
"Mm, children have different needs at different points in their life. Were my children younger, I wouldn't have come here. But... now they're no longer as reliant on me, and... they need their father more right now and his guidance." She knew it was dangerous to go, but it had felt right for her to be here.

"But I've every intention of keeping my promise to my family that I'll return."

Re: Paint Away (D3, LA. Open)

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 5:36 am
by Hantei Kinsen
“I’ll do my best to make sure your promise is kept.” She smiles. “Genji-kun also does not need me as he used to. He’s quite energetic and discipline is required. I spoil him too much. I was told. So, being with his Sensei is a good thing.”

The Stag looks back at the painting, wondering how her children looked like, and asks, “Do you paint people. What is the thing that you enjoy doing?”