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Re: The Lady of the House [Day 3 LM] (Expecting)

Posted: Mon May 25, 2020 7:23 am
by Reo
"This, this is far too much." Reo sputters, eyes agog at the money suddenly handed to him out of the blue. "I'm not even a member of your clan yet. I don't have anything to offer in return."

Reo eyes refocus. "Maybe there is. You called it a sickness, and I'm a healer. I can study it as we get closer. If it is intense as you say, those who cannot acquire Jade would be at risk. I can treat those who are afflicted and report what I have found to you."

Re: The Lady of the House [Day 3 LM] (Expecting)

Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 1:11 am
by Reiko
Reiko chuckled.

"You know, the Flower Star Doji-dono told me that in the Heavens they had a gifting ritual where you refuse twice to see if they really meant the gift or not. I assume this isn't what you are doing? Either way, I insist. I wish for everyone here to be protected, regardless of if they are kin or not. You are all important."

There was a pause, and a thoughtful expression.

"Hmm, perhaps. That may be worth investigation, but be careful not to risk yourself. From what I understand, even their fluids could transmit it, but at what level I don't know. We have no examples to base off, so some kind of knowledge would be vital for facing this."

Re: The Lady of the House [Day 3 LM] (Expecting)

Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 8:13 am
by Reo
"Wait, that's a thing? Shit, I never even heard about any protocol like that. How do they get anything done?"

Pondering for a moment, Reo wraps his fingers around the coin.

"If this protection works as you say, there are only few of us who have the chance to stop the spread before it gets worse." Reo shrugs. "It's the lot of the healer. For you to have work means that someone has to be sick. It's a terrible thing to wish for, but it's so rarely far away."

Re: The Lady of the House [Day 3 LM] (Expecting)

Posted: Tue May 26, 2020 5:01 pm
by Reiko
"The heavens are very ritualistic in every action of the day. Perhaps the days are just longer in the heavens?" Reiko shrugged "it does seem quite long winded, but the intent is to ensure the gift is both meant sincerely and accepted sincerely."

She nodded to the last part.

"It is unfortunate that one needs to become affected in order to fully understand the effects of any affliction, however as this corruption continues to seep from the portal it will affect some eventually. Animals would be preferred to humans when it comes to seeing what it does, although strangely the Nezumi are immune to its effects. Something we need to try and learn, as immunity would be a huge boon."