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[Day 24, Late Night] The Beginning (Closed)

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2020 8:10 pm
by Jiyo Sora
He had awoken, not from a premonition of danger, not from any nightmare, not from any out of place sound.

No, he just knew she was there. Next to him. Sound asleep. and that... was still so new to him.

In the past five years, he'd learned what it felt like to be trusted. Welcomed. Loved.

But he'd ended all of his days alone.

The kids had slept in his arms plenty of times, and he was never made to feel unwelcome at family functions, but he'd always, always wandered back to his own room at the end of the day, and had always woken up in solitude.

But that was over now.

He didn't stir, or reach out, or do anything to disturb her. He knew it wouldn't all be sunshine and rainbows in the years ahead. He knew they'd probably have their share of disagreements- most of them, undoubtedly his fault- but he wanted to try to keep the percentage up.

He slipped back to sleep. The future was something he always lived with, always would live with, but for the first time in a long time, it didn't trouble him.