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Re: [D1 LE] Dinner Before Bed

Posted: Tue May 19, 2020 9:16 pm
by Taochusu
He shrugs. "I'm used to it. It's been there for many years. And it reminds me not to let my guard down."

"So all the clans have one of those gods in charge of it. What's the Bat god like?"

Re: [D1 LE] Dinner Before Bed

Posted: Tue May 19, 2020 9:31 pm
by Ryoshun Mai
"In short: dead. Yet, not."

She paused with a smirk, "Nazo and a few others have the ability to commune with the dead. She managed to marry him. Since joining the clan, I find my work has improved not just due to the skills taught by the school. It is odd, as though he guides our hand in some unseen way. At least, that is how the priests explain the phenomenon as several find they are improving."

She paused, "it's like I see the shape the wood wants to be, where the teeth want to go sometimes. Sometimes, truly stunning works come out of the hands of once common folk now. I personally don't know how to take it, but it works so I am satisfied."

Re: [D1 LE] Dinner Before Bed

Posted: Tue May 19, 2020 9:40 pm
by Taochusu
"Dead? So kind of like the one we're going after? People were saying this one is in some sort of dark underworld type place," he says curiously. "Is there going to be a search for him after this one?"

Re: [D1 LE] Dinner Before Bed

Posted: Tue May 19, 2020 9:56 pm
by Ryoshun Mai
"I don't know if we will search for a way to save Ryoshun. It would be nice to. The idea of dark underworld places unnerve me, but we do what we must."

Re: [D1 LE] Dinner Before Bed

Posted: Tue May 19, 2020 10:09 pm
by Taochusu
"I gotta admit that they intrigue me. I never really thought such things were real before. But so many people here seem convinced and I'd like a chance to see for myself. I've seen forests, lakes, mountains, hills, rivers, and marshes. And all of them during all the seasons. But something from another world? That's... exciting to think about."

Re: [D1 LE] Dinner Before Bed

Posted: Tue May 19, 2020 11:41 pm
by Ryoshun Mai
"I'd love to hear more of your travels. This my first time outside the mountains, myself." She paused, "I hear a bit from travellers, but rarely do we see new people that haven't arrived before."

Re: [D1 LE] Dinner Before Bed

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 1:10 am
by Taochusu
"I mean, it would really be more like hunting stories. I've covered a lot of ground but I haven't been to a lot of places that are too interesting," he replies, with a shrug. "Over ten years and I've been to less villages than that. But I'm glad to share."

Re: [D1 LE] Dinner Before Bed

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 5:49 am
by Ryoshun Mai
"I would like to hear of hunting and trips in the woods, potentially more than visiting a simple village." She paused, "it is how you tell the story that makes it interesting, the details. Besides, you appear to be quite the strong, rugged manly specimen with scars proving your encounters in the wilderness. I am sure there are stories for each of those."

Re: [D1 LE] Dinner Before Bed

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 6:11 am
by Taochusu
"I mean, each of them has a story. Many of them, you'd have to ask someone else who was there because I don't remember. But then... that really just means nobody remembers," he replies with a chuckle. "Some of the memories bleed together."

"When I was skirting the forest to the north of here, three or four winters ago, I ran into a small pack of wolves," he said. "That was where I got the one on my leg. They may be pack animals, but they are still creatures of habit. I threw a dead rabbit at the pack that I was planning to cook the next night and two of them decided to fight over it. The other three ignored it and came after me. By the time they got close enough I already had my hammer ready and dropped it on the nearest one's back and broke it's spine. The second one got my leg and the third startled back from the sound of the first wolf breaking. I let the one that was on my leg keep it's hold while I crust the other one with my second swing, but then the one that had me in it's jaws dragged me down. I got my hands into the corners of it's mouth and wrenched it open until it cracked. When I got to my feet, the other two had run off with the rabbit. I made sure they were all dead, cursed my luck, thanked them for their sacrifice, and honored them for their bravery. I had wolf meat for a few days and wolf pelts to layer over my deer skin blanket. Keeping me extra warm for that winter. They were a bit skinny so I think they were having trouble hunting. They might have been pushed out of their normal territory by a larger pack. I felt kind of bad for them that they ran into me. Walked with a bit of a limp for a few days, but I was still walking."

Re: [D1 LE] Dinner Before Bed

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 6:38 am
by Ryoshun Mai
"On one hand, I feel bad for the wolves if they were hungry and weak. Though, perhaps they met a faster and more merciful end by running in to you. You honored their lives and courage. The strong survive. It is the way of the hunter."

"They also live by that rule. Perhaps they know that the day will come when one stronger then them will inherit their place. Each leader has his time in the sun."

Re: [D1 LE] Dinner Before Bed

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 4:24 pm
by Taochusu
"Yeah, true enough. But that is how I defeated a whole pack of wolves and only got bit once. Then there was the time I took down a group of 10 bandits with my bare hands while I was naked. That was a fun one."

Re: [D1 LE] Dinner Before Bed

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 4:26 pm
by Ryoshun Mai
"Naked?! Wouldn't that make your erm... parts... a target? So you still have them intact?"

Re: [D1 LE] Dinner Before Bed

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 4:51 pm
by Taochusu
"Well, they didn't see me coming. I learned a valuable lesson that day. They took all my stuff and beat me down until I was unconscious. Left me naked and broken. I spent a week or so recovering and surviving off of grass and tubers I could scrounge up. I hunted them down and when I found them they were camping in a small wooded area. I snuck up on them and waited until they were mostly sleeping. There was a rotting tree next to the camp so I charged at the tree and knocked it over. It landed on half their people and the fire spread to the dried out branches. In their confusion I ran into their camp, and shoved one of their guards into the burning branches before retreating into the darkness and looking for another opportunity while they tried to deal with the fire. Picked them off one by one like that, hiding in the darkness, waiting for an opportunity,, then striking. A couple hours later I was picking through their stuff to get mine back. When I found two that had survived I returned the favor they gave me, but I learned from their mistake. Shattered one of each of their knees so they couldn't follow me and left them to pick up the pieces of their group. Never saw them again."

Re: [D1 LE] Dinner Before Bed

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 10:25 pm
by Ryoshun Mai
She listened raptly, "I don't imagine a group of lame bandits survived too long. Perhaps, that is why you never saw them again. At least you were able to recover your belongings."

Re: [D1 LE] Dinner Before Bed

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 10:50 pm
by Taochusu
"Who knows? I went one spring with a broken foot. It never healed quite right, and its shaped a bit different from the left foot. But I got through the season fine. I carved a... I guess it was like a little cage? Put all the weight on my knee and shin and left my foot hanging above the ground. Hurt pretty bad trying to massage it back into the right shape. Guess I got close enough because it doesn't slow me down. Maybe they worked something out too. I wasn't going to give them the chance to catch up with me, but they didn't kill me so I returned the favor and gave them a chance. Though admittedly, anyone that survives by preying on others is less likely to know how to survive on their own."