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Drsnitsch (D1 EM)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 12:35 am
by Ch’chit T’kkiri
The Brave Warrior of a Black Moonset was pushed down the hallway with his hands behind his back. The reek his captors emitted was enough to make a lesser Brave-Warriors-Who-Remember blanch, but he was made of sterner stuff and did not show any emotion as they brought him into their 'Court Room'... A room that wouldn't qualify as a slaves' quarters back in the Great City.

He was brought before a woman and kicked in the back of his knees to make him kneel. He did not reply with a snarl he merely stood up again, until kicked again... at which point he silently stood up again... until he was kicked again... He then of course, would stand again...

Meanwhile another guard spoke to the woman in their primitive tongue, "This is the one we were talking about. He's from down there... knows the area he says."

Re: Drsnitsch (D1 EM)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 12:54 am
by Shinjo
"Stop that!" Commanded the woman before him, and the kicking finally ceased. He was left standing before the woman who was even taller than he was, something unusual among humans, as far as he could tell.

After a moment of studying him, she said, "My name is Shinjo. Did they tell you why you've been brought here?"

Re: Drsnitsch (D1 EM)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 1:14 am
by Ch’chit T’kkiri
He stood up to his full height with pride so as not to be loomed over despite her height.

"They say you go to look for falling-rock-man. Go to big hole on top of Chief-of-Chief's house. They say you need tchick..." He clicked his tongue, "guide..."

Re: Drsnitsch (D1 EM)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 1:22 am
by Shinjo
She nodded. "You'll go free at the end of the journey, if you help us. Several others Nezumi will be joining us, as well, but you likely know the entire route the best."

Re: Drsnitsch (D1 EM)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 1:27 am
by Ch’chit T’kkiri
He sniffed the air in front of him... trying to comprehend the odor that came from the woman. Whatever she was... she wasn't anything similar to these Seidou mongrels.

"Ch'chit T'kkiri remember the way... But... Why you go to save falling-rock man? The way is... drsnitsch.." he clicked his tongue again, "Pain-is-present."

Re: Drsnitsch (D1 EM)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 1:53 am
by Shinjo
The air around her smelled oddly pleasant, even to his nose. There was something unpleasantly human to it, but another scent that was like freshly budding grass after rain. Something uncorrupted on a fundamental level.

"He's my brother," she responded quietly. "And my best friend. I have to save him if it's possible."

Re: Drsnitsch (D1 EM)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 1:58 am
by Ch’chit T’kkiri
"You risk whole pack for one rik'rik...?" He asked, not bothering to translate the term.

Re: Drsnitsch (D1 EM)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 3:39 am
by Shinjo
"We will do our best to keep them safe... but everyone here volunteered to be here, knowing it was a dangerous quest," she said with a nod. "So... yes. It's that important to us."

Re: Drsnitsch (D1 EM)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 3:42 am
by Ch’chit T’kkiri
"I can take-take you there..." He tilted his head.

"But you can no keep pack safe. No safe-spots where we go-go."

Re: Drsnitsch (D1 EM)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 3:50 am
by Shinjo
"Can you tell me more about it?" The woman asked, seeming calm despite his words.

Re: Drsnitsch (D1 EM)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 7:59 am
by Ch’chit T’kkiri
“Big hole where falling-rock-man landed was home to Chief-of-Chiefs. Now hole from which evil come.” He said.

“Ugly-smelly-enemies-of-Brave-Warriors-Who-Remember, big-horned-slaves gone mad, Big-Scary-Spirits... we fight-fight. Kill tens of tens... but they no end. Always more to fight.”

Re: Drsnitsch (D1 EM)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 9:37 am
by Shinjo
She nodded, listening and taking in everything he said. "Regardless... It's where we need to go. Where we're committed to go. The important question is whether you're willing to help us get there."

Re: Drsnitsch (D1 EM)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 10:18 am
by Ch’chit T’kkiri
"What you plan?" He asked.

Re: Drsnitsch (D1 EM)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 4:03 am
by Shinjo
"We're going to head down there and fend off what we can while using my brother's fiance's connection to him to pinpoint him. If we can seal the hole he came through, we will, but I'm not sure if that's even possible," she said, eyebrows furrowing.

Re: Drsnitsch (D1 EM)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 4:44 am
by Ch’chit T’kkiri
"You plan stink like Seidou hairless-ones." He said as he gave a sideways glace at his captors.

"But Mrt Chi'chit T'kkiri, Brave Warrior of Black... Moon-go-down. I no fear. You promise Chi'chit T'kkiri go free? I take you to hole of fallen-rock-man."

Re: Drsnitsch (D1 EM)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 4:59 am
by Shinjo
She's taken aback by his response, but shakes her head with a sigh. "I swear you will go free once you are finished guiding us there. You may go your own way once we arrive or follow our group back until you get to where you want to be left, as you wish."

Re: Drsnitsch (D1 EM)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 5:19 am
by Ch’chit T’kkiri
These unfortunate ingrates are going in nose and eye blind into a world they cannot even comprehend... Who in their right mind concocted this ridiculous and pity excuse of a military campaign... A blind and swooning child in heat? Whoever it was... it seems that for now my best chance of an escape bereft of violence will be to travel with this motley band of vagabonds and escort them to their own self-destructive end.

"Trade from Grass-Smell-Shinjo fair." He replied with a nod but then paused before adding.

"You want good plan that no stink-stink... You ask kir'kir and tch'tch..." He paused for a moment.

"Magic-ones and Remember...ers. Go to Brave-Warriors-Who-Remember city on path to hole. Talk to magic-ones... Listen to magic-ones and Remember-ers... Always listen." He tried to translate but struggled to find any word that these primitives and all their pointless synonyms had for kir'kir and tch'tch.

Re: Drsnitsch (D1 EM)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 5:49 am
by Shinjo
She nodded. "We're planning on passing one of your cities and attempting some diplomacy there. Hopefully they will be willing to speak with us. You'd be welcome to help, but that's your choice." She glanced over at a map she had set up on a low table nearby. "North-North Mountain City, it looks like. Along a large river flowing southeast."

Re: Drsnitsch (D1 EM)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 5:58 am
by Ch’chit T’kkiri
He nodded, "That my F'chtr-foo... Here-I-stay... Father is chuk'... Leader." He walked over and began examining the map.

"Who make-make map?" He asked as he glanced it over.

Re: Drsnitsch (D1 EM)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 8:51 am
by Shinjo
"It was made through a combination of my vassal, Jin's scouting and information from those of your people who have joined us."