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Re: The Descent

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 6:05 am
by Canary
The light of the mortal world shines through the portal as the group emerges at a sprint and into the waiting pair of Ratling Shamans. They speak briefly to the injured god, drawing the light of Tengoku away from him and infusing it into a piece of jade.

They don't have long, though. The portal thunders and stretches as the massive monster chases them through, letting out a massive roar into the air.
The_Maw.jpg (21.43 KiB) Viewed 3755 times
[This event has finished successfully. The closing of the portal will now be posted.]

[This thread has transitioned to LE]

Re: The Descent

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 6:19 am
by Shinjo
Shinjo had spotted the monster emerging from Jigoku and felt fear grip even her heart. She prayed the mortals could take care of the corrupted monsters making their homes in the mortal world... She needed to deal with this. She veered off from the fight, galloping at the massive monster as it emerged, lowing her head to take a swipe at the thing, only narrowly avoiding its massive claw.

KOYAMA...! She called out to her husband, reaching for him with her mind. She needed his strength, wherever he was...

Re: The Descent

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 6:23 am
by Seppun Dawei
Dawei turns to face the noise and, seeing what rises, blanches. But his lord is here, and he will not flee if he can help it.

Still supporting Hantei, still letting the Lord Stag lean his weight upon him, Dawei reaches for his sword, ineffective as he knows it will be against what comes.

Re: The Descent

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 6:27 am
by Jiyo Sora
Only a complete moron would think to fight that thing with a hand weapon.

Sora turned at the rear of the little group, and unslung his dagger-axe.

But no one ever accused me of being a genius.

He waited to see what came next.

Re: The Descent

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 6:37 am
by Shinjo Koyama

What initially seemed like a ribbon on the wind that had torn itself off from a paper carp, was descending, swirling, down from the gash in the fabric of universe, right into hell. The shape grew swiftly to the horrified eyes of those who had been holding the Jigoku at bay until now. It had a maw and claws of its own, long and sharp, that only grew more majestic as the serpent plummeted into full view of its scaled form.


The plunge was to catch up with the galloping Ki-Rin, to tear into the Oni Lord before she would reach it...

Re: The Descent

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 6:41 am
by Jiyo Sora
Sora gave a Hikaru warcry as he saw his drinking buddy, old companion, and fellow conspirator arrive in his full might.

Re: The Descent

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 6:43 am
by Seppun Dawei

It is an entirely inadequate response, of course--but what would suffice?

Re: The Descent

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 7:16 am
by Noriaki no Yamadono
Yamadono would be one for celebrating the arrival of a Dragon, the husband of Shinjo.

All he could do was raise his tetsubo in exultation. His throat was hoarse. He felt drained, even if unimpeded.

After all this, he simply wanted to rest.

"Demon slaying first. Then rest." He chided himself, ready to fight.

Re: The Descent

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 7:48 am
by Canary
The_Maw.jpg (21.43 KiB) Viewed 3645 times
The Maw roared in pain as the two divine creatures attacked it, inflicting grievous wounds. It focused on the ki-rin, having to dodge the dragon attempting to get in its way to attack her. It swiped its massive claws, catching one of Shinjo's legs, catching and tearing a muscle to a scream from her.

1-8 Shinjo, 9-20 Koyama: 1d20 6

Re: The Descent

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 9:15 am
by Shinjo Koyama
A second too late.

The mountain dragon roared of anger and threw itself at the Maw's head, to pluck the eyes or tear the spine, whatever opportunity would present itself to draw it away from his wife. Recklessly, without care for own survival.

Re: The Descent

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 11:39 am
by Ch’chit T’kkiri
Meanwhile Ch’chit’s eyes moved towards the camp...

Do it...

Re: The Descent

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 12:01 pm
by Canary
Shinjo Koyama wrote:
Sun Jun 14, 2020 9:15 am
A second too late.

The mountain dragon roared of anger and threw itself at the Maw's head, to pluck the eyes or tear the spine, whatever opportunity would present itself to draw it away from his wife. Recklessly, without care for own survival.
Koyama managed to successfully get the creature's attention, the creature swinging and rending his side as Shinjo struggled back to her feet and charged it, piercing it with her horns.

1-8 Shinjo, 9-20 Koyama: 1d20 14

Re: The Descent

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 1:51 pm
by Canary
Suddenly, the earth thundered as the shugenja uttered their final prayers as the portal shattered and then vanished, robbing the monster of its connection to Jigoku. Without a name or a connection to its home plane, it was dragged back to the Realm of Evil, leaving Shinjo, Koyama, and the divers injured but alive.

Shinjo collapsed, finally able to stop forcing herself to move and lost consciousness, returning to her human-like form. One of her legs was as shattered as it had been in her ki-rin form.

Re: The Descent

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 2:07 pm
by Ch’chit T’kkiri
Black Moonset felt it before it began... a trembling in the air around him. Followed by a sway in the muddy soil... He felt the power of Name swelling around the portal... Saw the other realm flicker... the ancient ruins within dissipate.

There was a rush of heat that caused his hair to stand on edge... and then the rumbling reply of the Earth. As it swelled and crashed down on the portal Black Moonset fell to his knees. He gazed up as the great beast in front of them shrieked in anger... and then was sucked back into the pit.

When the dust settled and the hole in front of him was no more his eyes still lingered on the horizon where the Maw had stood... In place of the creature there was now only one thing... A White Moonrise.

He looked down at his paws... different now than they had been. There was a shine to them it seemed... a shine which dimmed and faded until the fur beneath it returned to normal. Not the old normal... but a new normal.

His fur was now a brilliant shade of White.


Re: The Descent

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 2:15 pm
by Kyosei of the Isawa
A man came charging up. He had waited, until all the slots were filled for the final ritual, then started forward. He knew he couldn't enter, but since the others were trying to close the portal, and he had faith they would, he went running to the frontlines. The very frontlines. The edge of where the pit had used to be.

He was almost flapping as he ran, so many pouches was he carrying, and the dust pile behind him was more than should have been. He stopped in front of the group, panting, and looked around.

And gasped at the damage that had been done to Shinjo. He had not seen that she had been in Ki Rin form, so thought this had been done to her in her human form. And he had an answer to that.

Pulling out a black, shiny knife, he sliced carefully across his left arm, where many scars already rested. The water kami, helpful though they usually are, aren't very available at the moment. He grimaces, then slices again, adding more effort. But, the water kami in the area are exhausted. They do a bit more, but she is likely more injured than the simple magics can help with. He breathes deeply, knowing this is not likely to be as effective, and grimaces slightly as he makes another cut across his forearm. The repeated calling upon them seems to gain the curiousity of the water kami, and they answer with a bit more energy.

Dropping to his knees, and putting away the obsidian knife, Kyosei grabs for a rag from another pouch.

"I can, huff, do this a couple more times, huff, if anyone else needs help." He blew through his mouth, tired from the sprint out here.


Two water spells (with a mistake out of my favor in the first, or it should have gone better), and the first of my Void slots. Healed 6, then 9, then 12 wounds, when I used a Void slot for the final spell, for a total of 27 healed. Used last of my void points on this. Auto pass the jade test, with all my jade.

Re: The Descent

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 2:25 pm
by Ch’chit T’kkiri
From his knees he pulled a small wooden object out. He repeated her name one last time...

"My Dream... We've done it. The Crater is sealed..."

The words seemed to crack something loose within White Moonrise... he buried his face in his paws and began to weep with joy and relief.

Re: The Descent

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 3:18 pm
by Canary
Moonset... You're okay... I'm so happy to hear that. We can finally rebuild... Our pups can have a future... He can hear tears in her eyes as she spoke, as well, her voice breaking. Thank you...!

Re: The Descent

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 3:18 pm
by Shinjo
Kyosei of the Isawa wrote:
Sun Jun 14, 2020 2:15 pm
The healing is successful, but it becomes obvious as he goes that her leg is likely never going to be the same again.

Re: The Descent

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 4:24 pm
by Jiyo Sora
Sora let his weapon fall, unused, to the ground.

I am so unbelievably tired.

He let himself enjoy the victory for a moment, then squatted down on his haunches, and let a long breath hiss out between his teeth.

Re: The Descent

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 5:25 pm
by Kyosei of the Isawa
Glaring at the injured leg, Kyosei tries once more. The water kami continue to be more receptive, though perhaps not as much as is needed.


Shinjo healed for an additional 13. Kyosei has taken 4 damage, still fine.