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The Call (D16, EN)

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2020 2:17 am
by Hantei Kinsen
As Nanzi laid Kinsen at her tent and went after Hantei, the effect of the foul magic wear off. In the dark, resting, she slowly regains consciousness. With a moan, she feels the pressure on her skull, and the bites over her body start to ache. Kinsen touches her head, and feels the metallic smell of the blood that dried off. A severe hit to her head.

Struggling to lift herself up, she snarls and then starts to sniff around. A familiar scent, around her. Yet, she can't really tell what it is, of from whom.

Tumbling into the next room –– this one with more light –– she sees armor and weapons dotted in white and gold. Bowls, clothes and other equipment. She shakes her head, not yet completely on her senses.

Stepping outside, Kinsen feels the breeze, takes a deep breath ant manages to focus her golden eyes at the people working together in the wagon and tents slightly far away. She struggles recount what happened. Questions begin to arise:

How was she put into this tent?

How did she arrive here?

Who were these people?

Why was she so hungry?

Greatly disturbed, her instincts kick in. Back into her primal nature, Kinsen changes, and hides herself within darkness to run back to where she came from.