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Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 9:25 pm
by Togashi Nadare
Nadare nodded at fine work being done by Saruko. Occasionally he snuck a look at Wu's scribbles.

Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 11:32 pm
by Nozomi
Phi slipped into the tent for the first time in the history of these meetings, looking a little diffident and uncomfortable. War councils like these, however necessary, were not her strong point and she preferred to just get her orders and go. But, considering one of the figures who would be in attendance and the fact that she could be seen at various times around camp, attending with him, this was going to be a place that she ended up.

For those who had met her before but not seen her since her return with Shinjo and Shinsei two days prior, her hood was pulled back as soon as she was out of the harsh light outside, her mask still gone, a bracelet of jade clearly visible and touching skin. She'd perform a jade test if anyone asked, but stood near the side of the tent, eyes watchful for Shinsei's arrival and a nervous quality to her if anyone happened to approach before the rather large meeting went into full swing.

Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:02 am
by Ongaku no Ryoko
Ryoko entered as well, taking a place out of the way, setting up her instrument, and beginning to play, a quiet, subtle song, lending an ambiance of sobriety and gravity to the proceedings... not particularly obtrusive, but with a tone to underscore the importance of these decisions.

Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:04 am
by Shinjo Miuna
Miuna and her sister were still there. Even if she was not dispatched, it was important to know what was going on. When things became chaotic, it helped her remain more calm if she had even a semblance of a plan. Not bothering with any of the chatter around her yet, looking around thoughtfully, she noticed when Phi and Ryoko entered. If they made eye contact at any point, she would give a small wave and a smile.

Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:05 am
by Nozomi
Phi caught sight of both Miuna and Ryoko. She nodded to them both as they entered, smiling softly to the women. She did not, however, interrupt the music. A little ambiance might ease the mood at least until the actual proceedings began. Everyoone was damned tense enough as is, and she could feel it, so something, anything to cut that tension was appreciated.

She'd pull out her flute, but honestly? That mournful old thing would just make folks more nervous.

Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:19 am
by Nozomi
Ch’chit T’kkiri wrote:
Tue Jun 09, 2020 7:45 pm
Ch’chit was also there with his rat-ness.
A moment or two later, she noticed the nezumi present. It was hard to miss, but there was something she'd been wanting to do for about a week. She breathed in very carefully, remembered what she'd tried several times in private before and then walked up to him. "Ch’chit T’kkiri. Good to see you're here." It was a little accented, but she was pretty sure she'd gotten it right. No, no, she wasn't going to actually draw attention to the fact that she'd been practicing his cotton picking name for two whole weeks to pronounce it correctly. That was a little too embarrassing for her.

"I'm glad you've stuck around this far." She didn't add 'I'll be glad when tomorrow is done.' If things went wrong, she might not be at all and she knew it.

Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:24 am
by Ch’chit T’kkiri
Black Moonset looked over to the woman, slowly turning his head. He dipped it down subtly in acknowledgment and greeting.

“Here to end-end.”

Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:30 am
by Nozomi
Ch’chit T’kkiri wrote:
Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:24 am
Black Moonset looked over to the woman, slowly turning his head. He dipped it down subtly in acknowledgment and greeting.

“Here to end-end.”
"Same, and with the fortunes, hopefully afterwards," she said, murmuring it in a low tone. She wasn't certain, but she was going to keep up the appearances of a strong facade right now. This place... the dreams she'd been having. It played havoc on her. She had never known fear as more than a brief adrenaline rush right before someone died at her hands. Here, it was a far different thing, and it had been assailing her for weeks.

"We're fortunate we have you and the others who have come. I hope the rest remember that when we're done." Whatever differences she had with some pieces of his culture, she did mean it, though she cast a brief glance Ryoko's way with a bit of nerves. There'd been no attempt to haul her off, and now those horns were a whole hell of a lot bigger. So, there was worry, but in the end she didn't think it was something that she would have any real ability to deal with.

Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:46 am
by Nanzi
Nanzi glanced at those playing music, but if this was how they wish to deal with nerves he would not say anything for now.

Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:51 am
by Ninube
Ninube silently arrived. Waiting to see what the rescue would entail.

Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:59 am
by Shinsei
Once enough people have gathered for the meeting, the unmistakable figure of Shinsei appears as he makes his way into the gathering crowd. His face is set and determined, robes dark and immaculate, cutting a very intimidating sight even for those who well know him. Today is a day for decisions, for preparation, and for prayer. Tomorrow, they all might dine in hell.

The little teacher maintained his stoic demeanor as he gazed about the assembled, though his features did soften into a brief smile when he looked towards Phi.

Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 1:11 am
by Nozomi
Seeing him enter, she knew that Shinjo and Hantei couldn't be far behind. She let herself get away with a small smile and nod, but settled into silence unless the Nezumi had something to say right then. It was just about time for this to begin, and she needed to hear what was being said, she supposed. In the end, it'd determine where in this mad battle she'd fight, though she had opinions on that subject.

Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 2:12 am
by Shinjo
Shinjo stepped forward. "Thank you all for coming. We have established a plan for rescuing my brother."

"We have been developing it for a while, but it took Shinsei's wisdom to figure out how exactly we can use Reiko-san's connection with him to help extract him from Jigoku. Her connection is strong, but currently not strong enough to act as a beacon for us to enter, use it to locate Fu Leng, and then pull back."

"Thus, the first phase of our plan will be to strengthen that connection... Through a ritualized marriage ceremony. This will not only strengthen the connection between them, but do so further if we can draw the attention and blessings of our mother, Lady Sun, in the union. This will also make the second phase considerably easier with the light of Tengoku on us. Reiko will have to maintain concentration after this to keep the connection we create strong and visible. As long as she does so, Jigoku shouldn't be able to disrupt it."

"We need as many shugenja as we can get for the second part. They will be calling on the Earth kami and their connection to jade to create a shield of purity. This will surround those chosen to descend and protect them from Jigoku's taint long enough to descend, extract Fu Leng, and get out. There will be very little margin of error in the timing, and the shugenja involved will have to maintain their concentration until the descending team is out."

"At that point, we will be enacting the plan discussed with the Ratlings earlier to try and close the pit."

Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 2:16 am
by Nanzi
"So who goes down into the pit of Hell?" Nanzi asked.

Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 2:27 am
by Jin
Part of Jin longed to go. Sacrificing himself so others did not have to, giving his life to save lives, that was the call of his heart. But he knew it was not to be. He knew that staying behind, performing the rituals to shield the others and to close the pit, was the true path to save the most even if it felt like cowardice.

As such the sorcerer stayed quiet.

Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 2:31 am
by Reo
"What about those of us who cannot speak to the kami? What is our role? Guarding them so they can work? Trying to stop anything else trying to get out?"

Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 2:41 am
by Hantei Kinsen
"I will go down. Dear husband should be present at his brother's wedding." Kinsen says, taking the opportunity.

Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 2:44 am
by Noriaki no Yamadono
Matsu smiled at Phi, moving from her father to join her teacher and friend. Yamadono moved to stand with Ryoko, listening to her music. Listening to the discussion, he spoke up.

"I will go." His voice was low, commanding with a hint of his roots as the Bandit King. Matsu looked to him, shock and even fear in her expression. "I intend to ensure that Fu Leng returns. All I can do is lend my might."

Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 2:46 am
by Shinjo
"Some of those who cannot go will be descending - those will be chosen by Shinsei."

"Some of those who stay behind will be defending the shugenja so they can maintain concentration. We will have a primary guard as the first defense against the monsters, and there will be a secondary guard who will remain close to the shugenja in case the primary guard fails."

"Any remaining will guard the camp and the reserves we need to come back from all this."

Re: Choosing the Rescue Team [LM, D15]

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2020 2:46 am
by Seidou Satone
"I came to both learn, and to assist. I have completed one of my goals, and by entering hell, I shall complete the other. I volunteer to go down."