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[Day 7, Early Evening] For the Man Who Has Everything

Posted: Thu May 28, 2020 5:40 pm
by Jiyo Sora
Jiyo Sora approached the Kami's tents with a spring in his step that might have had some suspecting shapeshifters.

He'd spent most of the day turning the idea around in his head, but now...

Now he was here. With a favor to ask.

He let it be known that he wished to speak with Hantei and Shinjo, if they were available- and if they were not, he would quite understand.

But he sat as he waited, adopting a pose he had learned five years gone, watching Shiba and Togashi meditate.

Re: [Day 7, Early Evening] For the Man Who Has Everything

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 12:40 am
by Hantei
"I see you have taken to my brother's practice of meditation." came the unmistakable voice full of soft command. Hantei emerged from the tent looking every inch the son of Heaven, that faint golden glow growing only brighter as the day darkened. "Jiyo-san, what can I do for you?" he asked with a little smile on his lips as he looked at the former Hikaru turned imperial.

Re: [Day 7, Early Evening] For the Man Who Has Everything

Posted: Fri May 29, 2020 2:46 am
by Jiyo Sora
Sora surprised himself- and possibly Hantei, by rising to his feet and bowing respectfully.

But then again, while he'd never had much use for Hantei... this wasn't about him.

"Your pardon, Hantei-sama. I know that you and your esteemed sister have much on your minds at present, and the matter that brings me here is one for the future... but..."

A shrug.

"Humans are fragile things, and I wish to make this request while I still draw breath, which... this mission leaves in some uncertainty."

He chuckled a bit, then continued.

"It concerns your brother, the Emperor, and something I think he would appreciate. While we have libraries in the Empire, and I hope we will go on building more, there is a thing I have seen in this city of the Nezumi that... makes me wish to aim higher. What if we were to build.... not so much a library, but a place for the written word? It would be of all of the Clans of the Empire. That way, we could have the thoughts- the philosophies- of each of the Kami and their chosen followers gathered in one place, so that anyone visiting the Imperial City could have access to the ideas and ideals that underpin every clan's individual culture."

He offered Hantei another respectful bow.

"It is no secret to anyone, Hantei-sama, that, for example, your ways are not my ways. But if so many have chosen to follow them of their own free will, and in so doing serve Emperor Shiba, then they deserve to be- must be- preserved . Preserved in such a way that someone who has never set foot in the Stag Clan's lands will be free to read them, learn from them, and draw valuable lessons from them. Moreover, I know that your brother, the Emperor, who has honored me beyond anything I have deserved at his hands, would also enjoy having the words of his siblings near to hand, since the affairs of the Empire keep everyone busy. And I would do much to repay him."

Re: [Day 7, Early Evening] For the Man Who Has Everything

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 4:12 am
by Jiyo Sora

Re: [Day 7, Early Evening] For the Man Who Has Everything

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 4:48 am
by Hantei
Hantei listened to Sora for a while and then nodded "This indeed seems like something my most studious brother would well appreciate. So you have simply come to ask me to write my thoughts and beliefs down to be stored in this imperial library?"

Re: [Day 7, Early Evening] For the Man Who Has Everything

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 4:54 am
by Jiyo Sora
"Or to have scribes in your service right down your dictation if you prefer. Or perhaps you could send one to make copies of the original for those who wish it?"

A pause.

"But I would also hope for you to mention to idea to your siblings, especially in the event that I don't survive this expedition. Each of you offers something to humanity, and the fact that each of you- even your lamented brother- has secured a following indicates that all of it has value. It is rare that all of you can be in one place, and it would also... simplify spreading your teachings if one didn't have a petitioner on one's doorstep every time you just want to enjoy a sunrise."

Re: [Day 7, Early Evening] For the Man Who Has Everything

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 2:16 am
by Hantei
Hantei thought for another moment "Yes that seems like a grand idea. Having a library to centralize our knowledge and teachings will also lead to greater advancement as the biggest barrier to learning is finding the things to learn. With the sum of all knowledge stored in one location it will make studying and learning from it much easier." Hantei said, pleased by the idea and showing a touchbof excitement.

Re: [Day 7, Early Evening] For the Man Who Has Everything

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 2:55 am
by Jiyo Sora
"And once we had one constructed... we could see about placing them in the lands of each of the clans. I think... you would favor a more centralized Empire than I, Hantei-sama, but even I will say that we should foster unity among the followers of the Kami. A servant of Hida who has never set eyes on the lands of the Dragon might understand them better, grasp what it is they do for the Empire, if the ideas that guide them are available closer to home. And as time goes on, and as each clan's culture becomes more distinct, we can simply add to the body of knowledge."

Sora smiled, genuinely pleased to have found something he and Hantei appeared to be in perfect accord on.

Re: [Day 7, Early Evening] For the Man Who Has Everything

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 3:46 am
by Hantei
Hantei returned the smile though his was smaller, and showed less emotion "Of course. That is a wonderful idea Jiyo-san, our goal has always been unity and advancement and these libraries would help with both. Now there will also be great cost required in building, maintaining, defending and expanding these libraries. A problem for the Emperor to figure out surely but this is no small undertaking you are suggesting."

Re: [Day 7, Early Evening] For the Man Who Has Everything

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 3:50 am
by Jiyo Sora
"You are quite correct, Hantei-sama. If I am very lucky, I will live to see the first completed, but I doubt I will see the fulfillment of my secondary goal within my lifetime. But as your brother's children grow to maturity, they will have less and less need of my protection, so it will be good to have something to work on if I am fortunate enough to enjoy old age."