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Re: Straw Bath (D1, EA)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 3:30 am
by Shoji Haka
Haka seems conflicted. "After this one's companion found her, her tribe banished her to the outskirts so that she could help them but not place them in danger. She was lucky that the village had just performed the Kusabi Ritual."

Haka sighs and gives up on her hair. "It was only recently that this one realized they had been intending to make her the next Kusabi. So this one abandoned her tribe and left." There's a faint shrug. "The world was not devoured by ghosts, so they must have found a new Kusabi. It should be safe to return in another year or so, but until then, this one has decided to travel."

Re: Straw Bath (D1, EA)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 3:59 am
by Ongaku no Ryoko
"Eh... a Kusabi? I don't know that one... is it a ghost? A kind of ghost?"

Something else trickled through the rocks of Ryoko's brain.

"You said... companion... you don't have a ghost with you now do you? I..." don't want it to eat my stomach.

She wrapped her arms around herself again, eyes suddenly quite wide and alert.

Re: Straw Bath (D1, EA)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 4:08 am
by Shoji Haka
"A sacrifice to keep the world of ghosts closed off from this world."

Haka sighs and makes a vague gesture behind her. "Yes, there is one that follows me. But do not panic, I have set up many fetiches to keep it distracted." She motions to the straw dolls placed around the bath.

Re: Straw Bath (D1, EA)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 4:30 am
by Ongaku no Ryoko
"A... person sacrifice?"

She looked horrified, and some of that crept into her voice, though she tried to hide it.

"Well... I'm glad you didn't get eaten by ghosts. Then I couldn't have met you."

Very sage thoughts from the mind of Ryoko.

"I... guess they can't always be hungry, if the one following you doesn't eat you... so that's good?"

Re: Straw Bath (D1, EA)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 4:49 am
by Shoji Haka
"The Kusabi isn't fed to the ghosts, buy yes, this one is also glad." She manages a faint smile. "The one following Haka is kept fed, which sates its hunger for a time."

She floats closer to Ongaku. "Tell this one more of these ogres. Bath woman said that she was related to one?"

Re: Straw Bath (D1, EA)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 5:02 am
by Ongaku no Ryoko
"Hai, my mother... though I haven't ever met her."

A soft sigh. "Ogres... they were once rulers of this land. Before the Nezumi, they ruled - and I'm sure, before them, others did... but Ogres are different from humans. They don't grow old and die - if they are safe, they can live for century upon century."

She looked at her fingers, her smooth fingers, unlike those of the elders who had taught her the songs. "They are strong, tall, and somewhat frightening - with big teeth and horns and harsh faces, but they are also smart and can grow wise. My tribe travels alongside them, and sometimes they take a human mate, until that mate eventually dies of old age, and then they go away for a time. They do not return until they are past their grief - which can take many seasons."

Ryoko tried to think of other interesting facts. "There was once an ogre in the tribe so strong he could pull a wagon, all by himself. He left to go south and free his brother many years ago... we've not seen him since."

That wasn't a very fun fact at all.

Lapsing into silence, she pondered that.

Re: Straw Bath (D1, EA)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 5:11 am
by Shoji Haka
"They sound very interesting. Are there any coming on this expedition?" She closes her eyes. "How do such strong and large creatures become defeated by rats? I cannot imagine it... unless they used diseases and poisons to weaken the ogres first?"

Re: Straw Bath (D1, EA)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 6:24 am
by Ongaku no Ryoko
"They never told me... but in part, they do not have children very often at all, when they mate among themselves... so perhaps they were overrun by superior numbers? I hear the Nezumi have many children."

Ryoko sighed. "None are coming, save my drummer, Tago, but he is not strong any longer - he has been hurt in many ways by those who once held him as a slave. Now he keeps to himself... the only things that he seems to enjoy are music and listening to the stories others tell..."

Re: Straw Bath (D1, EA)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 8:05 am
by Shoji Haka
"Ah, that is unfortunate. Will he recover his strength in time?" She could understand rats breeding like crazy. It would be hard to fight off a hundred enemies by yourself.

Re: Straw Bath (D1, EA)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 8:29 am
by Ongaku no Ryoko
"I do not believe so... he lost his tongue, and much of the muscle in his legs."

A frank assessment.

"I'm more amazed that he escaped, he has never communicated quite how he managed it... after all... he cannot speak."

Her tone was slightly angry, sorrowful with a tinge of bitterness.

Re: Straw Bath (D1, EA)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 12:10 pm
by Shoji Haka
Haka nods, thinking. "Perhaps bath woman could ask him to make a picture in the ground? The Shoji had a man who could not speak and had to communicate in such a way." Just not with her, obviously.

Re: Straw Bath (D1, EA)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 10:19 pm
by Ongaku no Ryoko
"We tried but..."

She sighed.

"The drawings didn't make any sense. Lots of wiggly lines around people, and he seemed very agitated."

With a little shrug, which would be lost on Haka, she concluded, "Whatever it was, I think it left a lasting impression, and not for the better. The only consolation is that he seems to truly enjoy the music, so if it can soothe his spirit, I gladly accept his support."

Re: Straw Bath (D1, EA)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 10:25 pm
by Shoji Haka
"That is something," she agrees, her tone sympathetic. "How long has he been with you?"

Re: Straw Bath (D1, EA)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 10:28 pm
by Ongaku no Ryoko
"He returned to the tribe two years ago."

A soft sigh.

"I've been helping him for a little over a year. He likes to play my songs - I think he appreciates being able to get a little wild when he drums - it perhaps lets out some of that burden he carries within him."

Re: Straw Bath (D1, EA)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 10:35 pm
by Shoji Haka
"Music can be relaxing," she agrees. "This one heard a musician earlier today near the river, though she did not recognize the song. Do you think there will be many musicians on this trip?"

Re: Straw Bath (D1, EA)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 11:13 pm
by Ongaku no Ryoko
"I do not know - I have been surprised at how much interest there has been in my music - I've played for three different people already today. It's nice to have an appreciative audience, I admit..."

Flushing, she added, cheerfully, "It's nice to be able to make people happy."

A pause, "I'm sure there are others coming - after all, it sounds like we're going somewhere rather grim and dreary, so we'll want to keep spirits up."

Re: Straw Bath (D1, EA)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2020 11:36 pm
by Shoji Haka
Haka nods in agreement. "Does bath woman know many battle songs? This one has never been involved in anything that could be considered a battle."

She laughs softly. "Most likely, she will trip on a rock and fall on her face. It will be splendid."

Re: Straw Bath (D1, EA)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 5:41 am
by Ongaku no Ryoko
"I hope you aren't sent into battle - it would not be pleasant to risk your life..."

She frowned. "After all, you have rare gifts to protect us from spirits."

Rubbing the back of her neck, she added, "I've had to scare away bandits before... we used our herding tonfa though, not music... I do not know what sort of music would be fit for battle. Perhaps I should come up with something."

Re: Straw Bath (D1, EA)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 8:59 am
by Shoji Haka
"Perhaps some combination of loud music and screaming?"

Haka raises her arms above her head and curls them into claws. "Everyone will die-die-die! Cause of out warrior guy-guy-guy!"

Smirking, she lowers her hands. "This one is no good at making songs."

Re: Straw Bath (D1, EA)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 9:11 am
by Ongaku no Ryoko
That brough a laugh, husky and wry.

"I don't know, there is a certain simple charm to such a straightforward sentiment."

Shaking her head, she aded, thoughtfully, "I'd have to find a way to make my songs... menacing, yes..."